So I saw the story of Kate Middleton (yes, that Kate Middleton) apparently being caught not wearing any panties, and it reminded me of something that happened during my SB experiment.
I took a SB candidate out for dinner and afterwards we walked around and did some window shopping. I noticed her looking at a set of bra and panties on a mannequin in a store window.
Me: Do you like those?
Her: I like the bra, but I think panties are a waste of money.
Me: Oh?
Her: I never wear them.
Me: Ah, never?
Her: (Smiling) I'm not wearing any panties now.
She must have seen the skeptical look on my face, because she took my hand and guided it under her dress and said "see?" Yep, no panties.
I had mixed feeling, it was kind of a turn-on in a naughty way, but I also couldn't stop thinking that it seemed very unhygienic, which was kind of a turn-off.
Anyway, your experiences?…
last commentHonestly it doesn't really do anything positive or negative for me.
It is crazy how parallel our experiences are.
Just the other day I was discussing the intricacies of hiding drugs and other such contraband up one's pussy. The candor in which she spoke about sticking bags of coke and such in her vagina was pretty odd and almost repulsively low class to be honest.
Sometimes they do or say things that really remind you that they come from a completely different world than us.