
my son's girlfriend

Avatar for hotwheels

My son's girlfriend has recently been calling a lot of guys misogynists. SHe hasnt labeled him a misogynist but it has definitely made him less secure as a man. It feels to me like she is part of a trend in girlspeak/woman speak to get a little loose with language. The Sunday NY Times recently had 4 stories on women and their struggles and not one featuring a man. This is starting to bother me. Is the cultural dialog starting to give men a feeling of inferiority to women?


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Avatar for lopaw

Are you kidding with this? Really? It's starting to bother you that there are some articles in a newspaper about women?

Turn to the sports section. 99% male stories there.

Avatar for mark94

Do a google search on "rape culture"to see where this is coming from. The prevailing zeitgeist in America is that all straight, white men (especially older ones) are misogynists who feel it is their privilege to abuse women. The epicenter of this is on college campuses where, if a woman accuses a man of anything improper, the man has the burden of proof to show he is innocent. This standard is being imposed by the federal government. There are dozens of lawsuits right now by men who were never charged with a crime in the courts, or were found innocent, but the college quickly expelled him based solely on the testimony of a woman. This all ties in to the politically correct view that there is a "war on women" which is being used by one of our political parties to bludgeon another.

Avatar for nuttingnice

Show your son how to stop being a pussy.

It's part of woman's nature to test a man.

It's part of man's nature to put a woman in her place.

Avatar for tumblingdice

mark94,thank you,you are spot on with your call.I feel most of it comes from a woman's insecurities.

Avatar for SlickSpic

My daughter's been complaining that her new boyfriend us a limp dick, bitch of a man. Mmmmm....

Avatar for jackslash

Be a man. Quit whining about how women are being so mean to you.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Some basis for it, there is a dark side to human nature, we get a sick thrill from humiliating each other. One way to cut down some on this behavior is to stop stigmatizing P4P. Sexual frustration is often a big part of the motivation of guys who try to humiliate women. Lots of women would really like to do P4P, but it's a taboo, so they "charge" by playing lots of shitty mindgames. Shitty mindgames lead to resentment, which leads to actions that are consistent with misogyny.

Avatar for rockstar666

Sound like the g/f is perfect wife material.

Avatar for Clubber


Women should stay home and have out babies.

Now you have to decide, am I being sarcastic or not. :)

Avatar for SlickSpic

And make sandwiches. With bacon. Lots of bacon.

Avatar for DoctorPhil

or be selling their ass on the street corner

Avatar for SlickSpic

@Dr. Phil-Is that before or after she makes us sandwiches?

Avatar for Clubber


I like bacon, but then only abnormal people don't.

Avatar for lopaw

"Women should stay home and have out babies."

Well Clubber I think its up to the child to decide later on if he or she wants to be "outed". Kind of presumptuous to just go ahead and "out" them right at birth, eh? ;)

Avatar for Clubber


You talking transgender?

Avatar for lopaw


No - just out and proud :)

Avatar for sclvr5005

Lol lopaw you're a clever dame ;)

Avatar for Clubber


Is "dame" allowed any longer outside of England?

Avatar for sclvr5005

Good question Clubber. I hope that my English ancestry would give me a pass.

Avatar for joker44

Thanks hotwheels for the post.

Like SC's 'don't feed the troll' posts draws responses from the resident trolls/aliases, your's helped 'out' the misogynists on this board.

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