OT : The Stock Market ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo

The market has been going bonkers and hitting all time highs?

What do you all think – bubble? If so, u think their will just be a pullback and not a semi-crash? All do you think it can keep going from here?



last comment
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Just don't buy high and sell low
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
^ now you tell me
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
That's what I heard anyway. I don't know anything about paper assets
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I think it will be another very good year nearly as good as this one. I am tempted to think it could get our of control, but the Fed will keep the "threat" to withdraw QE as a sword over the market's head so it doesn't pull a 1999-2000 again.

This year was pretty much straight up with only three real very brief correction. Next year I think will be more wild. I say S&P 2100 to 2200. Short treasuries and long US dollars will also be good plays.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
^ does txtittyfan approve this message?
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Actually hope txtittyfan does show up. If my guess does meet with anything less than strong disapproval from him, I may have to reconsider. :-)
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I get most of my financial advice from Duke & Duke. Buy oranges.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
I'm putting all my money in strippers' g-strings.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I'm putting something else into their g-strings. Slide to the side and let her ride.
avatar for deogol
11 years ago
Crash is comin.
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
While most analysts expect 2014 to bring another double digit year, I am sceptical that there will be more than an 8% return next year.
avatar for Lou_Lou
11 years ago
Bubble will burst before our fearless leader president leaves office
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
No raging bulls (except tittyfan on the salt water taffy)?

avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Last time I ate taffy, I lost a crown. No mas.
avatar for Prim0
11 years ago
I'm a complete novice when it comes to the stock market...but it seems as though the Fed's QED program is what's boosting stock prices, not any real growth. With the 2014 elections coming up, I'm guessing the government will do whatever it can to keep things looking good until the elections are over...just like they want to push things back on Obamacare until after the elections.

Either way, we little guys will get screwed!
avatar for deogol
11 years ago
To much inventory bought for Christmas, likely break even if they manage that at all (1).

The public's pay is stagnant for yet another year (2). People are going to be watching their dimes.

Jobless rate for young people is still crazy (3) so there might be some shopping by mom and dad, but that is all.

There is a lot of boomer debt (4), so they are going to hold on to those jobs - but that debt is holding some of them hostage for new purchasing.

1) http://www.dailyfinance.com/20…

2) http://www.cbsnews.com/news/st…

3) http://www.bls.gov/news.releas…

4) http://www.usatoday.com/story/…
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
Once the 2014 election is over the pump priming by the Fed stops and the market falls. Figure 7-9% until then, but always have price points set in stone to sell.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
I wouldn't mind CAT falling another 20% or so. I would be a buyer of CAT in the 60s.

I am in a quandary about what to do with my MMM holding. The damn stock keeps going up; the company's financials are robust; the stock's trading technicals are all meaningless since the chart has gone parabolic - a gain of over 50% for me in one of the big Dow 30 stocks in just over a year? All my instincts (and the voices in my head) are saying...........sell the thing. But, I just dunno.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@art: what's your take on oil prices next year? All the talk on CNBC is that there is tons of supply coming online now and next year. If the price drops for that reason and a stronger USD it could really help the economy.

avatar for farmerart
11 years ago

The fall in CAD has given me a little wiggle room with oil prices. Resuming drilling last spring now has my production up to roughly 5,000boe/day but if WTI falls below $90 my drill bits will stop turning once again. I am so grateful that I am producing light oil. Alberta Heavy is once again trading at a huge discount to WTI, somewhere in the $60 heighbourhood.

I am not very optimistic at all about oil prices. That nuclear agreement with Iran will release gobs of oil to the Europeans and Brent will get whacked as a result, I am sure.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago

I just noticed your spelling of the word.....sceptical, the proper English spelling.

