I asked the last few girls I had if they thought of themselves as prostitutes. They all said no, even though the truth was obvious. Here are a few of the more common post-orgasm rationalizations:
"I don't really do extras, but you seemed nice, and smelled good, and I just got really into the dance, and one thing led to another..."
"I'm drunk/high right now, so...yeah."
"I only do it for hot guys."
"Seriously though I'm not a whore, but I really needed the money."
"A true prostitute fucks everyone, but I'll turn down people every once in a while."
Interesting. Now I have never asked a dancer this question, but dancers that I've taken OTC seemed much more sensitive about the appearance issues than girls who offer it up ITC. I've had a number of OTC dates feel the need to volunteer justifications as to why they accepted, but I cannot remember the last time that I had an ITC extras girl who seemed to care. After all, in most cases, everyone knows what the ITC extras girl is doing anyway.
Now you were receiving answers to a question rather than volunteered information, so that is definitely a different animal. But I would have expected a broader array of responses, including a high % of girls who were pissed that you had the gall to even ask that question to more brazen types who responded something to the effect of "yes I am" or "think whatever you want."
I guess we all meet different types in this thing we do.
Interesting analysis, Rick. I tend to approach a very specific type of girl. This is typically an upscale, suburban girl-next-door type with a stable background as opposed to the hardened party girls, so that could be a reason why. And the former type tends to have better attitudes and more of an easygoing personality, too.
IMHO there some differences between girls who escort and girls who dance in terms of experience and skill set. But yeah it is one of the weird things about OTC and ITC dancers. I had a dancer a few months ago go on a rant about how much she hated hookers while I was over her house paying her sex. And she was being totally serious, didn't see the irony at all. The ITC vs. OTC comment is insightful. I'd be curious if there is a difference.
IMHO what dancers seem to mean by prostitute is:
a) They'll do sex with anyone, the way a dancer will do a lap dance for anyone.
b) The cost for sex, how much they charge.
Interesting. I've never directly asked the question, but many a dancer has self proclaimed to be "not a whore" before/during/after engaging in acts that would by anyone else's standards clearly be contradictory. More than one of those self proclamations included the rationale of "we just happen to have sex when we hang out."
H4D, White Knight Syndrome has nothing to do with it. There is simply no upside in asking dancers a question that is likely to piss them off and make them more self conscious the next time I want to leave a load in one of her orifices. It is all about self interest.
The only fantasy the jumps out at me in this thread is the notion that so many dancers would even give you a coherent answer. "Fuck you asshole" probably would have topped that list if it was truly genuine, rather than some guy's dreamed up dancer responses.
And what you just said makes absolutely no sense. Not believing something because it didn't happen the way you think it MIGHT have happened has nothing to do with being true or not.
You must think I'm Dougster or something. Keep it comin'.
I was in a exrtas friendly club once and a fight broke out between two of the dancers. One of the dancers started screming that the other one had called her a whore. The one screaming that, was one who freely offered full service to anyone willing to pay. I thought it was funny, but the club girls generally don't think of themselves as prostitutes, even though they readily provide all types of sex for money. I would call it denial or living in a fantasy world.
Women don't think they are whores as long as they have at least one friend they think is more of a whore than they are. So the algorithm for getting laid is:
Find a chick.
if she will fuck you, done.
find out which of her friends she's only friends with cause she's more of whore.
I'm sorry that I'm a not White Knight, Captain Save-A-Ho, Pussified gray-haired pathetic loser like yourself Howard.
You know what people like you are? You guys are the male equivalents of the non-extras dancers. You're delusional and don't have a fundamental understanding of how the world works.
Nice guys always finish last Rediger and the world is one big strip club. You still haven't figured that out yet at your age?
Dancers who do extras are usually selective about who they will do them for, and this is why they don't consider themselves prostitutes. The extra is 'extra'; they are being paid just for the dance and the extra for a "tip" is not selling sex.
They think a girl that has sex for anyone with money for it is what a prostitute is. The fact that the woman will fuck anyone put them in a lower rung in their minds. A dancer who does extras for anyone would also be a prostitute by this reasoning.
In my opinion, any woman that trades sex for money is a prostitute, selectively or not. I agree that there is no upside to asking dancers about this!
last commentInteresting. Now I have never asked a dancer this question, but dancers that I've taken OTC seemed much more sensitive about the appearance issues than girls who offer it up ITC. I've had a number of OTC dates feel the need to volunteer justifications as to why they accepted, but I cannot remember the last time that I had an ITC extras girl who seemed to care. After all, in most cases, everyone knows what the ITC extras girl is doing anyway.
