
Washington Park recommendations?

I have a Friday conference in St. Louis soon and plan to arrive the day before and hit two clubs in Washington Park, one early in the afternoon (1 or so) and the other fairly late at night (10ish). [Note: WP clubs being the way they are, this interval allows for some recovery time -- I'm not 20 any more!] For those who are familiar with the ESL scene, at what two clubs should I start and finish the revelry?

I should mention that I've enjoyed very happy visits to Hollywood Show Club (at the high end) and to Dollie's and Cheeks (at the low) and disliked C-Mowe's and Blondie's. I'm unfamiliar with Hustler Club, Miss Kitty's, and Wise Guys. I'm thinking about Wise Guys in the afternoon and Cheeks at night.

Some factors to consider:
1. Opening and closing times: C-Mowe's, for example, closes at 10pm (!)
2. Availability of dancers: maybe no one is dancing at Wise Guys, for instance, until mid-afternoon?
3. Safety, AKA the thug factor: I've only been in WP in the afternoon. Am I risking my life, my fortune, or just my reputation by being there at night?

Thanks in advance!


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