Telling a dancer to change clubs

avatar for trixxi

Have you ever suggested that a dancer change clubs, and why did u make that suggestion??? I have heard this a few times and I always say I will check out the club, but I feel they are suggesting a club thats out of my league and I don't know to trust their motivations for telling me to change clubs. There are so many clubs in my area but I worry to change clubs and lose my customers. Any ideas or insight???


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avatar for shadowcat
11 yrs ago

I've never done it but the only reason I can think of is that he likes the other club better than the one you are working at.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 yrs ago

My current #1 fav complains a lot about bad nights. Since I'm a fairly run-of-the-mill pervert, and I really like her, I think she should be making more money more easily. So I've said that to her a couple three times, maybe you should try a different club.

I can't think of any nefarious reason a custy would say this. Maybe they honest think you could make more money. Or maybe the other club is cheaper. Or closer to his house. If the bouncers are cramping your style frequently, maybe the custy is pointing you to a club that's not so strict.

avatar for trixxi
11 yrs ago

A few customers have told me to try Heat which is near 2 clubs I already dance at ... the reason they said to go there is because they said the clubs I work in are dives and Heat is somehow "nicer," and they all said there was much more customers and $ at Heat. From other dancers I have heard that Heat was bad $ but that does not mean it would be bad for me. Also after reading reviews here I think Heat is not a club to get a lap dance and I like to give a more sensual lap dance.

avatar for lopaw
11 yrs ago

I have done it when a dancer has complained that she's not making enough money at her present club and I know of a club that is busier. But if the club is out of her league I won't suggest it.

avatar for trixxi
11 yrs ago

Thanks for the comments and reminding me that there isnt a nefarious reason behind the suggestion ...

avatar for sharkhunter
11 yrs ago

I once mentioned to a dancer about another club I visit without giving it much thought. Before I knew it, or within 2 weeks, I suddenly discovered she was working in the club I told her about. Then I saw one or two of her stripper friends or other strippers too. She immediately became one of my favorites. I guess she wanted to show her appreciation.

The current club is a lot less strict on touching and there are a lot more people and it's easier to get dances. She told me there was no way she was going back. Old club died out as far as number of customers.

avatar for sharkhunter
11 yrs ago

Oh, whenever a dancer asks about other clubs I visit, I try to remember to think about what I say. Sometimes it might not be to my or their advantage to switch. Example, one club in my area is very nice but they are only allowed to do two for one dances as announced every hour. The other club has about 3 times the people and they can do two for ones anytime. That is potentially a lot more income. As a customer if she is tied up on the announced songs, I don't have to wait another hour to hope she is free if she dances at the club without all the extra rules. I actually spend about 4 to 7 times as much at the club where dancers are free to set their own prices and can do two for ones anytime. I think dancers pay a tip out at the club where dance prices are negotiable. At the more rigid club, every dance the club gets a cut.

avatar for DandyDan
11 yrs ago

There was one dancer where I told her she should switch clubs. She was a girl at my favorite club who was making various complaints about the people there. Essentially, she's a no-extras girl, which made her a misfit for that club. She asked if I thought she could do better elsewhere. I said of course and I even suggested a club for her to work at (my #2 club). She went there and has stayed there for a couple years now and says she wouldn't dream of working anywhere else.

avatar for jackslash
11 yrs ago

I've never told a dancer to change clubs. But dancers are always telling me to change clubs.

avatar for sharkhunter
11 yrs ago

I never told a dancer to change clubs either. However I have offered suggestions when asked. I might have one time even made the suggestion without being asked. I'm not even sure why. I was probably just talking a lot that night. I probably said I spend most of my money at one club and the dancer suddenly started listening.

avatar for sharkhunter
11 yrs ago

It's possible she asked why I almost never got dances at the club. I probably said I do at another club. The rest is history.

avatar for sofaking87
11 yrs ago

I usually tell girls at no-extra clubs to switch to an extras club.

avatar for tumblingdice
11 yrs ago

Yeah! She was 150 yards from the green and I told her to change to a 9 iron.

avatar for SlickSpic
11 yrs ago


avatar for Clackport
11 yrs ago

I've done it when I see a hot girl who could make a lot more money at a different club.

avatar for Dolfan
11 yrs ago

I've never initiated that conversation, but like others when dancers express discontent with their current club I've offered up suggestions. Sometimes its been to recommend another cleaner/nicer club and sometimes its been the opposite.

For example, there's a girl who's significantly hotter and generally classier than all the other girls at the club where she works, which is a dive. She doesn't do much better than the other girls there. We got to talking about it and I recommended a club a bit down south that generally has a higher class clientele but offers similar mileage. She went there and is making more working less. Another girl who was somewhat less attractive and much more liberal than the other girls at her club was having a similar issue. I told her to try out the dive. She did, and again is doing better. It doesn't always work out, there was another girl at that dive who was a complete 10. I suggested she try a nicer club (w/ higher prices) and she hated it and didn't make squat. Turns out she didn't have the interpersonal skills to appeal to the more sophisticated clientele while at the dive she was by far the hottest girl in the place and no one cared about her personality.

Its really about matching the club and the dancer. As a customer its nice to find diamonds in the rough, but as a dancer you'll be the most successful where you fit in.

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

About six or seven years ago, there was a very cute spinner type working at one of the local clubs, which club was well known for extras. She was also pleasant to talk to, and didn't mind playing and groping on my part, but consistently, though politely, declined to do anything more no matter what I offered. So I suggested she move to the local PT's downtown. She definitely had the looks for the place, and they don't tolerate any extra crap (at least that I've ever been able to determine).

