
The Other Shoe

Sunday, May 4, 2014 2:19 AM
So, we all have had various flakes with OTC. Tonight, I lined up this cute chick(civie gal) to meet up tonight. Well, I had a great day with Pops watching the Derby, got drunk at a kids ninja party, and watched a tittle fight. After the fight, I'm suppose to meet up with this cute chick. Around 1:00 I get a text. Answer your phone. Answer your door. Wake up, muthafucka! Ha. I diddnt mean it, but. I was passed out. It's funny to see the broad on the other foot-she wants to go out, she's ready, etc.


  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Ha ha. You gave me a great idea. Next April 1 I'm going to set up OTC with a stripper. Then I won't show. A couple hours later I'll text her "April fools!"
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Sometimes the clown shoe is on the other foot... Once I had set up a "date" with a girl for the weekend. Towards the end of the week I got nervous because I hadn't heard from her. We were supposed to meet in DC and I didn't want to go all the way into the city for nothing, so Friday I send her a text: "looking forward to seeing you Saturday" No reply. Send her a text Sat morning "See you tonight?" No reply. Send a text in the pm "Are we still on?" No reply. Now I'm feeling like a PL and figure she's flaked on me, so I just stay home. That evening I get a text from her: "Where are you??? I've been waiting for 30 minutes!!!!" Sheesh!
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    @Steve I had the same thing happen in Cincinnati Ohio. She told me her phone battery went dead and didn't get any of my calls or texts until just a few minutes before our time to meet. I just told her like it was. It still worked out I was just a little late.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Sounds like you had a great day slick
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