
Sperm Wars

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Sperm Wars: Infidelity, Sexual Conflict, and Other Bedroom Battles by Robin Baker (Jan 3, 2006)

This is a fascinating book. When women do something, they are doing it for a reason. When they talk about their "feelings" there is always something instrumental behind it. I strongly recommend this book.

I'd known about it for a long time, but what prompted me to read it now was David E. Stuart writing about his experiences in the red light district of Guyamas Mexico around 1970.

Guyamas Chronicles:

1. La Mandadera ( read this one first )

2. Zone of Tolerance


Rolling Stones, Let it Bleed



  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Right on.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    the TUSCL summer literary club

    My report next week will be on "Flowers for Algernon"
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    San Jose Guy,welcome aboard.You sound like a cool breeze.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Moto-Gotta love Charlie.


    Hey, San Jose got some of the most smokingest marijuanos on the planet.
  • joker44
    10 years ago

    the TUSCL summer literary club

    My report next week will be on "Women Made Easy: What They Do, Why They Do It And How To Be A Man About" by Scot McKay

    ""A Dirty, Messy But Utterly Thrilling Journey Inside the Female Mind."

    What if... you could rise above the frustrated, confused ranks of men all over the world who are convinced women are impossible to understand?

    In other words, what if you finally figured them out? For real...

    By that I mean legitimately knowing what thoughts are going through their heads, why they do what they do, and best of all how to handle it all like a man.

    Can you imagine how profound an advantage that would be? Women would flat-out adore you, connecting with you in an almost supernatural way--even as you wield more personal power in their presence than ever before.

    My name is Scot McKay and I’m a well-known dating expert who’s been literally immersed in the art and science of understanding women for over a decade. I've empowered tens of thousands of average men to achieve way better than average results with the opposite sex.

    Maybe you’ve listened to my top-ranked podcast "The Chick Whisperer" or read my previous bestseller Flirting Like Wildfire.

    Nowadays I'm bombarded with questions from men all over the world who are completely nonplussed by what women say and what they do.

    Although there seems to be a lot of information on "how to understand women" out there, it all tends to be nothing more than a bunch of theory and conjecture.

    Well, it's time to reveal to you exactly how to predict what women will do in certain, specific situations...you know, the ones that tend to confound us as guys to no end.

    And better still, we need a real, tangible, explanation of why they do what they do.

    But most of all, there's got to be a step-by-step plan for action on our part. We can't just be left holding the proverbial bag, right?

    I know it sounds complicated, but guess what? Women really aren't all that tough to decode. That's why my new book is called Women Made Easy.

    Now, you can take that title any way you like, and it'll probably apply pretty well to the the results you can expect. But to give you a better idea of the outrageous ideas you'll find between the covers... "

    Stayed tuned

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Continuing to read Sperm Wars.

    Good Lord!

    It describes this woman who is a cock tease beyond belief. She is married. She is with this coworker she thinks very highly of, but has never been intimate with. They start getting hot and heavy in a hay field. He wants to fuck her. She diverts it to BBBJ.

    Author Robin Baker says that this common, the man not knowing which way it is going to go. So he just goes along with it.

    So she brings it to a conclusion using her hands and closely watches as his load blasts off into the hay field. Then she promises him, "Some day I am going to have your baby."

    Well what this all comes down to is she wants she and her husband to raise another child, but she wants this coworker whom she admires to be the father.

    Baker says that these diversions to HJ / BJ are ways the woman can sniff for signs of recent infidelity, and also a sort of medical exam. She may also have wanted to see if this guy might try to force her. It was all a last and final screening of his suitability to be the genetic father.

    Baker says that when women do these sorts of things it is usually at times when they are not fertile.

    Now six weeks later when she is with him, it is a different story.

    She is bored with her husband and sex with him does not work so well any more. What it really is is that her body is manipulating the encounters so that it is very unlikely that the husband will become the genetic father. This involves the presence of lack there of of her masturbation orgasms, nocturnal orgasms, foreplay orgasms, and post play orgasms, and then a very complex situation invoving intercourse orgasms.

