There is another escort site,, that offered girls the chance to post intro videos a few years ago. It didn't seem to catch on and not many girls used this feature. Will see how it goes with eros. Maybe with smartphones and high speed internet being more readily available it will work out better for the eros site.
At one time fornication as well as prostitution was generally illegal. It gets very tricky when something is legal to give away, but not legal to sell.
Escorts sell you a date, and then they give you sex, so it's legal. Smart escorts won't go along with any mention of sex before the date, even in "code".
When dates get as high as $600 all on me for food, drink, etc then you know you have a serious problem in and out of relationships and need some serious therapy. I'd hate to meet the guy who does all that for one nut of sex...oops I forgot where I was.
Damn youtube sure is popular nowadays huh? The bravery to post illicit services through a public domain sure is sometihng
Escorts sell you a date, and then they give you sex, so it's legal. Smart escorts won't go along with any mention of sex before the date, even in "code".