
Suggesting OTC

Thursday, January 9, 2014 8:58 PM
As someone who has enjoyed dancers in many different ways inside the club, I'm wondering if there is any wholly respectful way to suggest something OTC. I know most people will say, "Dude, just ask," but still, I'm wondering if there are any respectful lines that are likely to work best. Also, in your guys' experience, do you have to suggest OTC? Or do dancers most often suggest it to you? Thanks.


  • gawker
    10 years ago
    The way I've brought it up is strictly financial: here I am paying the club for a Champagne Room and you could be getting the money if we met in a hotel. Doesn't that make sense?
  • mmdv26
    10 years ago
    During a particularly hot dance, I have whispered, "this sure would be more fun by ourselves". If she's an OTC kind of girl, she will usually make an effort to discuss my suggestion. I usually shy away from girls who bring it up, as they are mere whores. I prefer to imagine that my suggestion has turned a girl of otherwise high moral standards into a pig for my sexual onslaught.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    For me 95% of the time I am the one doing the asking but of the 5% that have asked me, nearly 100% have come through. There are all kinds of "respectful" lines you could use to ask about OTC but I am at that stage that I don't even ask unless I know the dancer so well that I am reasonable sure she is going to say yes.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I mirror what not Shadow n Gawker said. I'll also add that you should A) Have a comfortable relationship with the dancer and B) Hopefully sense that an OTC meeting is even vaguely possible.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    It happens both ways. When I want to suggest it, I let them know that I host "private shows," or simply "privates," as is the terminology I find most dancers use. ("OTC" as a term, I find is mostly used on TUSCL). And I make a little joke that they're welcome to come at "work" at MY club sometime. I've had great success with that approach.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @CG-Privates is a term the gals do use. They're posting RTRC for the Strip Joint tonight.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    The guy that has problems asking about OTC or Private Shows as some of my dancer friends call them probably had problems asking a girl out on a date in high school as well. Come On ....we are all adults here....just ask if they would like to go to your hotel next time instead of meeting at the club. I have had as many as 3 OTC girls in 3 different cities going at the same time. I just simply asked and so far they've all said yes !
  • GCMan
    10 years ago
    It's no big deal. Ask and 90 percent want to go OTC bc it's easy money and less stress than working all night.
  • GCMan
    10 years ago
    It's no big deal. Ask and 90 percent want to go OTC bc it's easy money and less stress than working all night.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I have tried several lines, and the best one is "Can I see you outside the club?" The dancers know what you mean, but you are not asking in a disrespectful way. They can just say no if they're not interested.
  • bman77
    10 years ago
    Just curious what the odds of otc are in a club where extras aren't offered in VIP. Are girls in those types of clubs just as receptive to offering otc or does it vary by the type of club they work in?
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Bman-I'd figure that it must vary from club to club. It also depends on your relationship with the dancer, even at clubs where ITC happens. I know of several dancers who won't do OTC with the majority of their ITC patrons.
  • dogsun
    10 years ago
    The strip club hound addressed this in a blog post. I've used this method before and it worked. [view link]
  • wwpmi
    10 years ago
    simple I ask "do you work outside the club" that leads either a question of yes I do "something" in which case she doesn't prove OTC or she just say yes and we start negotiating.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    @bman: at least in my area, girls in non-extras clubs not only are at least as willing to go OTC, but often they're less expensive In general, I'm not a big believer in trying to be sly about it, e.g., "we could have so much more fun somewhere more private". Lines like this, where it's completely transparent what you're really asking, sound as slimey coming from me, as they do a stripper who thinks she's being slick in trying to sell a VIP. I only ask about OTC after I've seen a girl a few times and have established a fun rapport. Then I make it personal, not "do you work outside the club", but "would you be willing to see me outside the club?" I always get a good reception, and on a couple of occasions have snagged girls that one of my SC wingmen couldn't sweet-talk outside the club, so my approach of building a bond and then just making it personal between us works nicely for me. Obviously, there are lots of girls who will see almost anyone, and for them my approach is overly labor-intensive (although I enjoy the pursuit anyway, so who cares), but I believe I'm occasionally snagging girls who don't go OTC with just anyone
  • minnow
    10 years ago
    Several posters have said that OTC for them happens when dancer has some regular consistent familiarity with you.(probably hometown, or reasonably close club.) Yet there is a flipside to this, as some dancers don't want someone too regular, due to potential for stalking/clinginess issues. They may feel more comfortable with the out of town businessman who might make 3-6 trips/year there, vs a local living there year round. A crapshoot either way.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    I have never asked a dancer for anything OTC, although I have gotten a few high after work. When they ask me for OTC I just say why would I get a dance from you in a hotel when we're both here now. On the rare occasion I acquiesce to extras its because I've been there a long time and I am horny.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    @minnow: Yeah I know a few dancers who hate regulars because of the drama they bring. @skibim: A lapper in a hotel room? Well, you could do that too I suppose!