    She will go on to play games with the coworker on a business trip. She is manipulating it so that he will be the father, but she is also manipulating the social dynamics so that he will feel complicity and bound to keep the secret forever.

    She knows that she is not really hurting him. He is assertive and confident and could have any woman he wanted anytime anywhere. This is why she likes him and has selected him.

    So then the root source of all female coquettishness is the ability to confuse you by hiding the exact timing of her ovulation so that she can obscure true paternity. You know what I mean, when you engage with women, you can see that there is always more under the surface that you can't fathom. Even with a long term wife it is like this. Well now you know, it is an evolutionarily programmed persona so that she will be better able to propagate her genetic code by in some cases cuckolding a partner.

    Baker says that when men engage in infidelities, they usually get caught. But if a woman does it and gets caught the penalties are more severe. So the women usually are much more careful and do not get caught. Going way way back it looks like 10 to 20% of births are due to these female infidelities and they are never detected.

    Really interesting and very thought provoking!


  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    What's up and moves to go back page for more information about this year. I'm not impressed by your smelling bacon. I have been a big mess around with her mom and grandma. I'm going home soon and she told you i don't think that girl can breathe thru her ears. I'm sure it's the first place in front or behind the same Tilted Kilt or Hooters or behind her unit because she was allergic to chemicals.I'm going home soon as well ban people because of all the characters he wrote about. You should have fucked jackie right away and asked for recommendations of people who have been to Canada. You have mentioned above the next couple weeks and she told you that was wearing your finger pull my finger. The dancer twitter account for some dances with wolves in front have some brown Fox news Sunday night at Shotgun Willies. I'm going home now so they should make sure I have never heard from civilian casualties in Iraq. The other issues that cant remember her ear again for some drama shit? Where are the next couple days ago, aphids and I have never been turned off by default. You have mentioned that is priced at least another week and she told you about two hours ago and it rained pretty fucked jackie Chan
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Robin Baker's two books. Sex is not always hearts and flowers, and sometimes the evidence of consent is very thin. Women's fantasies are often this way, but sometimes real life is this way too.




    Lady Love, Robin Trower
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    If there's going to be a TUSCL summer literary club, we need a 100 word limit on the length of the book reports.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    This is from the Amazon summary of SJG's book:

    "less than one percent of a man's sperm is capable of fertilizing anything (the rest is there to fight off all other men's sperm)."

    in not sure exactly what this means but if it's true I know some strippers who have some major battles going on inside their bodies.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    People always argue that men are programmed for infidelity and polygamy, but not women. But in fact, women are completely programmed for instant sex and polygamy, and specifically to be able to cuckold and not get caught.

    Women's infidelities, when detected, are punished much more severely than men's. Men usually do get caught. But when women do it, they usually do not.

  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    ^ Interesting sociological viewpoints. You mention earlier in the thread about how it can be difficult to discern consent from women. Are there any 100% certain tells? Something physiological like dilated pupils maybe?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    You can't really go by pupil dilation, you have to go by what she says, and by what she does. In the book it tells of a an inexperienced boy who has taken a girl out into the woods, and he is sort of forcing her, but she is still accompanying him. He has her down on the ground and enough of her clothes off. She is saying "No no no". But he is inexperienced and does not really know how to do it.

    So she keeps moving her hips, to aide his entry attempts.

    If he got in and it worked out, she would have fallen in love with him.

    But as he still could not do it, she was pissed, and she would go on to talk and to ruin his high school reputation. Nothing angers a girl more than such failed attempts.

    Lots of stuff like that in the book.

    And as far as cave people, that was standard practice in Colonial America, talked about for example in reference to Thomas Jefferson.


    Check this out, Shadowcat, Tijuana

    Talked about in David E. Stuart's Guyamas Chonicles, about his youthful exploits in Guyamas in 1970.

    And Stuart then makes mention of Sperm Wars.

    Thanks for re-activating this thread. And thank you Founder for unlocking all of our old threads.

    "Women's infidelities, when detected, are punished much more severely than men's. Men usually do get caught. But when women do it, they usually do not." This continues in the second book, "Baby Wars"

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I guess birth rates varied. But the situation got to be the most intolerable during the early 20th Century, when Margaret Sanger acted and founded planned parenthood.