Are you a closet Canadian?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
DOW closed over 16k today; S&P over 1800; and NASDAQ over 4k – hot dogiddy darn
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@papi: Queue BTO's "you ain't seen nothing yet".
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I'll try a prediction.
up to 1942, down to 1616, then up to 2050 somewhere near the end of the Obama presidential term maybe 2016, then the shtf and a big drop, hopefully not too big. This is for the SP500. Or maybe Israel decides to go to war and the market just takes a dump.
avatar for tenisbum1776
11 years ago
I think so long as the Fed keeps printing $80 billion each month without any accompanying productivity increase the stock market will continue to rise.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago

I got stopped out of MMM in about the first hour of trading this morning. Anybody have any idea what caused the $4+ hit in the stock's price today?........apart from the law of gravity? No idea what to do with this $260K since CAT isn't anywhere near my buy price (guess I'm a bit early in the down cycle to expect to get CAT in the 60s).

If this cash weren't in my retirement account I would just flip it into the my company's accounts (where every nickel is desperately needed at the moment).
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@art: the pretext was a Morgan Stanley downgrade. But, as we discussed offline, that sucker was just too stretched as your instincts were indicating.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago

I thought you might know. I am mostly busy today screaming at my drilling contractor. I just noticed that I will be getting an extra 6%+ on my gain, courtesy of the falling CAD. I bought MMM when CAD was more or less at par.

Fucking drilling contractor....just received another text of gibberish from the dolt.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
I just need to bump this thread to point out how Papi stated he was thinking bubble territory almost 4 years ago, and since then it's done nothing but March higher.

If anything I've said over and over, if you want the best performance over time, leave your assets alone and do what they're supposed to, which is grow over time. Never get into market predictions, because there is no profit in prognostications. If you have money you need to spend over the next 3-5 years, you should always have that in safety. My long term stuff has blown out other returns since 2013.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
Prediction: it will go up, then down, then up, then down. In 10 years, it will be double what it is now. If you try to time the market, you will miss most of the increase. Hang on for the ride.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Hers the most important thing to always keep in your minds, the fluctuations are just a normal part of all human endeavors, and the market is no different. If you look at the actual workings of the stock market it is down many more days than it is up, but here's the thing, when it goes up it goes up more than all of those down days combined, so if you have confidence in your choices let them ride.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Well obviously, the higher the market is, the more important it is to buy in.

And don't ever think that you should put your money into your own ventures. Oh no, the stock market is far better.

And we are approaching Ray Kurzweil's Singularity, so we have to buy in.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
25: " If you look at the actual workings of the stock market it is down many more days than it is up"

That wrong, I have a program that counted them and the % of up days is much higher than the % of down days.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@SJG: your continuous cries that it's a bubble which have always failed to pane out just demonstrate that you have no credibility when it comes to talking about the markets.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I know that the higher it is, the greater the distance which it could fall.

I know that most people who gain money, prestige, and a well earned sense of satisfaction, do it by pursuing their own ventures. They get to steer what happens, they apply their own creative abilities, and they build up a cadre of colleagues.

And Kurzweil has really got a problem for himself, if Google Immortality is supposed to be Dougster's sentience, it has got a long way to go. Its little better than a primitive ALife like the old Eliza program.


avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
^^^ as I said ZERO credibility on the subject.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
That just means that you have been able to mind fuck people so that they listen to your Ponzi logic.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Okay, SJG, you talk and you talk and you talk and you're always wrong so they stop listening to you. And then the problem is not with you but with other people. Gotta. Consistent with you are constant inability to take responsibility for anything and always blame others.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"Another eight years of the same policies and poverty will be completely eliminated in America"

Herbert Hoover, 1928 Campaign

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@ Dougster That is conventional wisdom not sure where it came from, but even if it's wrong it doesn't disqualify the premise.I will look into that for sure.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
SJG: I've lived off my stock investments for the last 20 years. During that time, my assets have quadrupled in value, even with the tech and real estate bubbles. I am satisfied and completely free to pursue a wide range of creative activities. Life is good. I owe it all to faith in the long term wisdom of investing in, and holding, a diversified basket of stocks.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
New prediction, it will start going back up after Trump stops stirring things up. However if he is already locked and loaded and ready to start military strikes against North Korea in response to any missiles, things will escalate and stocks will drop as uncertainty rises and people start dying.

