Club Lighting

avatar for BuckMcNutter
I'm i'm noticing more and more clubs or darker inside. My theory is that so men cannot take videos of girls on stage. That being said I totally understand but it's hard to Even see them on stage nowadays ! And yes I am getting older but it's getting ridiculous


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avatar for deogol
11 years ago
A lot of the dancers are getting uglier. Well, at least carrying a few extra pounds.
avatar for Prim0
11 years ago
I don't mind the low lights...they make me look better too!
It seems to me that Detroit clubs are not as dark as they used to be. I remember walking from the bright sunshine into a club and bumping into the furniture because my eyes had not yet adjusted to the dark. That doesn't happen to me any more.

Dim lights do mask the imperfections of dancers and take years off their age.
I always wear sunglasses until I actually enter the club and now my eyes are almost automatically adjusted.

I think that it is still a mixed bag when it comes to lighting. My favorite club is extremely dark. So much so that it is difficult to see who is dancing on stage but also so dark that other people cannot see what is going on at my table.

I know other clubs in Atlanta that are so bright that you damn near need sun glasses. Oh you can see the dancers on stage all right but you are not going to get away with much at your table.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
11 years ago
I don't know about whether they're getting darker. My one regular club is definitely brighter, because they bought this whole new lighting system, which as far as I'm concerned, does nothing to enhance the beauty of the dancers there. I believe this other club, with a new owner willing to change things, is also brighter than it used to be.
I would think the darker clubs are so b/c they may be more permissible w.r.t. mileage on the floor.

And as others have mentioned – club may be purposely dark if the dancers or club décor are not very attractive.

I get turned on by looking and like to be able to scope out the stage and dancers walking about the club as potential lappers – so I prefer a well enough lit club that allows me to do this.
All things considered, I would much prefer brighter lighting in most clubs. I cum to see naked girls so I want to see them clearly. From talking to dancers, bouncers. waitresses, and managers I find that most clubs are dark because the place would look like shit under the lights, or the dancers want to hide their imperfections, occasionally they assume guys want it that way. Yes you can do more on the main floor in the dark if she is so inclined, but you might be doing it with a guy in drag or if not with a girl with obvious signs on a std.Plus I find that serious extras almost always require VIP or a private dance area regardless of lighting. Overall I say turn up the damn lights.
Keeping the lights low may be a way of lowering operating costs. Bright lights are more costly than dim lights. Remember, club managers will do anything to squeeze out extra dollars.

Bright lights may be harsh on dancers' eyes or may make the stage hot and uncomfortable. Dim lights help disguise customers' identities. (How can you claim you saw me in there? I've heard the place is dark inside.)

Yes, dim lights hide ugly dancers.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
And some clubs have the whole black light thing going, presumably to make it seem more like a night club/dance club.
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
You probably have cataracs and the club lighting is the same.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I haven't really noticed clubs getting darker. At times I've seen so many bright lights and flashing lights in my eyes, I think I could see better if I had worn my polarized sun glasses. Of course I do not really care for the extra attention sun glasses might attract if the clubs allow them. If I wasn't worried about breaking or losing sun glasses or I thought clubs allowed them, I might have worn them years ago.
avatar for inno123
11 years ago
Dim lighting is nothing new. It hides the flaws in the club's decor and the dancer's appearance. Now if it gets to the point (as I have seen examples) where it becomes unsafe to walk around then it has gone too far.

Monochromatic lighting (particularly red) is also used for the same effect. For a while black lighting was the rage, but while it does help hide the decor flaws it does weird unattractive things to dancers, unless you are into weirdly glowing teeth and eyeballs.

Also mistakenly thinking that they needed to mimic dance clubs some adult clubs have added tons and tons of different pattern effect lights, strobes , whatever. This is also distracting, and not often in a good way.

When designing the new Pearls in North Myrtle Beach I decided to make the vibe much more chill and sophisticated. The lighting on the stage is bright to bring attention there, which may make the rest of the place seem darker than it is. There are low wattage half dome wall sconces around the perimeter to make sure there is a safe level of ambient light. And then the only effects lighting are water-effect lamps playing on the walls.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Being the big spender that I am, I prefer clubs that have fires lit by whale oil.
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