asking for sex in the club
Whats the price for sex/otc youre paying in your area? I'm sure location and cost of living plays a huge role in the price of sex In the club/otc, so let's get some averages.
I live in one of the highest cost of living areas in Miami. I've paid:
$500-$1,000 plus cost of champagne/vip room for sex in the club
I currently pay $900 per otc visit with the current stripper.
I know this is on the high end but again I think cost of living and location play a huge role.
I live in one of the highest cost of living areas in Miami. I've paid:
$500-$1,000 plus cost of champagne/vip room for sex in the club
I currently pay $900 per otc visit with the current stripper.
I know this is on the high end but again I think cost of living and location play a huge role.
I'd like to think true ballers don't pay for sex. They just spend exorbitant amounts on other things that lead to it...
But that's just me, if you go market price, it would be $400HR or $200HHR.
Another was charging me $200 HHR and I walked on that one, that's because she was straight biz during that time, and I'm now working my way to getting her more to see my side, it's getting there, but not as fast I as may see it going.
With this chick, a nice formal dinner and drink in an awesome night around town will do the trick. One unforgettable drive back to her place, driving and trying to keep my attention on the road while she goes down...there.
I'm surprised to hear Manhattan or San Fran is cheaper. I expected higher, for obvious reasons.
I wouldn't spend that unless I thought the girls were "model/actress quality talent" - if you've spent time on South Beach you know the kind of ridiculously hot women that are here.
As to your second point: it's all the same, is it not? When I first got out of grad school and began making money, id spend every weekend at a different night club here - LIV, Mokai, etc, the type of clubs where it's usually $1k minimum for 4 people to sit down. I'd usually pick up some drunk club girl who ended up going to our table for the $400 bottles of booze we bought but ultimately I found it to be still paying for sex and the girls were often less hot, and much sloppier. It ends up being cheaper, with a hotter chick to do OTC for $900.
I really don't like doing the dinner and drinks shit with strippers. Not because of the money but because I feel like it's such a charade. I'm paying to fuck her, but first I should pretend like we're on a date enjoying each other's company and conversation? I don't get it.