Met a Sweetheart, Who is also a Sexbomb

I had a true PSE with a dancer I recently met, and she has endeared herself with encouraging text messages as well. Since she and I are effectively anonymous here, I have decided to share my favorite of her texts:
"you are so sweet..i know you're fun to be around and i can't wait to see you again and get to know you better and please you be your fantasy girl i want to do exciting things with you I'm happy i met you talk to you later sweetie pie cutie pie with a cherry on top..:) xoxo"
Doesn't she just have a way with words?
Do you guys enjoy texting dancers?
last commentSounds like she wants to play tic tac toe. :)
Hey Wally Wallet,thats how it always begins.
I have 2 ATF's in different cities that I text back and forth with every day.
I used to share endearing texts with my ATF , but after several years mine now read more like tonight's:" I'm fuckin broke and need money for food, gas, and the methadone clinic. Send me a $100 before 11:00 in the morning. I kno I already owe you a grand but I'll try to make it up next week."
I have 5 or 6 dancers who text me. I enjoy texts from hot dancers, but I don't know if I can afford them.
Enjoyed it in the past, even knowing it's mostly nonsense.
Once I was texting back and forth with two dancers and my spouse at the same time. I must have got confused, because I accidentally set up an OTC date with my wife, lol.
Nowadays I've resisted exchanging numbers with my CF (much to her annoyance)
She must be pregnant. She's missing her periods.
Yeah, dancer texts always evolve with time into pleas for money.
Great one, Clubber.
I described our encounter that preceded this text message as "PSE" because she spoke Greek. She did a position with me I had never seen or heard of. But she was still the slightly-goofy-gal that text message suggests, even while being a bold sexual adventurer.
I prefer being lied to to my face.
The only thing I like about texting dancers is when they send me NSFW cellphone pics of them.
$5 says if you google that quote you get a hit on stripperweb Hustle Hut.
ilbbaicnl could be correct that this gal is hustlin' -- but for now, I'm enjoying the interaction. And the freaky sumpin-sumpin...
I enjoy texting them