Are strip clubs increasing in number?

avatar for FONDL
I know a lot of clubs that have closed temporarily to remodel within the last 5 years or so, usually in an effort to move more upscale (and raise prices.) But I only know of one new club that has been opened where none previously existed. And I don't know of any that have shut down recently. Seems to me that the strip club industry is pretty stable around here. Anyone see things differently in your area?


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avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
There aren't any clubs near where I live, the closest decent one is 40 miles away. But I'd rarely go to them anyway. I usually only go clubbing when I'm out of town. And I have enough favorite clubs that I rarely try anything new anymore. So I never use the search function.
avatar for easyed14
20 years ago
Alright, I looked through the list again and pretty much determined that at least half of the 91 clubs are within the 25 mile radius and all of the clubs fit within the 40-50 mile radius that FONDL suggested. All I can say is there must be an awful lot of us "crows" out there flying from club to club to support so many SC's. I guess I should count my blessings. I feel sorry for you guys out there that have only a couple of clubs from which to chose.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Shadowcat, it's probably more than "as the crow flies." If you do a 25 mile search, the results probably include every club within a zip code who's nearest border is within 25 miles of the closest border to your zip code. So the clubs could actually be 40-50 miles from you. It would be pretty complicated to program the search any other way.
avatar for easyed14
20 years ago
This was an interesting question so I decided to do a Zip Code Search on this web-site for my area in Southern California. I was amazed to discover that within a 25 mile radius of my zip code, there are 91 clubs listed! You would think there would be some point where there is market saturation? 90% of the clubs listed are nude. I understand it's easier to open a nude club since they don't allow alcohol and thus it's much easier to obtain all the necessary permits and licenses.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I know of several new clubs that have opened in the Northeast in the past 5 years. And only one that closed. The closure had nothing to do with LE or with community pressure, they closed for economic reasons, they were a small marginal place that wasn't doing any business. On the other hand the new clubs are mostly upscale and pricey. It also seems to me that the bigger places have a lot more dancers than they used to have. So maybe the number of clubs is flat but the number of dancers is increasing. Along with prices.
avatar for parodyman-->
20 years ago
It seems that the money you are "expected" to spend is increasing in a manner out of proportion with the increase in quality of Chicago area clubs. Forced valet, tipping every bouncer that even farts in your direction and the cost of drinks constantly on the rise is becoming a turn off to a lot of people. Newer clubs are some of the worst offenders.
avatar for enquiz2001
20 years ago
I'd say Jersey is stagnant. If LE gets in there, the place is done, or if the club let's something go on on the outside that pisses the neighbors off, they get closed. But if they pre-exist you don't see an upgrade. In fact, they might be on the decline out here. Might be a take-over of a place, with a name change now and then, but not much else. Things get too conservative around here at times.
avatar for Officer
20 years ago
Also two clubs I went to in Vancouver, BC closed recently so I think the overall number of clubs is decreasing.
avatar for Officer
20 years ago
The only strip club in my area closed a few years ago, and no club has opened to take its place. One crappy club I went to in Greensboro has closed, and another horrible club in Seattle has also closed, so I think the number of clubs is decreasing overall. However, a new club has opened in Roanoke, VA, so there are now two clubs there.
avatar for parodyman-->
20 years ago
In the Chicago area yes definately over the last few years there has been a definate increase in the number of clubs. Polekatz just opening is a good example. I will review it when I get down that way.
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
In Downtown Boston, about 10 years ago, the majority of the strip clubs in the infamous "combat zone" all closed down within a few years of each other. This was due largely to downtown development initiatives and rising property values that SC owners just couldn't resist. One old club remains and one new one has openned in place of the 10 or so that shut down. Most Boston area SC junkies drive to the suburbs or to high-contact Providence RI clubs 50 miles away.
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