
Minneapolis vs. Pittsburgh

Avatar for hotwheels

I am making plans for a business trip and I have to choose between Minneapolis and Pittsburgh. Does anyone have a sense for how the clubs in those two cities compare? The seem pretty much the same from the reviews I have read.


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Avatar for crazyjoe

And drive there in your hotwheels car

Avatar for ATACdawg

Seriously? Go to Pittsburgh. Best club for cost effectiveness is the Filly Corral just SE of the 'Burgh just off of I70 at the Smithtown truck stop.

Avatar for steve229

You're making business decisions based on strip clubs? Sheesh!

Avatar for joker44

"I don't want a lap dance

Posted June 18, 2014 (Last Comment: June 19, 2014)

I have been going to strip clubs for a while, but I have been going more recently. The more I go, the less I am interested in lap dances. I really enjoy having a drink and watching the dances, and talking to the girls if they stop by. But the lap dances don't interest me that much. I do like sex a lot, but lap dances seem like a tease. And extras don't really interest me either. I find it a lot more exciting to know someone if I am going to fuck them. I guess you could say P4P isn't a turn on for me. It pisses the girls off when I tell them I am just there to have a drink and watch, but that is how I feel. I am getting a bit tired of the hustle. I understand it is a business but the watching the pouty girls march off to huddle with their friends at a corner booth is starting to get a bit old.

Does anyone else feel this way?

I tip for stage dances if the girl is hot, but I have pretty much stopped doing lap dances. It saves a lot of money too." Hotwheels

Try TER, ECCIE or Minn/Pitt escort sites,

OR just pick either city, go there, sit in your hotel room and post more discussions on TUSCL without reviewing any local clubs.

Avatar for mjx01

"the Filly Corral just SE of the 'Burgh"

Although this is currently my fav club... "just SE" is an understatement IMO. Best case (i.e. no lights or traffic), the filly is at least 45 mins from downtown, but figure at least an hour. From the airport 1.25 hr minimum.

Haven't been to Minneapolis.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Never been to either; but to the best of my knowledge; Minnesota is pretty bad when it comes to strip clubs.

Pittsburgh is no strip club mecca but seems better than Minneapolis – I see a fair # of reviews for “Blush” when I peruse the daily reviews.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I've never been to Pittsburg or Minneapolis, yet, but I am a new member and I have spent lots of time in these last months reading TUSCL reviews, Yelp reviews, and blackstripclubs.net ( seems to be down now? )

I've never seen anything noteworthy about Minneapolis. But about Pittsburg there seem to be lots of black clubs which look like they are high mileage on the Eastern outskirts of Pittsburg. Use TUSCL and actually click on Pittsburg, to get the list of clubs in the entire area.

But I have also found this Silky's, on the Western side of Pittsburg, not that far from their Convention Center, the start of the Ohio River, and this Blush which has been mentioned.


I also found this Rumorz sister club of theirs in Weirton WV. This is that sliver of WV that goes between Ohio and Pennsylvania. The two clubs are only a few miles apart, and both are very close to the Ohio River. You can look at google maps and street view. There is some confusion in google about the location of Rumorz. It is right on the corner of Main and Taylor. Their own pictures show this, and you can see their signage by using street view.


To visit these clubs you need to register as a member, and they are also BYOB. To my eye, seeing all of this, and the ways that they price the VIP room, these must be straight up FS establishments. I'm getting excited just thinking about being able to dick their dancers ITC. So I am planning to have some business trips which take me to the greater Pittsburg area myself.

You say you just want to watch. I cannot relate to that. Or I should say, I can't anymore. I went through many years of a completely unworkable marriage, where I had to keep my conduct 100% within bounds to avoid aggravating a very negative situation. Maybe looking at strippers and then doing DIY afterwards will keep the plumbing working for some years. But to actually solve the underlying problem by visiting strip clubs, you would need to find a stripper who is also a qualified divorce lawyer. Does anyone post such a list, which dancers at which clubs are also qualified divorce lawyers?

First TUSCL Post!


Avatar for motorhead

"You're making business decisions based on strip clubs? Sheesh!"

It's my kinda team, Charlie. It's my kinda team.

Avatar for mjx01

Blush is a rip off IMO. It's only real saving grace is it's literally next to the big convention center and doesn't give you lung cancer like the cigarette smog at Cheerleaders.


On one hand, good info on the link to Silky's website. Holy shit those fuckers actually put together a real website and not just a UN-updated FB feed. Shit.

On the other, it's 'burgh with and H Will Wheaton. Also, You'll be disappointed if you assume ITC FS is an easy accomplishment in any of those clubs.

Avatar for impala

I have been to both city's and have to say that when I was in Minneapolis I was disappointed in the strip clubs. Generally I like the smaller clubs, but the ones I found were either crap holes or badly overpriced. Was told of a couple of BIG clubs that were good, but was told to be prepared to lay out a grand or so.

Pittsburg is hit or miss but in general most of the clubs are pretty good, and if you have transportation and can drive a little bit most of the clubs about an hour outside the city are pretty good and most time "extras" are available. )

Have fun and stay smart.

Avatar for shailynn

I can confidently say this from experience:


If you are staying in Pittsburgh:

  1. staying near the airport, there are NO strip clubs within reasonable driving distance.

  2. staying downtown - try Blush, of all the options, it usually is the best, but can get very crowded it there's a Pirates home game and extras are highly unlikely although the club is perfectly set up for it (private lapdance booths and reasonably priced private rooms).

  3. Filly is not worth the drive/effort

  4. try eros.com sometimes there's some decent escorts traveling through the Burg

I am really rusty on Minni clubs, maybe someone else can chime in on there.

Avatar for Experimental

There is a club in Minneapolis that is a sure thing for spectacular extras but nobody ever talks about it. It is right down the block from the lamer clubs like Augies and dreamgirls.

Ok, its called Gay 90's. Don't let the name scare you away though dude, it don't mean nuthin.

What you do is ask the doorman about the "VIP" room, slip him some grease, and you will be directed to a room with stalls. Each stall will have a toilet in it but don't worry about that, its all for show to fool the pigs. In each stall you will notice a hole in the wall. Slip two 20's through the hole, unzip your trousers and insert your cock. It won't be long before some hotties tongue is wrapped around that baby. If you're lucky, maybe more.

40 bucks in and out boom and you'll still have time to hop on the light rail and go catch a Twins game.

Six years is a long time to go with no reviews so don't forget to leave one. The idea of this site, I believe, is info exchange.

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