
100 Orgasims a day and Still not satisfied!

Saturday, February 22, 2014 2:17 AM
Woman orgasms 100 times a day due to incurable condition caused by falling down the stairs Falling down the stairs left a nurse with a rare condition which causes her to orgasm up to 100 times a day. Kim Ramsey suffers from Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD), an incurable condition which causes her to be spontaneously sexually aroused without sexual desire. The 44-year-old's unusual condition means sitting in a chair, travelling on a train or even doing housework can cause her to climax - sometimes even in public. Kim, from Hertfordshire, fell down the stairs and hurt her back in 2001. Eleven years later, in May this year, doctors discovered that the fall may have caused a Tarlov cyst on her spine at the point where a woman's orgasm originates. But it wasn't until Kim became intimate with her partner that she discovered the unexpected side effect from the fall. Kim said: "After we'd had sex I was still experiencing constant orgasms for four days. "I was petrified, I thought I was going mad. I told the guy and he was chuffed. "When I told a close friend she mentioned it might be PGAD but I was so embarrassed and worried about it happening again that I just tried to forget about it and chose a period of celibacy. "But then after meeting a new partner it happened again. I was mortified. "We tried everything to make it stop - squats, deep breathing. "I even sat on frozen peas but the orgasms and sexual arousal continued for 36 hours - I must have had around 200 orgasms during that period. The pain and exhaustion was excruciating." Accident: Kim's condition was triggered by a fall down the stairs Kim, who now lives in New Jersey, US, said the condition has left her anxious and she now finds it difficult to go about her daily life because she is worried she will not be able to control the sexual arousal. She said she no longer feels like she has control over her own body and finds it difficult to maintain a sexual relationship with a man. Kim said: "Imagine feeling aroused for no reason other than you got up that day. "I've even had one in public, I was travelling home on the train and it was a bit of a bumpy ride. "Every jerk of the train or vibration made me more aroused and it was a forty minute journey so there was nothing I could do. "I just had to bite my lip and sit on my hands and hope no-one noticed. I must have looked very awkward. "I had to learn how to manage my day so as to avoid situations like that I try to distract myself as much as possible. "The sex that once gave me pleasure now causes me intense anxiety and pain. Both women and men just don't seem to get it. They seem to think it's a great thing and believe me it's really not. "A man's sexual self esteem is built on how a woman responds so my condition boosts their self esteem, but for me it's just too disruptive and painful to be having multiple orgasms for hours or days afterwards." Kim has visited numerous specialist doctors about her rare condition, but doctors are so baffled by it they have so far been unable to help. The condition is very rare and there has so far been very little research into it. Kim only received an official diagnosis from Dr Echenberg in Pennysylvannia in June this year, despite suffering from the bizarre ailment for several years. She said: "The moment you mention your symptoms you get a shocked and confused look from the doctor. "Doctors look at me completely baffled, they either think I'm mental, a joke or a tart. It's hard to be taken seriously. "It's so rare that there's very little research on it and that's why it's taken so long for me to receive a formal diagnosis." Kim now has an appointment with an international PGAD specialist in London next month. And while there's no known cure for the condition, she hopes he may be able to recommend something other than medication to help ease the symptoms. Bizarre: Doctors are baffled by the 44-year-old nurse's condition, which is incurable She said: "PGAD is like an invisible disability that gives me up to one hundred orgasms a day or the infuriating urge that you can't quite get to orgasm every day. "While other women wonder about how to orgasm I wonder how to stop mine. It's uncomfortable, painful and emotionally draining to constantly distract myself from this uncontrollable urge every day. "But when you have an incurable condition you have no choice but to learn to live with it. "At the moment I am able to work. But without the correct treatment this condition can limit my ability to work. I don't want that. It's already destroyed my chance of having a relationship. "I'm just hoping the specialist can recommend a treatment to help ease the symptoms of the condition and enable me to live a normal life." Dr David Goldmeier, an expert on sexual medicine at Imperial College in London said: "Persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD) is a newly recognised condition, where the sufferer complains of long periods of genital arousal that are ot associated with sexual desire. "PGAD sufferers experience intrusive, unsolicited and spontaneous genital arousal that can be unrelenting. This arousal can persist for hours, days or even longer. "This can be highly distressing for a woman and despite attempts to relieve it with sexual activity or orgasm, this often doesn't help or can worsen the symptoms. "Tarlov cysts are small jelly like cysts that form around the sacral area of the spine. They are a common finding in normal people. One current research paper suggests that a lot of women who have PGAD have Tarlov cysts, but this is contentious. "There is very little research into Tarlov cysts and PGAD. But due to the relatively high occurrence of Tarlov cysts currently observed in women who suffer from PGAD symptoms, it would seem advisable to suspect Tarlov cysts as a possible underlying factor in the cause of PGAD. "Tarlov cysts can cause problems with the pelvic nerves and are reported to produce genital symptoms that bear similarities to those described for PGAD. "Spontaneous genital arousal is quite common but it's those women who can't control the arousal which is uncommon. "I see around 20 women a year with this condition, it may be as common as one in 100 we just don't know. "Sometimes it may resolve on its own, there is no cure but there are a number of ways to manage the symptoms such as meditation and pelvic floor exercises along with pain medication for the patient." Woman orgasms 100 times a day due to incurable condition caused by falling down the stairs - Mirror Online [view link]


  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    This story is the answer to the question: Why are so many women throwing themselves down stairs?
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    It's only incurable while almost no one is studying it. Unfortunately she may be stuck because I'm not aware of anyone studying it. Maybe someone who wants to make a name for himself or herself will study it and find a cure or treatment one day.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    That's insane
  • carl95
    10 years ago
    It's a good thing she's not a squirter.
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    Kim said: "Imagine feeling aroused for no reason other than you got up that day." Uh, she is living life as a man?
  • rh48hr
    10 years ago
    I've read about this woman before. I don't think anyone wants what this chick has. Even guys who would think they would want this would end up hating it. At least this woman can hide the fact she's having an orgasm most of the time; no way a man can do that. That's is some sticky underwear man.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    That's nothing, if my girl sees anything phallic shes off to the [view link] can be a crane,telephone pole, anything.She would often wake me at night jacking herself off while she was asleep, I know there is a name for this,but can't remember.
  • carolynne
    10 years ago
    i had something similar when i was younger. the first time i got off each night at the club, my lips and clit would swell up and become super sensitive. after that, if any guy touched me me there with his finger i would have a violent orgasm. but they stopped when he stopped and it didn't bother me after work. some of the other dancers thought i was just acting, but it was real. now i have a different thing. i love sex and have really great o's, and feel really satisfied, but 10 minutes later i'm wanting to start over again.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Momma don't go,Daddy come home.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    "When Harry Met Sally" - "I want whatever she's having" - Bea Arthur.
  • carl95
    10 years ago
    @gawker That's wasn't Bea Arthur, it was Rob Reiner's mom.
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