I am watching it. Lesson learned: do not fool around with street workers. Any one know of similar undercover decoys in strip clubs ? Sometimes, I am apprehensive about seeing a new stripper until I have done a little research. Are there similar busts of johns in strip clubs?
MSMBC is so desperate to get anyone to watch they set up these sting shows and pay the local cops to run the operation praying to get enough viewers to avoid being shut down. While I have no problem busting trafficers of children and illegals being busted these shows always focus on the "johns" and many time insinuate the hooker is underage but never actually say. These 'progressive' a..holes always want to dictate to everyone else's behavior but never look into the mirror. They would never go to Washington DC and do an expose' on underage prostitutes in DC and teenage interns getting seduced and raped in the halls of power. There are more egomaniacal pervs per square foot in Washington DC than anywhere else in the US. Power corrupts and the longer that asshole are insulated from the rules of society the more that think they can get away with. Two Words: Term Limits
last comment;D
Power corrupts and the longer that asshole are insulated from the rules of society the more that think they can get away with. Two Words: Term Limits
(But note, I agree!)