How do you find a girl who has quit the club you frequent and moved on tho another club, but you don't know which one? Going from club to club looking is a hit and miss proposition. You could be there on the day she isn't and even making return trips could result in the same. Especially when there are a lot of clubs in the area. Is there any good way to go about it?
Hire a P.I. Offer an award for any information leading to her whereabouts. File a missing person report. Take out an ad on the billboards near the major club areas.
...just find a new favorite.
Now I am only poking a little fun at you because this is actually a timeless question. It is a rare strip club junkie who, at one point or another, hasn't sought out the location of a recently departed stripper who he liked at a club. But as we all eventually learn sooner or later, strippers often disappear because they want to and those who want to keep in touch with a customer will usually let him know.
There are plenty of fish in the strip club ocean, so rather than waste your time chasing a girl who probably doesn't want to be found, saddle up and move on to that next adventure.
Always get their numbers before this happens. Strippers can does this at any time without warning. Some also seem to have phone numbers that change faster than the cycles of the moon so that might also not work. You could also setup a fake FB or twitter account to connect with them. Some will give you their real FB page some have accounts setup just for their work personas.
If after that you can't contact her, she doesn't want you to. Time to move on.
I don't about that. Some are so scatter brained it doesn't occur to them that they should let their regulars know before they switch clubs, or it's too much effort for them. Of course, finding new regulars will take much more effort, but that calculation may never occur to them.
Well the last time I was with her I don't think she was planning on the move. I think she was enjoying my company because she had plenty of opportunity to make a lot more money (she knew I had reach my limit) but chose to stay with me. Also know her phone had recently gotten drowned. Just really seemed like we both enjoyed our time together. Thought I'd at least make an effort to find her.
I used "want" in the sense of "active desire," I wasn't attempting to imply that she was actively avoiding him. She just didn't care. It wasn't important enough to her that he follow her for her to let him know.
It was supposed to lead to the conclusion that absence of desire was a signal to him to look elsewhere.
Others already covered it, it's best to just move on, but I do hope you somehow bump into her.
This thread reminds me of a half black/half filipina dancer I met 3 years ago who I saw on a few visits and then she randomly disappeared. Asked the club about her and they didn't know and I even asked a Richmond TUSCLer but none of that helped me find her. That's all the effort I put in and them I moved on. She was, and still is, one of the best looking women I've ever seen--but there'll be others
First of all, you seem to be thinking that she changed clubs. But, I sense you don't know that for certain. She could have quit the industry. When that happens, dancers often don't want to keep in touch with former customers, or even other dancers.
Or, if she is still dancing, it could be that she would have liked to have let you know where she moved to, but other factors outweighed her decision not to tell you. She could have other people she's hiding from and don't want them to know her new location: Bullies, creditors, etc.
The way I find where a stripper moved is: I look at my phone, because she will have texted me :) And if she hasn't, I'll text her. The moral of the story being, if I like a stripper to hang out with her a few times, I'll get her number, and if she's a CF, I definitely have her number.
The other thing I'll mention is that almost always, her friends at the club know how to get in touch with her and know where she is. Now, she'll have lots of frenemies, and those girls might not know, but her friends probably do. But if she views you as a clingy regular, she might specifically have asked that you not be told because she wants her fresh start to be sans clingy regulars. A question about when the two of you were hanging out together and she could have left to make more money but didn't -- be 100% honest (with yourself, even if you're not honest here), could that have been because she perceives you'd be hurt if she left you? Not saying that's the case, just asking
Subraman, to answer your question, no it was not because she thought I'd be hurt. She had left me before and I had always told her to go make more money. It was a very friendly relationship, and she knew I didn't mind. But understand you asking. Guess I'll just see if she turns up. No big deal, just enjoyed her company. Actually enjoyed the conversations more than anything. Oh well, thought it might be worth a try.
Damn good question! Wish there was a section on TUSCL that tracked/reviewed strippers, similar to the section on individual clubs. Then you could find them as they bounce around from club to club.
VBD, I suspect that any site that actually tried to track a stripper once she left a club would be of limited value. Some stage names are very common and many of these girls change them anyway when they go from one place to another. Many of these girls are also transients and move around a lot. A fair number who leave their clubs stop dancing altogether - the average lifecycle of a stripper is very short. Net-net, I suspect that there would be a lot more misses than hits with something like this.
Very common problem. Only options are to text/ call, or ask people at the club. More often than not, they are gone for good in my experience. One time I found out the girl was dead (not drugs), but most of the time they moved to a town far away or got out of the business.
If you know enough about them and know your way around the internet, you may be able to locate them. I found my ATF, found out she got married and to who, where they live and where they both work. But I have never tried to make contact since she just walked out of my life without a word. What's the point?
It’s part of the course – dancers disappearing are kinda the norm – the stripper “profession†is not the most stable one – it is not uncommon for dancers to stop dancing for a while (months, couple of years) and then suddenly show up in the club again.
