
Newbie (Sorta)

I Am New To Strip Clubs, Sorta. I've Only Been To One Strip Club, But I Have Dated A Couple Of Girls Who Danced. I Want To Know From The Vets, Is There A Way To Carry Oneself To Stand Out To Attract The Best Lap Dancers Who Deserve My Money? What's The Strip Club Etiquette, If There Is Any?


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Take it S-L-O-W.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Don't capitalize the first letter of every word. Strippers hate that.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Read "The System".

    It's available from Amazon for $65. but send me $35 and I'll send you my copy
  • juiicebox69
    11 years ago
    U gotz 2 ware lotz ov bling n bring a kucumbr n jiant bucket ov KFC XXXtra KRISpaaay !
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Haha! you forgot to capitilize the i in "if" in your last sentence.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Made you look huh?
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Let it be know that you have money to spend.
  • Dolfan
    11 years ago
    Be yourself, unless your a douche then stay the fuck home.

    There is no best dancer. You put 10 dudes and 20 dancers in a club and only let them get 1 each, at least 7 of those dudes will think they got the best dancer. 1 of them won't know be able to decide or figure out what the best dancer is and the last 2 will have his pick snatched up by someone else.

    Its all about your preference. If you like wild/crazy strippers run around acting a fool, the dancers who aren't in to that will avoid you and the chicks who dig it will flock to you. If you want mellow/relaxed strippers take your seat and chill the fuck out. If you want an aggressive girl, she'll find you. If you want a shy one, you'll have to go get her. This ain't rocket science. It will take some practice and patience though, so don't your panties in a wad if you don't have the perfect experience every time the first few visits.

    We can already tell your command of the English language is tenuous at best and that your at the very least leaning towards being passive but have a desire to be more aggressive. Strippers are more judgmental and cut throat than us, if you let them see you waffling they'll eat you for lunch.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^^ Hmm....

    That's the stern reply I guess.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    Side discussion: I don't understand the Capitalize Every Word thing. It makes it 10x harder to read, and doing it adding more work. Are these types of posts written by 'bots rather than people (typical completely open-ended question that 'bots do, also)? Or maybe it's a voice-to-text translator that's been configured badly? I can't believe an actual person typing would go through the work.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Maybe just another alias of......?
  • eyeamlong
    11 years ago
    Wear pajama pants, thin warm ups, or basketball shorts.. Make sure they have elastic waistband, your shirt will be two inches pass the waistband.... This will allow the head of your Jonson to pop out over the waistband, be sure your shirt is covering it...As you grow with experience and get to know the tolerance level of your club... when you enter, exit straight to the restroom.. slip on your condom, when the conversation start about her dancing for you... whisper in her ear... "Freak aw Treat",, if she say "Treat".. pull your shirt up and reveal your condom covered Jonson...Now in your conversation, you should have discuss spending a minimum of $100.00 on dances.. Good Luck hahaha !
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Try them out, if you like her, she might be a keeper, if not, there are usually more to audition to become one of your favorites. If she is mostly hands off in the lap dance room, I'd stay away unless you think she's a ten or just fun to talk to, some guys seem to like just talking. I like to do more unless I'm just drinking with her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… Is There A Way To Carry Oneself To Stand Out To Attract The Best Lap Dancers …”

    Spend a lot of $$$ - it’s not rocket science.
  • StripClubDub
    11 years ago
    Thanks For All Of The Relevant Comments. The Comments About My Writing Style Are Rather Unnecessary But I Guess Y'all Had Nothing Better To Do.
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