Padding the dance count
What do you guys do, if anything when there is a difference of opinion with a stripper on the dance count? Recently at my home club a stripper was at 4 when I was at 3. I know I was right and she had the appearance of the cut throat type who was trying to pull some bullshit. It's $30 a dance at my club. I decided to just pay her since it' my home club and didn't want to screw things up there, but wondering if anyone has ever challenged a stripper and had the dispute settled by management. Do they seem to automatically take the girl's side? or does the customer have a fighting chance? I usually wouldn't care but this girl was one of those cutthroat, princess, my shit doesn't stink type of bitches. I knew she was intentionally ripping me off.
Stupid, lying, thieving whores!
That's why I do not usually buy dances from dancers I've never seen before anymore. The fly by night ROB'S don't usually stick around very long.
Good strategy... I do the same, say a dance is $25 I tell the dancer I want 2 dances and stop when the 2 is over," or "I'm going to pay you $100 so stop when the money runs out." I don't really like doing that, but I have never had an issue when I have been up front like that. Also in my experience if I hit it off well with a dancer or already know from a previous experience that she is a good lapper, paying for 5 or 6 dances up front, seems to get me more dances that I paid for most of the time.
1) I ask every few songs for a dance count. It helps me keep track and tends to keep her honest.
2) If the count comes up skewed at the end or if she makes some other false claim, I will politely pay her and then NEVER get another dance from her.
For me it is that simple.
I used to have a favorite that would somehow quote a dance count which was always one more than I thought it was. She was a great grind and a lot of fun. I never thought much about it until I paid strict attention to the count a couple of times which she always counted as one over. No more dances for her after I caught on. Strange because I was always generous with her but I guess the greed is just so powerful.
Call Troop
That is actually smart, lying, thieving whore behavior.
(One could argue that she might lose a potential regular, but the proportion of dudes that become regulars is low and pretty girls are used to dudes putting up with their bullshit)
229 – you asshole – but that was funny LOL – yeah dude – I never step foot in da club w/o my physical education teacher stopwatch dangling from my neck :)
But really – I go mostly to dives where the dancers often don’t make that much $$$ and some def do the over-count thing in order to make their $$$.
I also cannot often tell when a new song starts since many of the dives I visit only play hip-hop and I’m not familiar w/ most songs – so – since I usually like getting up to 6 dances in a row at times; I now most of the time tell the dancer b/f we begin to let me know whenever she starts a new song – that way I can keep count and she also knows I am keeping count – one would think it kinda kills the mood a bit to do this; but it’s better than feeling like you got ROBed, IMO – and @ $30 a pop as in your case; more reason to be extra cautious.
The next time I came to the club, she was there and came up and sat on my lap. She was friendly again and asked if we had ever danced in the back together. I told her about my last time a few months before and how she had undercharged me. She told me that she sometimes undercharged if she was attracted to the guy. She promised to have just as much fun but would count after each song this time. I told her I loved her stripper flirting (and total BSing about being attracted to me) and we went back for four more high quality songs. I was disappointed that she wasn't there on any subsequent visits.
I have had some generous counters as well. If they add a song, I tell them i think it was one less and they usually agree to my number. If they don't agree and the number is too high by one, I usually pay and never get dances from them again.
My absolute pet peeve is the hot girl that dances for the last 30 seconds of the song playing when we get back to the dance area and asking if I want another. I explain that they should dance for one song first before asking for another and that I will not ever be getting more dances from them, which is a shame because she is my type and I likely would have spent a lot on her over time.
The difference comes out of her tip. If it's greater than the amount of her tip ... then no tip. Her poor customer service, her loss.
What the fuck is the debate, here? Tell her she's wrong, pay her what you owe, and move the fuck on. If you get thrown out, so fucking what? If the bouncer decides to rough you up, you call the fucking cops and have it arrested. And sue the club.
Jesus H. Goddamned Motherfucking Christ.