do you take condoms with you when going to SC, just in case.? was in club in Greenville. hooked up with dancer. went to the couch room for a few dances. tried to up sell to the VIP penthouse. assured me of FS. told her that I did not have a condom. she replied that the girls always keep a supply in the dressing room so it was not a problem. declined due to the VIP price of $95 plus her fee of $200
I rarely take them. I don't plan to visit private rooms in strip clubs and stopped going out with random dancers on the spur of the moment years ago. Although when approached by a random girl or dancer who wants to have sex, doesn't happen real often, I've never had her start off the conversation by asking if I had a condom. It is a concern though that Even if they say they have a condom, it might be too small. Wearing a tourniquet won't work too well.
i've brought them with me when i know its a sure thing for ITC. Although I usually go BB with my ITC girl, and then slap the condom on after I cum in her mouth so she can ride it longer. Dont want her getting pregnant off residual. The one time I did not bring them and got ITC from another dancer unexpectedly, she went and got a condom from the dressing room.
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