
Somebody that I Used to Know

Detroit strip clubs
Friday, January 24, 2014 3:18 AM
When I became a strip club aficionado about 7 years ago, my first favorite was a dancer named Monique. She was a petite blonde just 5 feet tall with a pair of nice big enhanced boobs. I loved to watch her dance on stage and to play with her boobies in VIP. Monique was the first dancer I met OTC. For a year or more I saw her every week inside and outside the club. I took her to dinners and movies and concerts, and I gave her birthday and Christmas and Valentine's Day gifts. But familiarity cooled my interest after a while, and Monique did some things that did not please me. She took me for granted when I came to the club, and she would always ask me for extra money. I could afford it, but I felt she was treating me as an ATM. Then she ceased to be a blonde, going back to her natural, rather nondescript brown hair. Finally, she changed clubs. Her new club was about 50 minutes away. I made the drive a number of times, but finally stopped going to see her. Last night I stopped at a strip club near the Detroit airport, and Monique was dancing on stage. Seeing her, I remembered why I had liked her so much. She danced in a very sexy manner, and her body was just what I like in terms of tits and ass. She also looked like she had lost weight, because her waist was very small. When she noticed me sitting by the stage, her face lit up and she rushed over and gave me a kiss. After her set she joined me and we reminisced about old times. Then she asked me if I wanted to take her to VIP. I said no. I simply did not feel like starting things up again. But she gave me a look, and I knew she would never talk to me again. [view link]


  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Good for you Jack!
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Very cool Jack.
  • bang69
    10 years ago
    that was cool jack
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    In the words of Neil Sedaka, "breaking Up is Hard to Do". But sometimes very necessary.
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    Sounds like a hard choice, too bad you couldn't turn the extra money she wanted into extras, or OTC.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    First off, thanks for sharing. Second, you did a hard thing there, Jack. Saying no ain't easy, especially when it comes to pleasure. But self-control bring empowerment. Cool song, too.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Great story and a great display of will power
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    What goes around comes around-by Justin Timberlake,if it's of any help.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    jack, You should be kicked out of the TUSCL PL club! :)
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    I second the motion.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Jack - I think that you played it right.
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    Got to watch out for your own heart, good job.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    She'll talk to you again. One of my all time favorites has during the past nine years not spoken to me for periods of 3, 9 and 24 months. Big deal? No, you move on and find out that the idea of "the one" is ridiculous. I hear about soul mates, the one, the only all the time as a divorce lawyer and I always wonder how, with 7 billion people on earth is "the one" living in your town.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Good call. Also: “... she gave me a look, and I knew she would never talk to me again …” That probably showed her true colors and intentions – you wouldn’t give her $$$ (via her VIP request) and in her mind it probably was “fuck you then – you’re no good to me now”
  • Dancinggal
    10 years ago
    Good for you, no one should take more from you than you are comfortable giving. If she can't learn boundaries, she got what she deserved.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Jack, if you asked for a raise at work, you probably wouldn't be surprise if they said know. But you also probably wouldn't expect them to be angry or resentful that you even asked. It make me uncomfortable too when dancers press for tips. But it don't take it personally. It's just their strategy for trying to maximize their income. I think you should talk it out with her. Tell her you'd like to regularly buy dances from her, but tips/gifts are not within your budget, so you'd prefer she didn't ask. You may find she's agreeable to that. Ask her when her slow nights and hours are. Try to come at those time, so she'll be less likely to neglect you in favor of guys who are looser with their $$$.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Too many dancers become comfortable with the fact that some of us will spend hundreds at a time on them. Then they get complacent. Start spending that money on a rival and the winds change. If a dancer's smart, she'll understand that that revenue was hers and could be hers again if she handles the situation correctly.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    If you don't think you could keep things under control on a second go-round, you did the right thing. But, knowing what you know, and being prepared to fend off any attempts to turn you into an ATM again, I think I might have been tempted to give it another go.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Ok, maybe you should've said yes and told her not to cross the line. That could put you on the top ten list, she would consider you hot and pull you back to her bosom. This time around, since you are back to her, just remind her of not going over your limit. That way, you still have an option when it's only her that is around. If she gives a bad LD, then that's probably the time to cut bait and move on. At least you gave it another try.
  • fun12times12
    10 years ago
    I have an ATF right now, and am in a position where I have funds to spend on her and I do enjoy her company. I have been seeing her just in the club for a couple of months. It started off as wow she is hot and I got a few dances from her and there was nothing there. Overtime she always came up to me and would spend time with me. What I started to notice was when dancers I never really talked to would know my name, therefore I know they have done a lot of talking about me. Another thing I have noticed is many of the girls no longer approach me for dances. I can't tell if everything she is telling me is truly SS but it appears the days I don't see her are very slow days for her. I can tell the club is often times slow. Is it wrong for me to think if I am her whale or that there should be other benefits to come with that? Seems like in being more taken for granted, and not appreciated. Not sure the best way to handle. I'm thinking I will not go in for a couple of weeks and see how things are when my money hasn't been coming in like it has. I will spend a couple hundred on her per week so weeks more others less. Depends on how work is going. Any advice is appreciated, but on another note, there are not many other dancers I'm that interested in during my clubbing time.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    If is a slow day and she texts you to visit her. Man! You just won the jackpot.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Everyday is a slow day in the Stripperverse.
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