
Foreign Pussy ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 3:26 PM
What do you guys think about foreign *born* (and preferably raised) dancers? IME; more often than not these dancers come across as chill; feminine; and a bit submissive. IME – I've also tended to get very good mileage dances from them. I mention this b/c I met a dancer from Trinidad on Fr. night – she was a mixed beauty (long straight dark hair; Caucasian facial features; olive skin; and an nice meaty booty). I got 4 LDs in a row from her and she almost made me turn Japanese with the way she was dancing/moving on me and what she was doing to me. It was the best dance I may have ever had in my 14-yr professional SC career (including the playoffs :)). It seems to me many other parts of the world are more open w.r.t. sex, than the U.S. – thus giving me the thought that foreign pussy is often good pussy and those women seem to be willing and able to use those vaginas.


  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Whey, Papi, dat girl a rell bess ting!
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    When I was in LA, I hit up Bare Elegance and got incredible dances from a Russian stunner. Those dances were definitely in the top 5 of best dances I've gotten.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Other than some Mexican girls no experience yet with foreign dancers. I don't think a Mexican girl while I was in Mexico counts. But way to go Papi. Hope you see her again.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I had a semi fave that was French Canadian. Ooh la la
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    In the past I was VERY WELL taken care of by a Southeast Asian dancer.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I've had some of my best successes with foreign born chicas, especially those of the latina & asian variety. @ranukam - You have fine taste, sir - that Russian you spoke of is my fave @ BE and is pure KRYPTONITE.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I will always appreciate dancers from a Russian foreign born stripper. I dunno, maybe it's the way they see me as a PL who needs to be rubbed hard.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    I tend to find Eastern European dancers anything but submissive and "chill" isn't a word I would use either. Other parts of the world? Yeah, I'll concur.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    @lopaw- agreed. I've been dying to get back to LA just to see her. My goodness her body is banging.
  • toysales
    10 years ago
    Best dances of my life have been from a Filipino girl. Before her I was never really attracted to Asians. And she was anything but submissive.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    In Russia.... Yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    The SE Asian dancer I knew was AGRESSIVE!!
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I usually find Latinas to be very friendly and touchy/feely and have found the opposite with Eastern European dancers.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    What if I'm a foreigner? Would a corn-fed, Midwest gal be foreign to me?
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    Everything is foreign to California's & especially Texans. LOL
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Papi, Where did you find her?
  • 10inches
    10 years ago
    have had great dances with girls from columbia and venezuela. also add a few 2nd generation cubans.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Hmm...thinking about the foreign pussy I've had not counting professionals....only 2 I can think of, both Asian. Both were top notch in bed too. Orgasmed easily and very open minded. Not much of a sample size though. As for pros...who can remember?
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    It sounds like I gotta venture out of the COI for a minute and get my ass over to Bare Elegance. Lopaw I sent you a PM.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    @ clubber, I met her Fr night 3/14 @ Porthole Pub in Pompano
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Porthole Pub in Pompano" Try saying that 3 times fast
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    While eating pumpernickel.
  • JackFrost9
    10 years ago
    Dark ebony bitches from the mother lands all day is my wet dream
  • ReadyPayerOne
    10 years ago
    Here's my take on Russian dancers - they have this sexy mix of toughness and submissiveness. Russia just seems like a shitty, cold, poor place where women have to pull their weight on the farm, in the factories, and in the military. Is any of this true, or am I just basing this on what Hollywood has imprinted on me? Whatever, just work with me here. So I think that backdrop gives them an inner toughness. And I think they do a great job of "acting" submissive. I don't know if it's cultural, or what. But it's an act, you know it's an act, they know that you know, and you know that they know that you know. I feel like their submissiveness comes with a bit of ... a smirk. And frankly, I find that kind of intoxicating.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Papi, I think I actually visited that club quite a few years ago, if my memory serves me correctly. I don't recall seeing her. :)
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