If I had to guess I believe North Korea is going to fire missiles at Guam but is moving them in place. They are like guys working in a garage and want to make sure they have things in place kind of like Barney fife thinking he's the best police detective around but he's going up against a New York swap team that means business. Unfortunately this Barney fife has tons of artillery and nukes. Our general thinks millions may die in any conflict. I think trump has given an order to strike back. Shoot down missiles. Launch cyber attacks. Escalate things and see if ok Kim responds by launching more strikes. Then the US and South Korea possibly Japan may all join in. By 2018, millions might be dead and people won't be talking about stocks too much. This could happen next year instead if this year. Trump screwed me over on my last stock position. I added a rule that involves him tanking stocks making a technical position go bad to cut my losses short hopefully. I think he's made a decision to strike back if Kim strikes at Guam, etc. now what will Kim do? I suspect he isn't backing down. He's like Barney fife has to make sure the missiles are locked and loaded and aimed correctly. He might think if he doesn't hit Guam but the ocean nearby, he's innocent. Maybe trump needs to clarify any missiles going towards Guam will make him the cop on patrol who fears for his life because the missile or weapon was moving towards him. Our cops shoot and kill lots of innocent people with that claim. They feared for their lives. If our leaders think it's ok for our cops to keep doing this, launching a strike after Kim fires missiles at our territory, might be lots of shooting. Just my new opinion. Constant warnings by trump. Locked and loaded. That's not normal for a US president. Trump is a billionaire so I think he made an executive decision so that we aren't threatened by nukes here in the US mainland if Kim doesn't cut it out. I'm just wondering when the shooting will start. I thought about buying a stock market lottery ticket for this highway of future destruction but peace may prevail a few more months if Kim backs down.

I suspect we will have much better buying opportunities coming up. Rally after the next president comes along.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I just checked you are right it seems the discrepancy is about 2-3% weighted in favor of up market which adds validity to the factors that keep the market always recovering from the bear. If you are curious here is a 50 year chart with the actual statistic.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I only ran my program over the S&P since 1998 and it was much more than 2-3% difference. In fact the difference was so big I thought it must be wrong at first. I'll be on vacation soon but maybe run it again when I'm wrong.

And, sorry folks, although the conventional wisdom is that you cannot make money timing the market, there are a few hedge funds and other firms that have done it consistently over the long term. Maybe 99.9% of everyone would do better with buy and hold, but it's not 100%.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"quadrupled in value"

That would be a very small gain for 20 years, for someone who is starting their own businesses.

You can never really know much about the things you are investing it, it really is just glorified gambling.

The market goes up, but that is mostly because the government stopped collecting upper income taxes, and because speculators have become a constituency.

Gambling is zero substitute for building your own ventures where you work with other people and solve real problems.

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@SJG what do you own that has quadrupled in value over 20 years ? What a moron you have turned out to be.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
One double every 10 years = about 7.2% annual return.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
SJG doesn't even understand the very basics. The market goes up over time b/c technology advances. I guess if you could stop technology from advancing it won't go up.

He tries to call it gambling, but it's positive expectations. He's okay, maybe so, but there is risk. You say same thing if you start your own business. He's yes, but you are more in control. For him, at the end of the day it's all about control and nothing else. Control is what ruined his marriage, and is also at the heart of his necrophilia and grand scheme to start a cult.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
North Korea is now on notice, for the first time in 25 years, that any provocative act on their part will result in the end of their country. China has announced that it will not act against the US if it responds to a Nork provocative act.

Meanwhile, real sanctions are being imposed by China against NoKo for the first time.

The likeliest outcome from all this is someone, either a Chinese agent or NoKo military will take out Kim. Whoever replaces him will negotiate for economic assistance and a return to being a normal state.

If Kim manages to live long enough to launch an attack, there will be huge casualties, 99% of them being North Koreans.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@ Dougster here is another article it speaks specifically to timing the market.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I just need to bump this thread to point out how Papi stated he was thinking bubble territory almost 4 years ago, and since then it's done nothing but March higher ..."

Well - to be accurate - I was not stating - I was asking (didn't you see all the question marks in the OP?).

