
Expensive dancer drinks ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

Probably has been asked b/f but I don't recall (or maybe I just wasn't paying attention :)).

What is the most expensive dancer drink you have bought and were you aware of the cost of the drink prior to buying it?


  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    For me – it was in Baby Dolls Dallas about 8 years ago during dayshift – a dancer asked if I would buy her a drink and I said sure – she then proceeded to order a $25 drink that happened to be a small champagne bottle. I was pissed and told her she should have told me first that she was ordering such an expensive drink to which she just played it off as if she didn’t think I’d mind. I should have taken as a lesson learned and not said anything instead of looking like a played PL; but if a dancer is going to order an expensive drink she should ask first if it’s ok.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    The most I ever paid was $20 at the Flamingo in Anaheim CA. There are lots of complaints about the drink hussle there in the reviews
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    $15 and I was pissed... I never paid another dancers drank again
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    In Seattle, $20 and $10 "ladies drinks" as their termed here are standard. (And that's just soda and juice.) I once had a dancer assume I'd be okay with a $20. drink like you had, but I interrupted her and told the waitress $10. That dancer lost out big time. She was well within my preference range, and all I did with her was buy her that $10. drink that day. I intended to buy a few dances from her. If her dances were good, she would have gained a regular.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I don’t mind buying a dancer a drink if I am spending time with her and she is keeping me company (and I want her company).

    But I’m kinda a serial LDer and like getting dances from lots of different dancers and thus prefer just to get dances and not spend too much time with any one particular dancer and thus be sorta cock-blocked – so I’m not going to buy a dancer a drink that I just spend a minute talking to or just got dances from her and don’t intend on interacting with her further.

    Yet some/many dancers will look at you crosseyed and feel they are entitled to having drinks bought for them just b/c they have a pussy – they feel they just have to ask and the PL should fall over himself with the grand opportunity/honor of buying her drink.

    Many dancers claim to make hundreds per night and still expect to have a PL buy them all their drinks even after having wiped out the PL.

    Just having a PL vent moment – bare with me LOL.
  • sflguy123
    10 years ago
    Buying drinks is BS. They should get a discounted price as employees instead of the guy paying for an overpriced drink. I almost always refuse to buy her a drink. I've seen girls leave a 1/2 fill glass with one guy and go to another guy and order a new drink.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    As a general rule, I like to control the problem space a bit. I love drinking with the girls, and I buy a LOT of drinks. But before the waitress even comes over, I always start by asking if she'd like a shot, and go from there. If she'd like something else, I try to get her to the shot ("shot with me first, your drink later, ok?"); if she insists she won't do shots, I ask her what she wants and veto it if it's too expensive. I'm never surprised in front of the waitress, and almost always order both of our drinks.

    Knowing that there are $30 (or higher!) drinks, I can't imagine just letting her order without having any idea beforehand of what she's ordering. I am particularly generous when it comes to drinks because drinking with the girls is one of my favorite things, but I'm not a rube; you guys are insane for being in a position where she orders something and you don't know what it is or what it costs.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Fortunately I do not club anywhere that has special dancer drink prices. Dancer drinks are the same as customers but that doesn't stop them from ordering brand names instead of the well stock.

    My original ATF always kept a bottle in her locker. When she wanted a drink she would go to her locker and get it. She said I won't pay these prices for a drink and I wouldn't expect you to do what I wouldn't. Of course that would leave me more money to spend on her. :)
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    My ATF generally drinks either a Shirley Temple or ginger ale. $5.00 each - I can afford that.
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    If I am buying a drink for a dancer it invariably means that I am also drinking. Drink prices are easily forgotten when a beer-fuddled brain is making the purchase decisions.

    I do remember buying a dancer a $12 Red Bull. I have no idea what regular retail prices might be for Red Bull but $12 surely must be horribly overpriced?
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    As I recall it was $12. My ATF used to drink water and I think it was $2. Most times drinks have been normal SC prices.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @papi -- yep, I've also fallen prey to the $25 champagne split, lol
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Probably 10 to $15. I do not know drink prices very well.
  • magicrat
    10 years ago
    As Shadowcat said, in my neck of the woods dancer prices are the same as customer prices. My CF likes Jaeger Bombs, which total to about $12. (Farmerart, the Red Bull is $6 here, which I also think is ridiculous). Once a dancer ordered a shot of top shelf tequila, which was about $12...she was very apologetic afterwards saying she didn't think it was that much.

    I too like to drink with the dancers so at regular prices, it's no big deal.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    A dancer asked me to buy her a drink last week. It cost $22. My only defense is that she was a hot blonde with nice boobs.
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