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    Dogsun, that was a great link. It really covers all the bases.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @dogsun: I agree that stripclubhound makes some very good points, and in general, I believe the approach he outlines in that post is sound. But I'm not convinced that he's as spot on with regard to the choice the dancer is making when you ask for OTC. He sums it up this way: "Do I take this guy's money [for fucking in a motel] or do I go to the club and work for that hour?" I don't think that is the choice at all most of the time. I can remember exactly once that I snagged a "date" where the girl had to make that choice, and she'd made that before I ever walked up. She was ready to quit, and I happened to walk up at just the right moment. My approach is to not ask them to leave the club with me, but to meet me before or after shift. Her choice then becomes "Do I take this guy's money or do I not take this guy's money?" I'm not making her choose between me and the club, I'm giving her the option of making money in *addition* to what she makes at the club. As to the price, I think he's off-base (or wishful thinking on the dancers' behalf) with that "triple" amount. My rule of thumb is that if I am going to spend $200 in the club, which is not atypical for here: $100-140 for the half hour room, $10 to the bartender, and $50-60 for her "tip", in addition to which she gets around half of the room fee, then I'm probably going to offer her up to $200 (sometimes less, like today was $160 plus the ride to and from her place to the room) for meeting me OTC, all of which she gets to keep. The extra $50 or so I pay for the room is, in my opinion, money well spent for a longer, more relaxed stay, more variety in activities, a shower and comfortable bed, a locked door, and little to no chance of LE or ABC busting in on us. So, while, I'll pay a little more than I would in the club, it won't be close to triple, and I get more value for it as well.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    The OP really needs to read The System. By RickyBoy.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Link to RickyBoy's The System: [view link]
  • rl27
    10 years ago
    A dancer who is willing to see you OTC, will usually give you a lot of hints that she does, if not outright ask you if you see a dancer outside the club. Often all it takes is to say something like, "man if it wasn't for the club and bouncer I would be all over you," and she'll offer to see you after her shift. If she doesn't, but I feel like she does see people OTC then I'll give her a throwaway email address, or phone number and ask her to call me when she is not on shift, and maybe we'll meet for or dinner. Most dancers will not refuse, if she isn't interested she won't call and you are out nothing.
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    First off, it's rare for me to get dances from a girl without talking to her for a good amount of time first, like at least 15 minutes or so. To me, that's the first thing you have to do: Prove you're not a psycho killer and actually try and build a little rapport with the dancer. If she's willing to talk that long without getting pushy for dances, and hasn't turned me off, onto Stage Two. From there, it's about dance quality. If there's sufficient two-way contact, onto Stage Three. I will politely ask if I can ask a question, then ask if she's "available independently." To me, that's pretty straightforward without actually saying it. It shows you have a level of discretion and aren't looking to "date," but are interested and able to do more, elsewhere, if she's interested. I, too, believe it's a matter of finances. We can do a room, have to adhere to all kinds of rules and the club keeps half, or we can GET a room, have twice the fun and she keeps it all. We both get greater value. Again, given I can prove I can be trusted not to abuse her, get her arrested, get her fired or get her pregnant, which I won't, won't, won't and won't, I don't see how it's not advantageous. Heck, maybe she'll even enjoy it a little. :) Granted, the type of girl that gets past Stage One for me usually doesn't like Stage Three because she's usually that girl the article talked about who became a dancer BECAUSE she didn't want to "work independently." But since I'm polite, she's usually polite about turning it down, too. Have had some interesting results on very rare occasions, though. I even kind of use this methodology when turning down rooms. "Sorry, I like to save my money for things that are more fun," I'll say. If she asks what, I'll say, "Things you can't do here." Usually makes it clear.
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    I agree with the just ask strategy. But I suggest NOT doing it in the first minute of talking to the dancer. :)
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