And how did you remember a thread from almost 4 years ago given all the other finance threads that have been posted since then?
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@25: Okay and nevertheless there are some hedge funds and other financial firms that have consistently outperformed buy and hold over the very long run.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@ Dougster, SJG doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about, he takes both side of any issue because he is a simple moron. He thinks he is a SJW, but really he is a bigoted small minded guy with no principles, more than anything else he wants attention so he doesn't care what people think of him as long as he is the center of attention, if you notice every thread he changes the topic to his own self.
Here the topic is stocks and he wants to talk about anything but, I know you are reading this, why don't you shut the fuck up and allow those who are trying to learn, concentrate on their interest, instead of your own you selfish misogynistic fuck.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@25: Sounds like we have the same read on the guy, although you figured it out before me. My guess would be he would get diagnosed as a malignant narcissist. And, consistent with what you say, that means he gets off being perceived as the villain. So he'll do more and more outrageous things to be perceived as the villain and it just gets worse over time. Unlike vanilla narcissism which is more stable.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Dougster that is true but those funds are very expensive to operate, and your average Joe in the market, doesn't really understand which hedge funds are actually running long term, as opposed the bullshitters that are all over the market, hell I have very good FA and he explains shit to me all of the time, and even after I think I understand, something happens and I realize that I don't really get it.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Damn @Dougster I figured it out a long time ago back when I suggested everyone just ignore the moron, problem we all fell for his bait and responded to his ravings, I still bet if everyone just ignored him he'd disappear all by himself.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@25: agree with you there: for every firm which can actually outperform buy and hold there are probably thousands, but actually do worse.

I also find it amusing sometimes to go onto the trader chats or discussion boards. If you were to believe how people discuss their trades (especially after the fact) it seems like 90% of them are buying the bottom tick 90% of the time and selling the top tick 90% of the time. So, yes, there is a ton of horseshit out there.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Should say: "for every firm which can actually outperform buy and hold there are probably thousands which claim they can but actually do worse."
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
No one can outperform the market over the long term. Out of 100 hedge funds, maybe 20 can outperform over a year, 5 over 2 years, and 1 over 3 years.

These hedge fund gods tell you they are the world's smartest investor and charge 3% or more for the privilege of having them manage your money. Except for a lucky few, it always ends badly. Then, these gods explain what went wrong and tell you it will never happen again. This time, they will get it right. It won't.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I can think of four hedge that have outperformed much longer than that, and one big, notorious financial firm, and another not so big or notorious one.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Okay, you did say out of 100. I do agree the percent that can outperform is less than 1%, but it's not zero!
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Here's one counter example that everyone will know: Warren Buffet:


but there are others!
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
The only way to outperform the market is either to have insider knowledge or have so much money ( like Buffet ) that you can influence the entire market. I assume that's the 1% you are referring to.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
Buffet has also benefited in his insurance business by taking advantage of regulations that he lobbied for. Not exactly free market.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I think I might try to do a longer back study on one ETF. I did a study on it for one year applying a set of rules I created and it had over 60% increase following some simple rules however it was up over 30% without rules so maybe not the best time period to analyze.

Market was due and still is for a bigger pullback. Trump just accelerated it. I figure the plunge protection team is letting it drop. Maybe attack North Korea, get that over with, then the fed announces their quantitative tapering program. I am thinking there will still be a fall or winter rally. Sp500 might go up to 2700. One guy online thinks there will be a mass panic. A mass panic to buy stocks. Dow 40,000 within a year. I don't share that much bullishness but if North Korea is solved with minimal loss of life, tax cuts implemented, good times might roll on. Maybe inexpensive health care premiums paid directly to the government who directly pays providers instead of insurance companies and things will be better for many.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
No, I said less than 1%. The firms I'm thinking about are well capitalized, but I don't think that's all of what allow them to beat the market over the long term. They still have to be on the right side of the trade. Even Central Banks which have vastly more money than buffet have learned that you still have to be on the right side of the trade, else you are just stalling the inevitable for a period of time.

