
Dancer Recommendations

Friday, November 22, 2013 12:18 PM
In your reviews, do you all ever recommend dancers? I do sometimes because there's a lot of dancers that give shitty dances, I think it's useful for the TUSCLers to know who's gonna give good dances (of course I don't ever connect extras with a specific dancer, I leave that shit out). Now if the girl is potential ATF material for me, or a girl I wanna try to take home, I won't say her name, I know if I do that the next time I do there will be customers waiting in line to get dances from her because a lot of people do read the reviews! There has been a couple of times someone has recommended a specific dancer, and I went to check it out and the guy was right on, so it's been helpful for me. What about the rest of you?


  • Chanel
    11 years ago
    From a recent review of a former club I worked at: "Got dances from the Asian girl and the AA girl. The Asian girl was nice looking, though a little older. Mileage was good - she quickly got topless and brought my d**k out. Flashed her pussy and gave a good hj, though I didn't finish. AA girl was very pretty, prob mid-20s. Thin, small but perky breasts. Took me into the VIP room and it was on. Quickly, her top was off and she was on her knees, deep throating me. Two songs of this and I was done! She stayed to talk for a bit, but them got called on state. Well worth the $100" It wasn't difficult to figure who these two dancers were (since the total number of girls working there is eight). I called my friend (the Asian girl) and made her aware of the review.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    It is considered bad form to recommend dancers by name. 1. The dancer who gave you full service may not give me the time of day. Don't be a juvenile and brag about how much Jane did for you in the club. This is not High School. 2. Dancers expect a certain level of privacy. Sure, they are dancers, but if they wanted their name plastered all over the net they would be on Craig's List. 3. There is no reason to attract unwanted and unnecessary attention to the club and their dancers. 4. It is TUSCL's unofficial policy NOT to be explicit and create liability for the dancers or the club. 5. PM members if you want names and information.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    @Pablo- no one is saying you have to say so and so gave me a BJ. How about if Maria gives good dances, then say Maria gives good dances. @Chanel- I think that kind of review is too explicit.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    @ Ranukam, stop posting that Maria gives good dances. I am keeping her for myself. She is one of the few dancers that gives good dances and speaks Spanish.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I only recommend robs
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    I don't really recommend dancers because my dances are probably gonna be very different than the average PL. But I will always flag a ROB on the rare occasions that I come across one.
  • Digitech
    11 years ago
    I rarely do, but I have probably mentioned a dancer by name once or twice in my reviews. If it's an 'extras' girl, I would never write her name, though.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    I only talk about dancers other than a ROB with others that might know them, such as mentioning "C" to vm. In a review, I may mention a particular dancer, and someone that goes to the club may figure out which one I was talking about. I see no harm in that. I won't mention them by name. As above, if you mention an Asian dancer and the club has only one, then guess who was mentioned.
  • 10inches
    11 years ago
    don't mention girls name. could get her in trouble with club or LE
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I used to, but have come to discover it can lead to too much trouble for everyone. And not only that, you don't know whether any dancer will stick around.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "5. PM members if you want names and information" This is what I do if there is a reference to a dancer in a review that catches my eye. I will also recommend to any member who PMs me and asks for a recommendation.
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    I do epically when I g a great VIP dance/daces
  • 3LeggedMan
    11 years ago
    I once confirmed that my ATF was the hottie that had gone missing from a club 100 miles away. Soon after, there was a line of old friends waiting to see my fave. NEVER AGAIN!
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