
Rules of Engagement

Detroit strip clubs
Wednesday, December 11, 2013 5:59 PM
Last week my CF told me she had gotten engaged. She has been dating this guy for several months, and she had told me they were getting serious. He is 40 years old and has a good job. He thinks she's a waitress, not a stripper. When I asked her if she could come to my house for our weekly OTC, she said, "Sure." So tonight she came over. I cooked beef stroganoff, and we watched a movie on Amazon Instant Video. Then we fucked. Knowing that she was engaged, I found having sex with her hotter than ever. Fucking her and thinking about this guy who doesn't know I'm fucking his fiancé provided me with a feeling of power and superiority. I'm not proud of this feeling. It is, I think, akin to the German "schadenfreude," which is the pleasure you derive from the misfortunes of others. I don't know how I should think about this situation. I'm not doing anything wrong, as far as I can see, and my CF is earning some money. As for her fiancé, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. My CF told me she's going to stop stripping after she gets married. But she obviously doesn't think that being engaged should rule out having sex with me. Is the concept of sexual fidelity simply old fashioned and passé?


  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    Interesting question, jack. I have no feelings one way or another about sexual fidelity. I have never been in love so my observations in this matter are probably valueless. However, if you betrayed me in such a manner as this in a business matter I would do my best to come after you to wreak my vengeance over such a gross betrayal of trust. Sex is just one of the body's involuntary animal functions. Business is about money and money is much more serious shit.
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    I have been fucking one like that going on six years. She has been married to her 3rd husband for there years whom she describes as her soulmate on her FB page. She stopped dancing shortly after they were married. Sex with her is really hott, she is a good fuck and has a nice tight one (which is hard to figure considering she was an extras girl for several years). She loves to model outfits I buy her. Certainly with mine the concept of sexual fidelity is obsolete. My first otc session with her she told me "I don't believe in monogamy and sex is my hobby." She also told me her marriage would not impact our meetings. I find it thrilling and exciting to fuck her. No guilt whatsoever. Furthermore she is not dancing being exposed to tons of guys nor single playing the dating game and falling in "love." This woman understands sex and love are two separate things, enjoys sex, and will not give up her providing profession. Yes I believe the concept of fidelity is obsolete.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Farmerart - do you really think sex is an "involuntary animal function"? How crass. While sex is a natural function, most of us humans determine who, what, and where with our brains. Breathing is involuntary. Fucking is not.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    When you get down to it, you are not being dishonest, she is. It's not so much a moral thing for you, it's a risk thing. Risk that when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. Or bullet wounds.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @gawker unless the chick knows how to squeeze your dick with her vag, then you will involuntarily get a nut.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Everyone seemed to miss the most important part if the post. She is entering into marriage under false pretenses. He fiancé thinks she is a watress. Oh boy, that relationship is starting off on the right foot. I would tell her husband the truth.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Good point Moto. And Jack, thanks for the new Herman expression.
  • GCMan
    11 years ago
    She isn't a normal woman who has normal thought tendencies. She is a stripper. Have sex with her. Pay her well if it's worth it. Both of you get what you want. This is a stupid discussion subject.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    Paying a prostitute gave you the feeling of power and superiority? Seriously? Nothing wrong with what you're doing as you have zero obligation, but damn, paying for sex is as meaningless as meaningless can be. I feel bad for the sucker and have no feelings either way for the prostitute. As far as fidelity? That's a choice each individual makes, but the idea its obsolete parallels the dramatic decline and fall of America. I take full advantage of the lack of morals and stupidity that's rampant among Americans, but I only do so because we're childless and the terrible future that Americans will suffer will occur for the most part after we die.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    I don't believe in sexual fidelity as a rule, so I'd have no problem with it.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I've know many strippers that had fiancées and boy friends. Some had hang ups about doing intercourse. Only blow jobs. Others wouldn't meet OTC but would fuck your brains out ITC. My only concern would be meeting up with a jealous or ignorant S/O OTC. There is a good reason why some clubs do not allow boy friends or husbands ITC.
  • HowdyPilgrims
    11 years ago
    You are asking if sexual fidelity is dead and your sample size is one prostitute's actions. lulz
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    @gawker, If by crass you mean insensitive or rude, I will freely accept the description. I am not the world's most sensitive guy.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @jackslash: "Is the concept of sexual fidelity simply old fashioned and passé?" That depends on what you mean by "sexual fidelity". If you mean "abstaining from sex with everyone except one's GF/SO/spouse, then yes, I think that is "old fashioned", and on it's way out. If you "being honest" about having sex with other people, then no, it's not old fashioned. I don't think honesty and integrity will ever truly go away.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    @jackslash "Is the concept of sexual fidelity simply old fashioned and passé?" Nah bro, marriage is the ultimate commitment between two spouses. What's the point of marriage if you're going to sleeze around with someone else. The point of commitment becomes moot and you're a whore. Which is what your friend is, but if he ever found out, she'd be considered a fucking animal in his eyes. In my opinion, if she had decency, she'd quit fucking other men...Unfortunately I understand the problem...she doesn't know what other way to make money. Sad career choice of a stripper.
  • nelson
    11 years ago
    Stripping is a sad career choice! However the money is good for them.
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    I have had a number of stripper whores. Almost all of them had no problem seeing me otc if they were married. A common theme for them is they will describe husband on their FB page as their souldmate. When they are soliciting sex with me: "Lets meet, he is out of town, I am so horny we can do dances, photos, then fuck....."
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I don’t see anything wrong w/ it – it’s not personal; it’s just business :) It’s not as if the PL is a personal friend of yours – and really – what guy is going to turn down sex from a hot chick if she’s game.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Is the concept of sexual fidelity simply old fashioned and passé?" NO it is NOT for those persons who believe in it and honor the idea & concept. "Everyone seemed to miss the most important part if the post. She is entering into marriage under false pretenses. He fiancé thinks she is a watress. Oh boy, that relationship is starting off on the right foot. I would tell her husband the truth." Right on motorhead! "This is a stupid discussion subject" It is NOT!
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