
Top Club Lists

layin low but staying high
I'm not sure if this has been discused before, but the top ten clubs lists on this site are seriously screwed up. Just a couple of examples: “Aphrodite's Hot Lingerie Party” is listed as the third best strip club in the US. WTF. This place is not even in the top ten in Portland. In fact, it's not even a strip club. You walk in the door and get a lap dance from the first girl who shows up. No choice, no stage, only one stripper. Not exactly a recipe for a fun and complete evening. Another example, “Buck's Cabaret” in Ft. Worth is listed in the top ten. I've not been to Buck's, but I read the reviews and its a mid level club at best. No way it belongs in the same universe as places like Hong Kong, Adelitah, Baby Dolls, Tootsie's, Follie's, etc. There are lots of other examples that you will see if you go through the various top ten lists of clubs with high listings that are mediocre at best.

The problem is that the top rankings are compiled with no thought given to how many a reviews a place has. So if two people give some dive outrageously high ratings, it goes on top of places with hundreds of very high reviews. You can see this with Aphrodite's, the example above. While it has high ratings, this is only from 28 reviews. That can't be compared with places that have hundreds of reviews. There are two solutions. First, require a minimum number of reviews before a club can be considered for any of the top club listings. I'd say a club needs a minimum of 250 reviews to be considered for any of the top lists. Second, give some additional credit to a club that has over 1,000 reviews, or maybe have a prominent list of the clubs with the most reviews. I find that the best clubs invariably have the most reviews. Indeed, one crude but quick way to find the best clubs in a town is to look for the ones that have far more reviews than the others. This will usually lead you to the best choices.

I'm not sure if this issue has been addressed before. It's not a huge issue since those who go to clubs regularly know what the best places are and don't give much credit to the top club lists. Nonetheless, the site would be more credible if this problem were fixed.


  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I think your last paragraph describes it perfectly. Top 10 lists are fun for debate but don't use them as a serious guide.

    The Hip Hugger in Kokomo Indiana consistently is on one of the top ten lists yet if you read the reviews from newbies they are usually disappointed. It's not what they expected. I'm sure there are many examples like this.

    Of courses, I've never thought the Mexican brothels should be on the list either. Not a fair comparison.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    This ranking was just brought up recently. To set the record straight there is a minimum number of review necessary to qualify for the best list. That number used to be 8. The problem is that clubs are reviewed mostly by locals that have nothing to compare it to on a national or international scale.

    At one time TUSCL did have a list of the clubs with the most reviews. The problem with this is that clubs could be resting on their past laurels. My solution to that has been a list of clubs with the most reviews in the last 30 days. This would indicate which clubs are currently hot.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I agree with y'all. Took then words right out of my mouth.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    shadow, I like your suggestion although I might make it most reviews in the last 90 days. 30 days could unfairly prejudice good clubs that might be temporarily slow because of seasonal tourist issues.

    motor, I get your point on the brothels. As a general proposition I agree that brothels in other countries don't belong here. But brothels in Tij. seem like a legitimate exception to me because they are so close to San Diego that it's almost like they are in the US from a travel perspective. Also, they do have nude dancing so they are strip clubs, just strip clubs with outsanding and cheap extras.

  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I'm a little confused with how the rankings work. The club "Dolphin II" in Oregon has over 130 reviews and has a 78.9% overall rating. According to its rating this club should be in the top 10, however this club is nowhere to be seen in the top 100.

    The club "Plan B" in California has over 40 reviews and has a 85.6% rating in dancer quality. According to the rating it should be ranked number three in dancer quality, but it's nowhere to be seen in the top 100 of dancer quality.

    There were 4 or 5 other Portland area clubs I noticed that according to the ratings and number of reviews should be in the top 100, but these clubs are nowhere to be seen in the top 100.

    I don't think if these cases are a few isolated glitches in the system, or maybe there something else that is part of the rankings besides minimum number of reviews and rating? I don't know, I'm a little confused.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    I have never paid attention to any of the rankings or top ten lists on TUSCL. After reading these comments, I'm glad I haven't. I don't like to numerically rate clubs or individual dancers. I prefer qualitative, written, descriptions of clubs and dancers. In the strip club industry, there are so many variables and they change so frequently, that it seems fruitless to attempt to rate and rank clubs.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    When I saw Hip Huggers on the list right after I join TUSCL I thought the lists must be a joke! Then Brad Brass Flamingo was on there and I began to realize that locals posting comparing there local clubs. Hip Hugger is indeed the best club in Kokomo IN a shit hole factory town of 30,000 so it doesn't take much to be #1. I never take the lists seriously and read the reviews plus ask the group. I usually get a good recommendation or two as I have post a couple of reviews and always try to review the new clubs I visit.
  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    the ranks are useless...
    - shills inflate certain clubs
    - local overrate (don't know what they're missing elsewhere)
    - Some good clubs don't get reviewed as frequently other clubs
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    The lists are useless. Read reviews and PM members.
  • Cheo_D
    10 years ago
    Yes, the global lists are nice to look at but often misleading due to all the aforementioned factors. It's the actual written reviews that are most useful, where you can more effectively cull out which ones are just phoned in to keep the membership up vs. those that are an effort to communicate if the place is worth it.
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