
Been Doing This

Sunday, April 13, 2014 12:54 PM
I've been going to SC regularly, most of it are just for fun and entertainment. One thing that somehow stood out from this was the dancer whom I met a few weeks back. She is interesting because the first time I met her we went out that night. Two weeks rolled by and I got to see her again, we went out after her work was over. Next day, we met again, took her daughter out with us and basically had some fun time. Now, this seems to challenge my logic a little bit. How do I read this? Can someone tell me what is going on? Am I for something close to a developing a relationship? Thanks!


  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Gonz,there is a plethora of things that could be running through her mind.Can you have a relationship? Yes.Will it be normal?Highly [view link] a stripper is not for the weak willed. You say that you went out with her the same day you met,to me that would be a red flag,but who knows.Just proceed with caution,see if there is any reciprocation on her part,and think of yourself first. Believe me, I've seen PL's lose their houses,jobs,cars,reputations due to some slick chicks. Good luck,keep us posted.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Yeah, I'm worried about that you said about becoming the White Knight which I do not want to be playing the role for. I wish figuring that is a cut-n-dried thing, I really don't want to waste my time only to find out she's just digging my wallet. Also, I know where she lives, I met her dad already but we didn't get to have a long chat about stuff. He seems to be OK with her daughter, though. I think what she really needs is a man who can put a handle on her. Am I that guy who can control her? Maybe not because I am not that type of a man who can make her walk the straight path.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    One thing I really like about this is the eyecandy part. I take her out, she just wears the normal clothes normal people wear and she gets looks when we are out there walking around. Another thing I can say is we have very good connection, our conversations are just like simply interesting with no dead air. She seems to know what things to say and we just naturally click in that regard.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Ahhh, just read this article. [view link] Seems to make sense. What do you think?
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I say, enjoy while you can. Who knows when an old geezer runs you down at a Farmers Market in Santa Monica.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Rehabilitating dancers is like rehabilitating/nation-building 3rd world countries – it hardly ever works and it usually costs a lot of $$$.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Lol Papi
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    alabegonz, A relationships can work. Doesn't mean it has to involve romance. Take the daughter out of it and it is quite similar to my ATF and me. There was a pregnancy involved (wasn't via me), but that's all it was. Just watch for mentioned "warning signs".
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Hi, she called up this afternoon, went to her place. Her dad was home, we got to chat a little more. She later showed up with her daughter. They jumped-in my car and we drove up to Vancouver WA. Spent some time there until I left them there as they will drive up to Seattle, SeaTac, Tacoma area. It felt like I'm part of a social circle, kinda weird because I thought she would be doing the groupie lifestyle but she is not. Instead, I see this lady doing mostly a family life so simple that I don't see any trace of a stripper lifestyle. Interesting, the more I see her the more I learn about her life.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I had a long relationship with my ATF that included meeting her parents and doing things with her child. My ATF was beautiful and a lot of fun. The only bad thing I can say about her is that she was a drunken,lying, cheating whore. I hope that your dancer turns out to be someone you can trust.
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