I think the firms beat the market long term due to superior analysis, and they do pay the super big bucks to attract the team of people able to implement that superior analysis.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@shark, et al: I think you would be surprised how much of the hot money is looking at crypto-currencies versus stocks.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
There's a fine line between superb analysis and insider information. Maybe I've watched the TV series Billions too much.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
Another problem with outperforming long term is that the fund's team changes. We've seen that with Buffet lately trying to transition to a new team.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Don't forget even if you wanted to get into BRK.A I'm not sure of the valuation but it's like 260 or 270 thousand dollars for one share trading less than a few hundred shares a day on average, and if I'm not mistaken their total market cap is near 450 billion. So even if you are an "A" lister it's damn near impossible to get ahold of a few shares. Plus if you were an average rich stud like me, ten or fifteen shares would be your entire net worth, wrapped up in one issue, with Buffet approaching 90, where's the security in that selection.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@mark: if it was insider information they won't be paying the super big bucks to PhD's to do the analysis and models. Similar if they were only outperforming because they had enough money to move the markets. They could get buy with cheaper hires if that was the case.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
Papi, I never made it clear that I bumped the thread not to call you personally out on a call, but merely to showcase many others have been calling the top since 2013, and have been wrong.

I didn't mean to say you made the call. Sorry for my misunderstanding, because I knew it would draw in the right comments behind us, again to prove a point about market performance versus active management.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Think that there might be an ETF coming in crypto currencies ?
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@25: Yes the funds that can beat are very hard to get into. My view is that they will kill off the lesser funds, and then will just be competing with each other, at which time they won't be outperforming the market anymore. Also as that starts to happen, demand that they lower the bar to get in will increase. Slightly before that happens, all their "PhDs" (put in quotes b/c it just means the very best, some do have PhDs but not all of them) will leave for AI startups. (Where Mark Cuban say the first trillionaire will emerge from).
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@25: I think the demand from people with real money (as Shaillyn put it, not some piddly little $350k/y) will mean the SEC has to allow them.

Right now there are 62 hedge funds lined wanting to trade crypto currencies.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I have some weird AI on my home computer for many years. Maybe I can get it to let me know what to buy and sell and when and not have to work anymore. That would be nice. If I also see plans for sky net to destroy countries etc, I will just stay quiet about it. Sky net says they will talk tough against NK, get missiles launched in the direction of Guam, then take out NK and then send stocks rallying. Just when the rally seems tired, congress passes big tax cuts or sends stocks into overdrive. However sky net can't do anything to fix congress.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
All this talk about nukes is giving me a desire to play total annihilation. I accidentally made my AI killer kick ass if you don't attack right away.

In other reports, I heard the US military is weaker than it has been in many years with years of budget cuts. On the other hand, the US spends as much or more than the China, Russia, and 6 other high spending countries combined on defense. I think we can cut a lot more unless we are planning on going to war with entire alien planets. Rumor is though, we have space fleets so you never know. Trump might order one of our top secret space ships to level North Korea worse than Godzilla in Tokyo.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
What's the name of that song that goes we are all about to die but I feel fine?

Seems appropriate right now.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I found it. This one has disturbing Trump graphics.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
This one is more accurate. Even has a forecast for North Korea weather girl at 1:53 into it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Dougster, twentyfive, and mark,

It is common for people who start businesses to multiply their equity at rates vastly exceeding anything on the stock market. Your denials of this made absolutely no difference.

Then as far as how the stock market does, indexed funds whatever, all you folks are saying is that when someone has positioned themselves to get a premium salary, they then feel that they are entitled to see that money multiply in a Federal Government Subsidized Wall Street Ponzi Scheme. And further, that this contingent has become a vocal and single issue electoral block.

So the ponzi scheme will then continue, but as with all ponzi schemes it well eventually collapse, because to keep afloat it depends upon taking in a geometrially increasing amount of new money. There just is not that money available, except perhaps by more tax cutting. So now, this contingent looks to Trump to give their ponzi scheme more support by tax cuts.

avatar for ime
8 years ago
Look you autistic idiot you are just wrong plain and simple. You clearly do not have any type of understanding of economics, the stock market or fundamental long term investing. Just stop with this and all your retarded post-modernist I don't believe in what statistics or facts say I just go with my feelings. You fucking idiot.

avatar for mark94
8 years ago
Your post reads like a random word generator. There is nothing in it that reflects reality.
I'm not going to bother asking whether you've owned a business. Have you ever had a job ? Do you have a 401k plan ? Have you ever taken a business class, let alone an investment or Econ class ?
It's like trying to debate someone who can't speak English.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
SJG: "It is common for people who start businesses to multiply their equity at rates vastly exceeding anything on the stock market. Your denials of this made absolutely no difference."

