Multiple private dances same visit

avatar for Briguy78
As a newbie, for those who go regularly...
Is it common to get multiple private dances during a visit? I haven't been to a lap dance SC yet, and just wondered if it's common to get a private room dance, come back out, and go for another round, or if you guys usually head home after one?


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avatar for ime
Fuck Joe Biden
11 years ago
it depends on the club. Many clubs have a separate kind of semiprivate room for lap dances. Then there would be rooms with more privacy called VIP or Champagne rooms.
At the clubs I frequent, there are VIP areas that are much more popular than private rooms because dances are $20-25 each with no minimum and you don't have to buy a bottle of champagne. I usually get multiple dances from multiple spread the wealth and make the rounds with my favorites. I generally don't go into VIP with an LDK goal (look it up...), but I do sometimes wait to get dances from my most favorite girl until I've seen all the others I want to see. If I have an LDK moment, then it's time for the walk of shame and hitting the road!
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
I've done it a lot. Usually with an ATF.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
It depends on your goal for the evening and how much money you want to spend. A few people or at least one person, not me, wants to jizz in his pants apparently as his goal or get off. I just like to spend a little bit of money on semi private lap dances if I see a girl I like and the price is right. I like seeing some of the girls on stage as well. I have limited funds and like to spread it around on different girls. Some guys have a bigger budget and may spend it on one girl to get more satisfaction.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Yes - multiple dances with multiple dancers is pretty commonplace for many patrons.
I did it 62 times on my 62nd birthday over two days.
avatar for joker44
In the wind
11 years ago

While the refractory period varies widely among individuals, ranging from minutes to days, most men cannot maintain or achieve an erection during this time, and many perceive a psychological feeling of satisfaction and are temporarily uninterested in further sexual activity; the penis may be hypersensitive and further sexual stimulation may even feel painful during this time frame.

The female sexual response is more varied than that of men, and women are capable of attaining additional or multiple orgasms through further sexual stimulation. However, there are many women who experience clitoral hypersensitivity after orgasm, which can effectively create a refractory period. These women may be capable of further orgasms, but the pain involved in getting there makes the prospect undesirable.

Damn you lopaw,

Silver Citizen Jealous in the Bible Belt

avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
11 years ago
Of course it's common. I generally consider it a goal to get lap dances from 2 or 3 girls in a club any given day. Why settle for only a blonde when you can get a brunette who's just as hot, for instance? Of course, you need to bring a lot of cash to the club. Hell, I've been in a club with 4 dancers and got one from all 4.
"A few people or at least one person, not me, wants to jizz in his pants"

It's just one person.
Depends on the type of dance you are talking about. I think its common for folks to get more than one of the $20-40 per song dances. Depending on where you are those might be called private dances, lap dances, VIP dances, whatever. Its much less common for folks to get more than one of the $150+ dances. Again, depending on locale those might be called private, VIP, or some sort of room (typically champagne.)
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
I usually want some weed on my 2nd.
The term "private dance" has a possibly different meaning here in Louisville than some other places. Here, the only "private" dances tend to be the VIP ones, the ones that happen in a room other than the main floor, and for which the cost is usually $100 dollars or more.

To answer the question, though, when I get a "private" dance, it's with the intention of having some sort of sex with the dancer, after which, unless someone proves very talented and tenacious, I am done with private dances for the night. I will sometimes go with more lap dances, though.
avatar for Briguy78
11 years ago
Thanks for the info everyone. I'm in utah so no alcoholat this club, and from what I've read, no sex going on... But yes, it's a $150 room with a dancer for half an hour. It's the only way to get two-way touching.
avatar for luvthepus
T Town
11 years ago
when I used to go for regular dances I would see 3-4 different girls for a 2 for 30 dance
When I go to a Detroit club usually pick one and go in back and get BJ or full service just depends on what I feel like then leave.

My new favorite girl usually we will sit together for multiple hours at some point we make a trip to back room for some service then spend the rest of the night together till they tell me "you go home now" of course I try to go on slow night so she does not lose money from other customers but most nights she stays with me from shortly after I get there till its time to go if a customer comes in she knows will by a couple dances she leaves me for about 10 or 15 minutes then comes back to sit with me and I am sure she could probably make more cash some nights if i wasn't there but she chooses to sit with me. She knows I not a millionaire and she seems happy with the way I treat her while I am there. She has often told me sometimes the customers money just is not worth it.
avatar for luvthepus
T Town
11 years ago
On a an good night if money is not an issue I have been know to go for 2 pops in Detroit clubs
Being in Utah then you’re SOL.

Having to plunk down $150 in order to get some contact is criminal but …

I hope the $150 includes the dancer dancing 4 u for the 30 mins? Or is the $150 just 4 the room & you have to pay the dancer additional funds?

I would def recommend you discuss w/ the dancer ahead of time what kind of dances you will be getting – will you be able to grab bare titties and ass – will she grind on you the whole time? You don’t want to pay $150 for 30 mins of air dancing or light/minimal contact.

Whether to do one or more VIPs; it’s pretty much an individual decision as to how much each PL is willing to spend. If you are having a good time; feel like you’re getting your money’s worth; & can afford more than one; then why not?
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
There is a whole big SC world outside of Utah.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
lol joker44!

I treat my body like an amusement park. Every ride an E-Ticket one!
(thanks, Mrs. Costanza)

avatar for Briguy78
11 years ago
@ Papi,the $150 includes both the room and 30 mins of dancing. From other reviews I've read the girls wear a small bikini and you can only touch the areas not covered by the bikini. But lots of reviews say the grinding is great. I've never had a lap dance, so it'll all be new to me. Thanks for the advice!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
This seems to be a pretty good newbie guide, written by a stripper:…
avatar for Briguy78
11 years ago
Very helpful, thanks ilbbaicnl
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
Briguy78, I have two recommendations for you:

1. Doing one dance with a babe isn't a bad idea, you'll know if she's a ROB, or an ATF quickly. If she gives a good dance find her again later for more.

2. Always be sure to add your experiences to TUSCL, lol!
Yeah Briguy78, as others have suggested, save your money and take a trip out of state for a SC vacation. You could go to Vegas, but that place eats newbies alive and you'll spend a fortune. Go a bit further south to Phoenix and there will be much fun to be had, at very reasonable cost! Good luck grasshopper!
A couple months ago I started my evening with my CF in a 15 min VIP, then finished with her little sister in a 30 minute VIP. A good time was had by all.
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