Now you were receiving answers to a question rather than volunteered information, so that is definitely a different animal. But I would have expected a broader array of responses, including a high % of girls who were pissed that you had the gall to even ask that question to more brazen types who responded something to the effect of "yes I am" or "think whatever you want."
I guess we all meet different types in this thing we do.
Why even ask the question in the first place?
"I asked the last few girls I had if they thought of themselves as prostitutes"
Way to set the mood, lol
Interesting analysis, Rick. I tend to approach a very specific type of girl. This is typically an upscale, suburban girl-next-door type with a stable background as opposed to the hardened party girls, so that could be a reason why. And the former type tends to have better attitudes and more of an easygoing personality, too.
Does the sun rise in the east?
"Why even ask the question in the first place?"
Isn't the answer OBVIOUS Art?!
^^^ You sound like a real smooth talker. Ask that question at my club and every girl there will think you're an ass. Even the girls that are!
IMHO there some differences between girls who escort and girls who dance in terms of experience and skill set. But yeah it is one of the weird things about OTC and ITC dancers. I had a dancer a few months ago go on a rant about how much she hated hookers while I was over her house paying her sex. And she was being totally serious, didn't see the irony at all. The ITC vs. OTC comment is insightful. I'd be curious if there is a difference.
IMHO what dancers seem to mean by prostitute is:
a) They'll do sex with anyone, the way a dancer will do a lap dance for anyone.
b) The cost for sex, how much they charge.
Interesting. I've never directly asked the question, but many a dancer has self proclaimed to be "not a whore" before/during/after engaging in acts that would by anyone else's standards clearly be contradictory. More than one of those self proclamations included the rationale of "we just happen to have sex when we hang out."
Watch it Rediger or I'll expose your ass on a billboard off I-75.
And I ask the question because I don't live in White Knight Fantasyland like many of the Gentlemen posting here.
H4D, White Knight Syndrome has nothing to do with it. There is simply no upside in asking dancers a question that is likely to piss them off and make them more self conscious the next time I want to leave a load in one of her orifices. It is all about self interest.
The only fantasy the jumps out at me in this thread is the notion that so many dancers would even give you a coherent answer. "Fuck you asshole" probably would have topped that list if it was truly genuine, rather than some guy's dreamed up dancer responses.
And what you just said makes absolutely no sense. Not believing something because it didn't happen the way you think it MIGHT have happened has nothing to do with being true or not.
You must think I'm Dougster or something. Keep it comin'.
By the way, Rick--I'm proud of your concern for self-conscious strippers and heroin addicts. Glad to know where your priorities are in life.
Does your wife get that same level of concern?
Rick the dick.
Dey all b skanks n hoes !
I was in a exrtas friendly club once and a fight broke out between two of the dancers. One of the dancers started screming that the other one had called her a whore. The one screaming that, was one who freely offered full service to anyone willing to pay. I thought it was funny, but the club girls generally don't think of themselves as prostitutes, even though they readily provide all types of sex for money. I would call it denial or living in a fantasy world.
Ask the judge and see what the judge thinks.
Mine told she choose me (to do extras w me) that she is "very particular." and also I am the only one.
Rediger pays her for her company.
What are you waiting for? Someone to comment on your non-comment above? You didn't SAY anything....as usual.
I see them as whores, they do everything a whore does in a whorehouse, the only difference is they serve food, whereas whorehouse usually don't, lol!
Women don't think they are whores as long as they have at least one friend they think is more of a whore than they are. So the algorithm for getting laid is:
OK mikeya02, I'll say something.
Hard4Dancers asked the question because he is a..... Take your pick of any negative description or name.
I'll fill in the blank: Boyfriend! LOL
I'm sorry that I'm a not White Knight, Captain Save-A-Ho, Pussified gray-haired pathetic loser like yourself Howard.
You know what people like you are? You guys are the male equivalents of the non-extras dancers. You're delusional and don't have a fundamental understanding of how the world works.
Nice guys always finish last Rediger and the world is one big strip club. You still haven't figured that out yet at your age?
Jeffrey Rediger.
Dancers who do extras are usually selective about who they will do them for, and this is why they don't consider themselves prostitutes. The extra is 'extra'; they are being paid just for the dance and the extra for a "tip" is not selling sex.
They think a girl that has sex for anyone with money for it is what a prostitute is. The fact that the woman will fuck anyone put them in a lower rung in their minds. A dancer who does extras for anyone would also be a prostitute by this reasoning.
In my opinion, any woman that trades sex for money is a prostitute, selectively or not. I agree that there is no upside to asking dancers about this!