It is what it is – as others have said – best option is to get a dancer’s # or email so one can stay in touch.
If you cool with the bartender she may throw you a clue where she could be. One reason why you need to be friendly with the bartender or waitress because they will answer your question when you find your dick looking for her pussy.
They will tell you something but not really exactly give you pinpoint accuracy if that is what you are looking for, they are not the guys behind 4-1-1, nor even 9-1-1.
Another is the usher or doorman, again you have to be friendly to them so they will catch you when you fall on your dick. Sometimes, a dancer will tell bits and pieces of information to them, all you need is to have a good rapport with them to get that detail.
Another is the club manager, if you can be buddies with the club manager you will definitely have more information than you will need. Heck, you will access to information for replacing the pussy your dick is throbbing for.
First thing to always do. Let a dancer know your phone number and where you live. Then tell her if she ever needs money, she'll know where to find you. :)
So, Bird64, everybody's high on consolation Everybody's trying to tell you What is right for you, yeah You need a drink and a quick decision Now it's up to you, ooooh what will be
She's gone, she's gone Better learn how to face it She's gone, she's gone Pay the devil to replace her She's gone, she's gone What went wrong?
I tend to visit the more popular clubs in the area at least once every 2 or 3 months, so if a dancer has moved on I'll usually know. Often the dancer will tell me before she moves, or one of her friends in the club will let me know so I don't have to search for her.
Many of the club owners or managers won't disclose the whereabouts of the entertainers once they've left the club. Frankly, they probably don't care, because in many cases it means loss of profit because she left, and they certainly don't want you taking your hard-earned money to another club, just so you can visit one of their ex-employees. My suggestion would be to talk to a few of the girls who have been regular entertainers at the club for an extended period of time. If the girl you're searching for has put in a considerable amount of time at that club, she has likely befriended at least a few of the "regular girls". And if that's the case, it will likely be disclosed in the course of a simple conversation. I hope this helps you...
If you do catch up with her, put a tracking device on her car. And to be really safe, make some excuse to take her to the vet. When you get there, knock her out and have one of those RFID things implanted.
last commentOr...
...just find a new favorite.
Now I am only poking a little fun at you because this is actually a timeless question. It is a rare strip club junkie who, at one point or another, hasn't sought out the location of a recently departed stripper who he liked at a club. But as we all eventually learn sooner or later, strippers often disappear because they want to and those who want to keep in touch with a customer will usually let him know.
There are plenty of fish in the strip club ocean, so rather than waste your time chasing a girl who probably doesn't want to be found, saddle up and move on to that next adventure.
If after that you can't contact her, she doesn't want you to. Time to move on.
It was supposed to lead to the conclusion that absence of desire was a signal to him to look elsewhere.
This thread reminds me of a half black/half filipina dancer I met 3 years ago who I saw on a few visits and then she randomly disappeared. Asked the club about her and they didn't know and I even asked a Richmond TUSCLer but none of that helped me find her. That's all the effort I put in and them I moved on. She was, and still is, one of the best looking women I've ever seen--but there'll be others
Or, if she is still dancing, it could be that she would have liked to have let you know where she moved to, but other factors outweighed her decision not to tell you. She could have other people she's hiding from and don't want them to know her new location: Bullies, creditors, etc.
The other thing I'll mention is that almost always, her friends at the club know how to get in touch with her and know where she is. Now, she'll have lots of frenemies, and those girls might not know, but her friends probably do. But if she views you as a clingy regular, she might specifically have asked that you not be told because she wants her fresh start to be sans clingy regulars. A question about when the two of you were hanging out together and she could have left to make more money but didn't -- be 100% honest (with yourself, even if you're not honest here), could that have been because she perceives you'd be hurt if she left you? Not saying that's the case, just asking
See the FAQ section.
It is what it is – as others have said – best option is to get a dancer’s # or email so one can stay in touch.
They will tell you something but not really exactly give you pinpoint accuracy if that is what you are looking for, they are not the guys behind 4-1-1, nor even 9-1-1.
Another is the usher or doorman, again you have to be friendly to them so they will catch you when you fall on your dick. Sometimes, a dancer will tell bits and pieces of information to them, all you need is to have a good rapport with them to get that detail.
Another is the club manager, if you can be buddies with the club manager you will definitely have more information than you will need. Heck, you will access to information for replacing the pussy your dick is throbbing for.
Hope that helps.
Everybody's trying to tell you
What is right for you, yeah
You need a drink and a quick decision
Now it's up to you, ooooh what will be
She's gone, she's gone
Better learn how to face it
She's gone, she's gone
Pay the devil to replace her
She's gone, she's gone
What went wrong?
Who the hell knows
yo yo yo, what's be happening? Where's u been?
If that doesn't work. maybe
I really enjoyed the other night. Which club did you say you worked at?
Flighty, always moving, & gone in a flash.
That way, you'll never lose her again.