I'm dating a girl that after 1 year of our relationship told me she was a atripp

She said that her husband at that time forced her to do so for money, to pay the lawyer that he needed, otherwise would go to jail. She also said that made it for only 3 weeks that she was so ofended that she broke up her relation with him. Use to go and leaving the club crying everyday.
This issue is getting like an obsession for me to find out if at this time the strippers had sex or even if existed private rooms in the nicest clubs in NY, the very VIP clubs.
She promises me that never had and never would have sex for money and also that at this time nobody use to touch each other, girls and clients.
I'm not sure if I must believe or not.
This issue is getting like an obsession for me to find out if at this time the strippers had sex or even if existed private rooms in the nicest clubs in NY, the very VIP clubs.
She promises me that never had and never would have sex for money and also that at this time nobody use to touch each other, girls and clients.
I'm not sure if I must believe or not.
Imagine the trust she had to have in you to tell you about that because she doesn't want to have secrets from you. Not trusting her the way you are going about it is approximately one half step above her ex making her do it in the first place.
Sorry if this sounds harsh, but if you can't let this go NOW, do her a favor and cut her loose now, because she clearly deserves someone who can trust her.
Don't forget that she was married at this time with a SOB that made her doing this for money FOR HIM! She use to love so much this guy that made it! And she suffers tons because of that!
I don't know if I will handle this on the future or if I will forget and live well without this scenes on mind with her on my side.
If I was sure that this time strippers were no HO and didn't make anything else but a dance showing the bulbs only, I could handle that! I think.
That sucks my friends...
If you have a Bible handy (yeah, I know. Not usually something that comes up on tuscl!) open it to John 8:3-11. A woman accused of adultery is brought before Jesus, and the Pharisees say basically, "According to Moses she should be stoned to death. Don't you agree?"
To which Jesus replied, "Absolutely. Let the one of you who is without sin cast the first stone."
Of course, they all beat a quiet retreat.
Not one of us is perfect; God knows we all have things in our lives that shame us. I think that you have a real catch there - probably more than you deserve. You can't care who she was, only who she is and wants to be. Rejoice in your good fortune and MARRY HER.
The problem is that always when I look at her, I imagine she naked, been a sexual object for others and been paid…As a hooker! I feel bad, unconfortable! I just need to know if I will be able to forget this by the time and not even think about it! Just wonder if I can forget this!
I'm talking about 19/20 years ago!
You are not ready for marriage. As a matter of observation, I would say you were the one who is fucked up.
You have some serious mental problems if you are obsessing about something that happened 20 years ago.
If the kicks in the ass you're getting here aren't sufficient for you to get past it, go get some counseling where someone will handle you with kid gloves and ring you up for thousands of dollars over multiple sessions. It is 100% your problem, and if you do break up with her over it, you still need to fix it before getting involved with anyone else. If you can't handle something as petty as that, what can you handle?
I've talked to her today. It seems that will be ok.
I will handle this situation overall.
For the positive comments and not agressive ones, I thank you very much.
Have a great weekend you all.
And I think it was not 3 weeks, she says that to ease the situation… But I hope i will be able to handle that. Mind we don't control, the thoughts come and you think about…
It is not being easy for me. I know that for you guys is easy to give an opinion, as you are not on that situation. The woman that you thought was pure, never involved with hard sex and this dirty world and suddenly you hear something like that? Not easy at all!
I appreciate all the comments you are giving to me. It is really helping a lot!
And to be clear, I'm not judging her. I just have a problem imaging her gatting naked for money. It is a moral problem for me. I came from a jesuit school, my family is the kind of italian tradicional family. Very moral!
So, if here is acceptable been a stripper, I will understand better.
You've hit the nail on the head with your "I just have a problem..." comment. *You* have a problem. Either get over it and move on with this woman, or *don't* get over it and move on, without her.
You are not going to change what she was or was not, you are not going to change what she did or didn't do. You only have the now, and all the wailing, hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth isn't going to change that.
Consider this: if you really love her, then EVERYTHING SHE WAS AND DID went into making up the girl you love. If she hadn't done those things, she wouldn't be same person, and you might not feel the same way about her.
If you can't accept the fact that she is who she is, and did what she did (especially if she isn't doing those things now), then you are just wasting her, and your own, time.
Would you guys get married with a former stripper?
What difference does it make to you? Why do you care so much? Why can't you let the past be the past and move into the future?
To be blunt, it's none of your fucking business what she did or didn't do before you met her. Unless there's an issue, such as disease, that could potentially affect you (in a concrete form, not some "oh that's so embarrassing" or "how do I deal with this" kind of bullshit "issue"), then you're invading her privacy.
Is she obsessing over who *you* might have been with and what *you* might have done before she met you?
Get the fuck over your obsession. Her past doesn't matter. Nor does yours.