I gotta agree, size does matter. I use to hit this Viet chick back in the day. Her pussy was so tight that I needed half a gallon of lube and a shoe horn just to get the head in. Her pussy was like a event horizon. Once I was in her there was no getting out. Sometimes my cock was bruised so badly he had to go on the disabled list. Not all pussy is created equal.
I told you all that dancers like that big black dick. How does that saying go? "Once you go black you don't go back". So Carolynne do you want to let them know it's my dick you're talking about, or do you want them to keep guessing?
^^^for someone who makes so many joke of the day threads, I'm surprised you can't even freaking tell I'm joking around. You must be insecure about your size.
^^^What's funny is I was with a couple of girls that "dated" Chuck Muncie and Mike Haynes. They were black athletes. The girls said I was bigger and better. They said it, not me.
Ok, you're joking around about your big black dick again. Sorry I didn't pick that up.
I destroy stereotypes all day. I'm Latino with car insurance. Beat that shit. Now, if I was a an only child, that would be something. Latinos don't have only children.
I'm sure we've all heard the waters cold and deep, too, joke. A few years ago I was at the SB in LA at the Colosseum. Their restrooms had the trough type of urinal. Standing there going, a couple of black guys were a ways down from me. One said, "Damn, this waters cold!" and the other, well you know already. Just found it funny that they knew the same joke.
a monster dick can can stretch the wall too far and cause micro tears. once or twice is OK but then too much is going to get that wall to get permanently stretched.
anyway, not that i'm trying to scare, just means sometimes you have to give others a chance---wink.
Heh, good for ya Carolynne. Sometimes more IS more...
OTOH, virtually every gal who has been rubbing up against me while I've been handing money to her, has made it a point to tell me "oh, my... it's so big". At first I'd smile at the transparent flattery but after a while I can't avoid laughing at it. Ladies do check out the bulge in a man's pants... that's made by his wallet.
All the girls tell me how big it is, as said before, are they talking dick or wallet? I know I am average on a good day. I just do the best I can with what I have.
last commentI think it was just Juice's cucumber.
She say "no boom-boom with soul brother. Soul brothers too beaucoop. Too beaucoop"
@Ranukam; You sound so stereotypical, a young black man bragging about dick size.
Ok, you're joking around about your big black dick again. Sorry I didn't pick that up.
Just messing with you and destroying myths at the same time.
All the dancers I pay to give me dances tell me that’s not true
I totally knew it was bbc when she said it was big! Ha ha!
anyway, not that i'm trying to scare, just means sometimes you have to give others a chance---wink.
OTOH, virtually every gal who has been rubbing up against me while I've been handing money to her, has made it a point to tell me "oh, my... it's so big". At first I'd smile at the transparent flattery but after a while I can't avoid laughing at it. Ladies do check out the bulge in a man's pants... that's made by his wallet.
- Andrew Dice Clay
Another girl asked me to fuck her silly...so I did it wearing a clown mask.
And a moron.