I felt the earth move.....

....and it wasn't the lap dance that I was receiving. Yesterday was a first for me that I hope to never repeat. Was underneath a hot blonde at a club in the COI when a sizable aftershock hit. Scared the shit out of everyone and spooked my dancer bad. Made me wonder what would have happened if it was the big one and I had to be dug up out of the rubble. I can only hope for a quick death because if I survived, the fallout when the wife found out where I was would be a fate worse than death!
Anyone else caught in a natural disaster during a LD? And a horrible LD does not qualify as a natual disaster ;)
last commentI heard a couple of earthquakes recently but did not feel anything. I have since found cracks in the road down the street.
About the worst I had in a strip club was the power going out but it was temporary. Ice storm or something.
What club were you at? I was hoping to get an opportunity to take a drive out that way this weekend but it didn't work out. Kinda glad I wasn't there during an earthquake!
I saw it rain once in a strip club.
Of course, that's not really a natural disaster...unless you happen to be Noah
I head flat tires twice, once going to and once coming back from the club.
I was always glad I didn't have to tell roadside assistance to come to the stripclub parking lot, lol
@My Sister-I was in the shower. Glass doors. I grab the handle and I grab the tile cut out where the soap and shampoo sit. I'm praying out loud-NO BROKEN GLASS!NO BROKEN GLASS! My prayers were answered.
Do tornadoes count? I was at a club getting a dance in the middle of a fairly severe storm, nothing hurricane like but pretty nasty and apparently capable of spawning tornadoes. There were a few loud ass thunder claps that shook the building pretty good while we were chatting pre-dance, then while we were there the power went out and we heard the telltale "train coming." It kinda skipped over us, but it tore the AC unit off the roof in a pretty loud and threatening way. The sound it made when it deposited it in the parking lot of a neighboring business, along with some other debris was cause for concern too.
My thinking was similar to yours, no wife and no death, but neither myself nor my stripper wanted to be on the local news with "Strip club patron" or "Strip club worker" across the screen below our faces. I nearly wet myself the next morning when I saw the valet guy on the news. I can't for the life of me remember what they put instead of strip club, but it was fucking hilarious.
@sclvr-I was at DVCOI.
@Dolfan- yikes! Yes scary tornadoes definitely count!
@Slick- now I appreciate my devil ducky shower curtain even more ;)
@Dolfan: "no wife and no death"
And the award for "Best Unintentional Pun in a Fellow Member's Thread" goes to Dolfan...
Or you could take credit for it, I guess.
Luckily hurricanes don't sneak up on us like that.
Blizzards don't sneak up on you either, and usually, the clubs have enough basic intelligence to stay closed when there's one of those. As for tornados, generally, they only occur under certain conditions, and I know not to go out on those days. Of course, the NWS gives out a watch for hours in advance.
Sheesh, lopaw......
If I had been caught in flagrante delecto during an earthquake with a compliant dancer my old buddy, Mr. Wood, shrivels to the size of a peanut within a nanosecond of the tremblor.