
OT: Buffalo Bills cheerleaders suspend operations

Friday, April 25, 2014 11:48 AM
Pack up the pom-poms in Buffalo, because the Bills will be playing without the support of their official cheerleaders this year. The decision was made two days after five former Jills filed a lawsuit complaining they worked hundreds of hours for free, and were subjected to groping and sexual comments. The case against the Bills claims the Jills are wrongly classified as independent contractors and subjected to policies that violate the state's $8 per hour minimum wage law and other workplace rules. Hmm, this all sounds strangely familiar... [view link]


  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I wonder why the NFL--with players who make millions and owners who are billionaires--can't treat the cheerleaders decently.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    First of all, I think it's hilarious their cheerleaders are called the Jills. Do they jill off on the sideline? Secondly, who likes the Bills? Third, and probably most seriously, I know ESPN magazine did an article about the Raiders cheerleaders suing for basically the same reason. Sadly, the end of NFL cheerleading is probably coming soon. It's viewed as non-essential.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Sadly, the end of NFL cheerleading is probably coming soon. It's viewed as non-essential." That's crazy talk! Anyway, I for one am ready to offer aid and comfort to any and all unemployed cheerleaders.
  • 4oureyes
    10 years ago
    Not a big football fan. I've maintained for years that the only reason to watch football was for the cheerleaders. I don't think the NFL owners will miss my patronage.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    I remember when the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders debuted on Monday Night Football. Don Meredith said, "We've finally given 'em what they want - sex and violence!"
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    As a since inception Dolphin season ticket holder, I watched the evolution of cheerleaders from the Dolphin Dolls (about 12 year olds) to the current cheerleaders. I enjoyed watching a few, but very few. They were as about as important to my football enjoyment as were the waterboys. Who cares? One of the reasons I quit going to their games, all they did was spend money to improve the fan experience. Ah, owners, if I wanted fucking Disney World, that's where I would go. I go to see an excellent football team, non-existent these days in S. Florida!
  • likes2look
    10 years ago
    I just lost the only possible reason I might want to watch a bills game.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    I like the Bills. I've a thing for lost causes.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    gmd, You should be a real fan of some TUSCLers. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @Clubber: At least the Bills give me a glimmer of hope sometimes, even if that hope is later dashed. Now that Wilson is out of the picture though, maybe they can actually *do* something with the team without having it overruled. Even so, I think the most likely long term consequence of Wilson's death is the move of the Bills elsewhere.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    gmd, It sometimes amazes me how a single individual can have such an large impact on an organization as populated as a pro football team.
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    Honestly, I think this whole thing makes the NFL look really bad. There are ways in which the NFL should try to be "old school," namely promoting the old-school style toughness that guys like Nitschke and Butkus had. But there are ways in which you just have to get out of the 50's & 60's. Distilling this down, here's how this looks: OWNERS: "Oooh, idea! We can have sexy women that we have do our bidding and can treat however we want. OK, let's have them, and make them sell calendars, and force them to buy those calendars in bulk so we make sure we make money off them, and make them do fundraisers where we and our friends can grope them, and pay them as little as possible because we're giving them a 'privilege' and 'honor' because we say so and because they like attention, especially the harassing kind. They know they want it, even if they say they don't." SOME CHEERLEADERS: "Oooh, yes, daddy, we'll do whatever you want. And we don't need any compensation, and we'll let you tell us when we should remove our tampons, and we'll let guys harass us at fundraisers we don't see a dime from because we're doing it for you, daddy." MOST WOMEN: "Um ... doesn't look all that appealing to me for any amount of money, much less that little. No thanks." OTHER CHEERLEADERS: "OK, tried to do this and, not only is it crazy, it's demeaning and, oh yeah, ILLEGAL. Lawsuit!" OWNERS: "Oh, try to question our authority, eh? Fine. Be gone, women. You are inferior to us men and didn't deserve what little you got." SOME CHEERLEADERS (notably the Buffalo Jills Alumni): "No, daddy, don't do that! Those OTHER cheerleaders are just bad eggs. We'll be good, promise! We'll do it for nothing! And we'll add 20 pages to our requirements book and make dinner for you every night! Now, let us crawl over to you and make you forget about the whole thing, hunny-wunny ... " How is this not stuck in an era that isn't today? I know this comes out odd as a strip-club goer, which many see as demeaning to women as well, but I treat girls well when I go, tip well and am generally polite and respectful. I'm helping them have a better life if I feel like they're helping me feel good, which usually means I try to avoid the drugged-up, tatted-up ones that aren't good with money and try to find the ones who actually kind of enjoy it, or at least fake it really well, and seem to be somewhat put together. I have relatively little tolerance for guys who don't treat women well. Or just other people, in general, well. They kind of ruin it for the rest of us. And these owners ... yeah. Many got to where they are by being stingy and mean, taking money for themselves rather than giving it to employees, such that they could amass a fortune worthy of buying a football team. Not sure they're folks we really want to look up to. Honestly, it's starting to get to the point where the only reason I follow the NFL is because I'm a fan of my team, the Packers, of whom my fellow fans are the owners and who are probably the smallest contributor to the nonsense that goes on at the highest levels of the league. Otherwise, the NFL ... looking pretty bad right now.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    While my intial response to this whole pro cheerleader thing is I love the concept: pretty girls whose sole purpose is to give guys boners.... The implementation leaves a lot to be desired, IMO. Yeah, they're kinda pretty, in a Miss America perfectly airbrushed and antiseptic kinda way, but when watching the games all you is some brief flashes of chicks in not-so-hot-and-shocking outfits designed by some woman who has no clue what guys find sexy. I mean, cowboy boots? So I guess I don't give a rats ass if they decide to shut down the entire cheerleader business. Nor do I care about yet another bitching session about unfair work practices that, in fact, probably are nothing more than some no-talent women who think they deserve to be paid a CEO salary and work 3 hours per week for shaking their asses.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    BTW, I remember many years ago going to a soccer game at the Rose Bowl, which is a 99% hispanic crowd. And the cheerleaders they had were fucking insane. And somehow I found out about a party after the game at some hotel that the cheerleaders would be at. In fact I think it was pretty widely advertised at the game, no big secret. So I stopped by and DAMN, these chicks were in high heels and their cheerleader uniforms....damn near came in my pants. Which is the one thing I love about the Southern Californa Hispanic population. They sure know how to enjoy their women, and aren't shy at all about it. Damn the Mexican TV shows in LA are mind blowing.
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