
A Stripper Thanksgiving Story

Detroit strip clubs
Monday, November 25, 2013 5:03 PM
A dancer, whom I know slightly but have never had dances with, sat down at my table. Then she began to cry. Me: "What's the matter?" Dancer: "I haven't been making any money, and I won't be able to give my kids a Thanksgiving." Me: "You and your kids can come to my house for Thanksgiving. I make a great turkey and all the fixings. I don't have any people coming over this year, so you and your kids would be welcome guests." Dancer: "Can't you give me $100 instead?"


  • CarlosDanger
    11 years ago
    Why would she want to bring her kids to a customer's house for Thanksgiving?
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    Turkey isn't going to pay for tipout, Xanax, and pimps.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    Just more SS. Using the holiday to gain sympathy.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Shit, who wouldn't want to chill with Jackslash on Thanksgiving. You Jack, are a good man. I've had a similar experience with bums. They have signs indicating that they're hungry and I offer them up food. They decline my offer of food and ask for money. Assholes.
  • victor2
    11 years ago
    Jack, that was very sensitive and gracious of you.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Pie. You forgot to mention what kind of pie(s) would be available. That would have done the trick.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    That’s why I keep a couple of turkeys in the trunk of my car during this time of year. Jack – can I come over instead – I don’t do extras though.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    It seems as if ROBs have no shame. Earlier this evening I was at a Starbucks and some young dude in his 20s walks into the place w/ a sob story about needing help w/ some gas money and that his wife was in the car bla bla bla. I’m one to feel sorry for people and willing to help out – but this young, healthy, able-bodied, 20-something should be able to buy his own gas – at least b/w him and his “wife” they should at least have one credit card they can use to get the so called “gas” they needed (probably wanted to buy some drugs or something).
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I recall about 20 years ago I was getting gas @ a gas station and was approached by 2 young chicks (late teens or early 20s) in their car; the driver said they needed gas and if I could help them out. It was kinda late (10:00 p.m. or so); so I thought I’d help them out. I gave them $10 which 20 years ago could get them a descent amount of gas. As soon as I gave them the $$$; they just drove off w/o pumping any gas.
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    I have strippers over for thanksgiving every year. This time I have 5 strippers coming over & 1 of them is bringing her 2 kids. Its going to be great.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    I gave a guy that had a sign "Need food for family" I gave him a gift card to a buffet style restaurant and he got pissed off and threw it back at me demanding cash. I gave him a dollar to shut him up. The gift card was for $50 (enough for 4 people). I was leaving town and would not have a chance to use it. I went to a minister I was acquainted with and gave it to him and he said he knew a working poor family that had a fire and would really appreciate it. You must watch carefully as many panhandlers are scam artists.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    All pan handlers are scam artists. There are plenty of places they can go to get a start on things. They just want booze and drugs.
  • Prim0
    11 years ago
    I never give to panhandlers any more. They're all scamming.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    I love a good sob story because that way I know whom to never interact with again.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I notice a lot of panhandlers with cardboard signs standing at busy intersections. Even though they have a short sob story on their sign, most of them are smoking a cigarette while standing there.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    Here is a funny story of a couple panhandlers by an intersection. A city near me I was on my way shopping and got off the freeway and at this intersection was a panhandler. The light was red so I sat and waited. A 2012 Lexus SUV pulled up next to the panhandler a guy got out of the drivers seat in beat up clothes, opened the back seat door and grabbed a card board sign and switched spots with the panhandler who was at the intersection. Then original drove away in the Lexus. Wish I was jonny on the spot with my camera so I could have videoed it and sent it to the news.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    ^ that would have made a nice YouTube vid and could have gone viral
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    Well played sir, well played indeed!
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    Well played sir, well played indeed!
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    There's a panhandler in Ann Arbor who uses a crutch. Sometimes the crutch is on the right, sometimes it's on the left. When he's commuting on foot to his home (he is not homeless), he carries the crutch under his arm.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I remember a female customer in a strip club asked me if she could have a couple dollars to tip the dancer on stage. I gave her some money. She went and stuck it in her pocket. I thought the difference between her and a panhandler were zero. At least the people she was with had a brain and decided to leave before she caused any more trouble.
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