I don't remember anyone denying it. Are you just listening to the voices in your head? Or doing your usual tactic of assigning beliefs to people which they don't actually have but you wish they did so you had something easy to argue against? Guess dealing with people's real beliefs versus their actual ones is a part of reality you just can't deal with so escape into your fantasy world.

Some business owners do much better than the stock market some do much worse. AFAIK, the latter is much more common. (Also what theory tells us too: if you are looking for high return you don't get it, often, without high risk. Otherwise everyone would already be doing it.)
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Dow 40,000 by next year. I doubt it. I'd be willing to make a big bet on that one. However no one with large pockets and power. Trump or congress could default on our debt and say the new currency like new dollar takes only half the old dollar. Revalue the Dow and poof, we have Dow 41,000.

FYI, Trump said we begin bombing in 15 minutes.

Haha,he would never say that during non market hours.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Guys it's hard to win an argument with a smart person, with a stupid person it's impossible!
SJG is a stupid person, even if you win an argument with him what could you possibly win.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@Dougster most small business startups fail and the idiot doesn't realize that they fail due to lack of access to capital. True story when I was starting out over 40 years ago I took on a project that was way too large for the amount of money I was able to use. About halfway through the project I started to run out of money to pay for labor and supplies. I went to the GC and inquired about accelerated progress payments but he was stretched pretty thin himself. Somehow I managed to get to the loan officer of my bank, who put me in touch with a guy who was what they called a factor, who funded receivables at a discount. He managed to secure funding for me I finished the project on time and going forward never got myself in that situation again. The point of my story is that as a startup you can never be sure of anything, over the years I have been fortunate and had good mentors who taught me a lot. This could have gone the other way real easy and often does.
That's why I say starting a business is the hardest, most stressful thing anyone can ever do, and our resident moron SJG doesn't have a clue what he is talking about.
Investing in well run successful companies is smart practice, starting your own is the real chumps game.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
mark, you're kind of an idiot. I can post here, because I keep my f2f life walled off. I have obligations and commitments, so no, I don't disclose things about my f2f life.

So you could ask all you want, but what you would get is nothing at all.

Our federal gov't has made it a policy to keep feeding the stock market via tax cuts and pro business policies. It is sad, but we have an electoral contingent, including I think yourself, which wants this, a government run upwards wealth siphon.

And Dougster, you and others have been all over the map on this issue.

And twentyfive, you are the stupid person. I just wish you would stand up for your own actual accomplishments, rather than siding with these speculators. The stock market if just a mountain of dead money.

$5.1 Trillion (much much more than this now), mountain of idle cash

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^ You are the only one that's all over the map with everything. Tell me one fucking verifiable accomplishment you have. Is there any subject you don't know more than any one?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
TwentyFive, you keep repeating that over and over. If you actually think I would compromise the operational security of my ongoing ventures, just to win kudos from people on a message board, then you've got one real big pimple growing between your shoulders.


Jefferson Airplane, Volunteers of America
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH you have no operational security you are the only one here who got outed with your real name and address all because you are nothing but a dumbass troll.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Twentyfive I do not know what your problem is. I guess if things are not in the realm you operate in, you are just incapable of believing that they are real. Sorry, I cannot help you with your problem.

avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
25, do you mean that SJG was outed as Lloyd Schoene and had an ex wife, whom he writes constantly about? Is that SJG real alias?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I maintain a very high security wall protecting my identity and affairs, because my affairs are in extremely contentions political realms, situations where people are getting fired, sued, and arrested. This is the most I am ever going to say. Online you either accept people as they present themselves, or you are a troll, not even worth the .50 it would cost for a .45 slug.

avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
^^^ Yet you've never denied yourself as being Lloyd Schoene! Why is that?
avatar for ime
8 years ago
He has responded to postsand it has been 110% verified.
avatar for ime
8 years ago
San_jose_guy = lloyd schoene a true piece of shit.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
Simple question. Why would a guy with a " high security wall " and in " extremely contentions ( sic ) political realm" post 15,000 comments to a forum like this ? Kind of odd for a super secret political operative.