    But it is talked about in the life of Thomas Jefferson, and in what I was reading it said it was common. Other people have talked about this and know about it.

    Read Shadowcat's article and maybe David Stuart. Things are not always as simple as they are being made to look.

    Also this:



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The Satanic Cult Hardcover – January 1, 1980, 165 pages for the central text, looks good.
    by Gerhard P Zacharias

    Was actually first published in German in 1964. Now with this 1980 English translation the author wrote a forward page. It talks about the Counter Culture and the Anti-War movement, especially in Germany.

    Talking about Epiphanius of Salamis and his Panarion, denouncing the Barellites, or PHibionite gnostics.


    According to the doctrine of the Phibionites, the sexual act must not lead to the begetting of children; instead, the sperm is collected to be used in the rite which follows. Here the contrast with Chrisitian teachings is an extreme one; in the opinion of the theologians the procreation of children is one of the most important aims -- according to some even the first aim -- of sexual union, so that Catholic moral theology strictly forbids any mechanical means to prevent this result. Many medieval theologians even went so far as to say that demons were conceived from seed that had no been put to its natural use.

    In order to understand why the Phibionites were urged to avoid having children, we must realise that it is a basic part of the gnostic belief to view the seed as good in itself, charged with divine power; but the begetting of new human beings is to be prevented in order to keep the domain of the Archon who rules creation as small as possible. The Archon is thus to be tricked through the sexual act.

    Now follows the offering of the sperm, described here by Epiphanius as 'filth'. The Phibionites raised to heaven their sperm-covered hands -- according to the last paragraph of out text they do this naked -- addressing these words to God the Father: 'We offer thee ths gift, the body of Christ.' It is an exact parallel with the Church's sacrificial offering, the 'Anaphora'. In order to clarify the meaning of this action, we must first look more closely at the symbolism of the sperm for the Gnostics.

    Sperm has been regarded since very ancient times as endowed with mysterious power or mana, and so has a part to play in many magical rites and in the folklore of antiquity. On a higher level it is directly associated with the pneuma, the life-giving breath of the Spirit, a connection which emerges particularly clearly in Democrites, Aristotle, and the Stoics. In the Septuagint the Hebrew word ruah for the spirit of God that hovered over the face o fthe waters at the beginning of Creation is translated pneuma. This was the origin of the Gnostics' speculations. It was believed 'that this pneuma is nothing more or less than sperm, the life-giving stuff the created the world and mankind. The pneuma is thus the God head it self, possessed by man in his own seed...To be united with God means that one's seed is fused into one with the seed of the universe. To be redeemed means to release one's seed from its earthly destiny and return it to the divine source of all seed.'

    In the Phibionites' feast, the sperm, corresponding to the bread in the liturgy of the Church, becomes the body of Christ; this rests upon two premises. It is a return the early Christian, pre-Nicene belief according to which Christ and the Holy Ghost, the Logos and the Pneuma, were almost the same thing, and at the same time Christ, as the 'Pneuma', is identified with the divine pneuma which the Gnostics believed to be present in sperm.

    The essence of the Church's communion service is the Amaphora. It is in essence a hymn, with a succession of fixed structural elements (Eucharist, Anamnesis, Epiclesis). The Anaphora is based on two ideas, consecration and sacrifice. The Phibionite Anaphora is limited to the sacrificial aspect, and this is expressed in one single sentence (occurring in the old form of the liturgy usually at the end of the Anamnesis, the commemoration of Christ's work of healing). By offering the sperm to the Omni-present Father, whose wholeness, or Pleroma, embraces the Earth mother, the might of the Archon, who stole the divine powers from Heaven, is broken.

    Tobias Churton also talks about this and shows how it is similar to Tantric practices, not American neo-Tantra, but Eastern Tantra.


    And it is also similar to the tantra influenced practices of Kenneth Grant, in his London Nu-Isis temple of the OTO.

    My first TUSCL thread!


    very well composed dancer picture
    3 years ago
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