
Cock blocking ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I tend to be a bit of an impatient guy.

When I go to a SC; I just want to get what I went there for (and what I'm paying for). I can understand sometimes not getting what I want b/c I do not find dancers to my liking. for example - so I understand and accept that.

I also enjoy getting lots of dances from many different dancers – so I'm a weird PL in that I actually prefer the “wanna' dance” shit rather than spending lots of time talking about things I am not interested in (plus – I don't go to the SC for conversation – personally).

So I often get frustrated when a dancer I am not interested either sits beside me for extended periods of time or tries to hold a conversation when I am not interested. This especially frustrates me when there is a dancer that I'm interested in is busy or in the DR; and finally when I see my chance at her; I find myself being cocked blocked by the dancer I'm not interested in.

Ok – so I'm kinda rambling here – but have you found yourself frustrated at not getting the dancer you want b/c you are being cocked blocked by a dancer you have no interest in? Do you have a preplanned go to move to get rid of the unwanted dancer asap?


  • BagBoyJames
    10 years ago
    I block pussy with my hard James cock
  • rl27
    10 years ago
    Usually just getting up to go to the restroom will make the dancer leave. Although I have had a few dancers stop right back when I went back to my seat. If she doesn't take the hint, and there are no dancers I want to see then I'll give her five minutes and then let her know I don't plan on getting a dance from her, only three times over the years has a dancer got in huff about if.

    If you see a dancer you like when another dancer is sitting with you, who won't take the hint, do what I do and ask the hot dancer you are interested in for some dances. I did have one dancer who I asked mention that another dancer was with me, and I flat out told her, "I am not interested in the dancer sitting me, she just hasn't taken the hint."
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    This is one of my pet peeves, this is always why I don't like sitting down. When you sit down, dancers will come sit down by you and start talking, I'm too nice to shoo them away. When I'm standing up in a corner, a dancer might come up to me, she will say let's sit down, and then I say I'm more comfortable standing up, this usually leads to the conversation being short, which I like. There are times when I'm talking with a dancer I'm not really interested in, but then I see a girl I want to go tip on stage, I tell the dancer I'm talking to that, but usually she will follow me to the stage and sit down in the tipping area with me. Yikes! Even worse is you when tell her you're not getting dances now, but yet she still sticks around. Double yikes! You can't get rid of them!

    If I'm interested in a dancer, I'll go sit down by the dancer and start talking with her.
  • steve229
    10 years ago

    Subraman should be along any minute now to tell you wimps to "man up"
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Snowman can corroborate that we once had a stripper sit at out table for 5 1/2 hours. If she left to go on stage or to the ladies room, she would leave her cell phone and cigarettes on the table. There were a couple of dancers brazen enough to just push past her to get dances from us. We did nothing to encourage her to stay around. Tried buying a couple of dances hoping that she would just move on after that but she didn't.

    I wound up taking her to VIP ans at least she didn't disappoint.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I get "clam-jammed" alot and I have found the only way to successfully break away from the ones that sit and refuse to leave is to excuse yourself and go approach any available stripper that appeals to you and start a convo. Although its rude it gets the message across while also securing some time with a dancer that might actually interest you.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    Yes, this has happened to me multiple times and it can be annoying. I tend to be too kind to tell them to go away, but eventually they get the picture.

    On a positive note, I've had dancers who could tell I wasn't into them go get the dancer I was interested in.

    So it works both ways.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    No need to get annoyed !

    Just think of the dancer sitting with you as your side-kick (or rather side-chick).

    We guys visit clubs to hang out with dozens of beautiful women. Play it that way. That is your right.

    These are some of the ways my side-chicks have been useful:
    1. Ask her to go get that hot new dancer for you - especially if the hottie just headed back to dressing room. (Tip your side-chick)
    2. If your side-chick is social and nosey - ask her for scoops - which dancer goes how far and what's on the overall menu
    3. When your hottie shows up - buy a dance for the hottie - from this side chick. Trust me - the hottie will be all over ya rest of the evening.
    4. If you are short on money that evening and the side-chick wants a dance - just tell her - too many women to meet, too little money.
    5. If you have money but not interested in the side-chick - and she wants a dance - ask her what can she do for you. (I'm sure each one of us has fantasies that not every dancer will do !) Be prepared for some nice surprises from the side-chick.

    Side-chicks are generally useful. If this gal is foregoing income to simply sit with you - you must be charismatic too. At least think that way.

    Of course - side-chick or not - if the dancer has poor hygiene, or way way drunk or a large whale that somehow sneaked into the club (fugly) - flag club management.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Papi,I too sometimes find myself in the same situation and after I say excuse me,I'm sorry,my fault,you first,may I,you're right I just continue sitting there staring at the floor, mumbling.

    No,no,no,just kidding.The only true cockblocker I find are your avatar pics.
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