About a month later I was in PT's, and so was she. She ran right over and gave me a hug and a kiss. She said the guys there spent money like water, and almost nobody asked about anything "sketchy", as opposed to the other place where almost everybody not only asked, but assumed that it was going to happen. Those that did ask either dropped it fast, or were escorted out.

So I jokingly asked her if she wanted to hook up in a room after she got off work. She literally laughed out loud, and to my astonishment agreed!

I actually had a good time, and she didn't charge me nearly as much as I thought she would.

avatar for knightwish
11 yrs ago


3 reasons and of course these can combine.

  1. Strip clubs as a topic of conversation
  2. I think I know something you don't / you've mentioned something
  3. I want more milage

First off in general if we are hanging out we need to find topics of conversation. Strip clubs in the area are regular topic of conversation because both the customers and the dancers are interested. So stuff about your clubs, my club experience... is going to come up regularly. My experience is that strippers, and female sex workers in general have a much more intense but limited exposure to the industry than their male customers. So strippers may know a lot about 8 local clubs but nothing about the national scene or about massage parlors, escorts or dominatrixes in their area. Many of them have complaints about the club they are working at that would be very different somewhere else.

For example a dancer I was talking to a few weeks ago was unhappy with the touristy nature of her business, and how she had to resell all the time in NOLA. While obviously most clubs survive off regulars. This problem is totally local to her environment and when I told her that I genuinely meant to be helpful.

Finally, girls frequently use the club rules as a reason they aren't giving more milage in VIP, LDs... Saying "you should work X" is a way of saying "I'm frustrated about your club rules and if you don't up the milage soon I'm going to stop spending". I fully understand why women want to work in clean clubs but for the customer clean is a negative especially as the night wears on.

avatar for canny
11 yrs ago

I've told a girl who prefers dancing on stage and not doing lap dances to work at a club where there is more stage money than the one she was working at.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 yrs ago

@tumbling good one!

avatar for BAST
11 yrs ago

My ATF works at a club which has become an extras club over the last 6 months or so. She does not do extras and she has essentially stopped making much money at this club. However, many of her friends work there (and they do extras) and she is the only 9/10 in a club of 5 to 7s. I know she feels comfortable at this club. I keep telling her to leave but she won't. Apparently money isn't everything...

avatar for Corvus
11 yrs ago

I have never told a dancer to change clubs, but did once suggest a change when a fav of mine was complaining about her current gig.

Last time I saw her she was at the new club. Too bad she drags around more SS than any dancer I've ever been around.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 yrs ago

When I first read the title of the thread; I said to myself “no way” – who am I or anyone to tell a dancer to change clubs.

But as I read the posts; yeah – as others; I have suggested clubs to dancers thinking that certain other clubs would be a better fit for her.

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago


Not my place to suggest where a dancer should work. Not my business. NOR would it be her place to suggest where I should work.

avatar for trixxi
11 yrs ago

Thanks for the insight!!! Another customer mentioned Heat to me again so I will definitely check it out. I know I feel comfortable at Pitiful Princess for several reasons which is why I am hesitant about trying new clubs. I keep track of my earnings and I have danced at over 10 clubs in my area and so far I make the most at Pitiful Princess and Glimmers. I am not a late night dancer and I like working a mellow "look the other way" place where there is time to chat, time for private dances as well as some time on stage. I never expected the 2 most divey clubs would be good money consistently though.

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

You never know.

avatar for Subraman
11 yrs ago

For the most part, I consider "strip clubs you think I should work at" to be one of those topics that strippers really don't want to hear about from customers, and some get downright insulted (what, my current club isn't good enough? What are you saying about me and my girlfriends here?). So I'll talk about strip clubs, but won't tell her what strip club I think she should work at, unless I'm her regular and she asks me directly for advice. In which case, unless she's already at my favorite club, I'll ask her about her extras tolerances, and then suggest either my fave club (alcohol no-extras), or what I think are the nicest extras clubs.

avatar for rl27
11 yrs ago

The few times I have suggested another club has usually been because the dancer was a lot hotter than the other dancers in the club, and complained about making money. So I told her with her looks she would probably make a lot more money. Many have taken me up on it, and two ended up staying.

I recall two times where I told an average looking dancer at Kahoots, who gave great dances but wasn't too popular to try a club with a bit more extras where she would be prettier than all of the other dancers. One actually took me up on it and ended up staying there for 3 years before the club finally closed and reopened under a different name. Those three years were great for me, since I got a lot of awesome dances from her. She must have made a good killing there, because I never saw her show up at another club.

avatar for skibum609
11 yrs ago

If I like a dancer and believe she could earn more at another club I frequent I make a suggestion. Other than that its not my business.

avatar for Estafador
11 yrs ago

I did once and it made her life for the better. I was bored and didn't want to spend much so I went to what I knew was a titty bar (no lap dances of the sort) and I saw she was a hot young women. Since I was the only one not trying to get her number or ask for sex, she gravitated towards hanging out with me most of the night (except when she had to go upstage) and it helped when I quickly became cool with her sister.

She told me she had a kid and solely relied on tips at this club. While I was a little skeptical and played my part right by not constantly tipping dozens of dollars at her, I told her about this similar spot, also a bit run down but they do allow lap dances and they charge little to the dancers, but the tips would come in grove where lap dance money seemed more like pocket change lol. After that, she went there, then she started discovering more "upscale places" like G2K and she currently goes out of her way to travel from long island to Manhattan when she feels like it.

For a stripper, that's really stepping up. Sometimes I feel like I should be a manager for sexual jobs.

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