Wouldn't it be safer for you to just go away ?
avatar for ime
8 years ago
Mark as Dougster has showed Sjg's mind is full of shit.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Except that even with 15,000 comments I am still protected in a way that even the CIA would admire.

And so it is "contentious political realms".
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Just a stupid question I personally don't like pile ons and although I alluded to your outing, I have never used your information against you but in context of your idiotic remarks, now just trying to be clear what you meant by the cost of a bullet, you seem to be threatening me you stupid fuck. If I were you I would tread very carefully.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
^^^^^ twentyfive, you are not one of the ones who keeps claiming to have "outed me", but you do seem to have a very hard time understanding that I am not going to make disclosures to earn your approval.

In an online venue, you either accept people as they present themselves, or your really are a belligerent troll. Worthless.

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I see you make assertions but refuse to back them up with facts and I'm the troll what a pile of horseshit you are selling. Now answer my direct question are you threatening me or I'm finished.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
You act like this, you show yourself to be someone who is not even worth threatening.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@SJG: I'll ask you point blank: Are you or are you not Lloyd Schoene whose LinkedIn profile and other information was posted on TUSCL?
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I'm done guys he's all yours.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
If you read my posts you know that I am like the CIA, not confirming or denying anything.

And if you would ever think it otherwise, then I guess you didn't have much to lose intellect wise, when you had yourself frozen.

avatar for ime
8 years ago
Yeah he wouldn't lie, oh wait thats a solid 94% of his posts.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
SJG: "Online you either accept people as they present themselves, or you are a troll, not even worth the .50 it would cost for a .45 slug."

WTF is this? Another threat from SJG? Guess he's getting more and more frustrated each day that his church and revolution just aren't materializing.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Just explaining why I don't deal with trolls, and we have lots of them.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@SJG: do you think all the thinking you do about violence and murder is an indication that you have a mental illness? Think carefully before answering.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
There is no such thing as mental illness.

I don't think much about violence or murder, because I have better things to do with my time than fantasize about things unlikely to ever happen.

About the basic idea that when f2f forced to deal with belligerent or violent persons, that I would defend myself as necessary, that is just common sense life affirmation.


Brain Swimme
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I don't know, SJG. I can't think of anybody on here who talk about violence and murder as much you do. You have even gone so far as to threat several people on here. I guess that's just how much of a psycho you are.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
^^^^^^^^^ You are exaggerating. Overall, you are causing a PR problem for Kurzweil and his beta version of Google Immortality.

And as far as myself, in my F2F activities I am often in situations which challenge bullies and thugs, and so violence is not completely out of the question.

avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
^^^ Don't forget SJG that time I told you I was going to march up and down and all over you with a Marine style, in your face, drill seargent instruction. After verbally abusing you to the point of tears, I was going to ask you what you are willing to do now? Keep in mind I played Division I football at Purdue and Georgetown.

You couldn't answer or retort anything in response except a litenany of obscure references off topic. That appears to always be your way out, start to change the subject when you don't like the topic's question . Have u always been this passive?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I can't give detailed response, because people who really intend to act don't disclose that intent.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
SJG's F2F activities = making out with other gay psycho dudes he is trying to recruit into his faggity little church. So far, however, total number of members is still stuck at 1.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
So as I read, when they prep people for freezing now, they use a device which maintains blood and oxygen supply to the brain. This is so that they do not undergo Information-Theoretic Death.

How does this work, like a heart lung machine? A pump, maybe an oxygen bottle and two IV needles?

And even this Information-Theoretic Death concept is based on a completely mechanical model of life, memory, and person. It is very different from what people like Henri Bergson and Collin Wilson have written about.

Now in Dougster's case, such maintaining of blood and oxygen supply to the brain was unnecessary anyway, as he initiated the transfusion and freezing process by his own hand, and while he still had pulse and respiration.

Kurzweil says we can live in computing clouds.

And he is trying to demonstrate this with Dougster. But I for one am not impressed.


avatar for ime
8 years ago
Lloyd Schoene stop changing the subject and derailing threads you ass fucked loser.
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