Ok so basically I'm really scared of my first audition coming up in 2 months..I'm afraid because what if i don't do well at the audition and at this experience as a whole..I'm nervous because I'm questioning weather i have what it takes to make it in this industry..yes I'm confident and i.think I'm attractive but I'm competing with 15 other girls who all want the same thing..my body is getting better with each day but I'm still having some fear on weather i can really do this..i don't drink or do drugs..I'm a student so getting
high.is out of the question
.I'm just curious how i get over this fear and shyness
.i want this so badly but I'm SUPER DUPER SCARED..Advice please
. guys and girls
last commentIf you have a friend - man or woman, who knows your plans to dance, ask them to cum and watch the audition. Having a friendly & known face cheering you on may well help with your nervousness. The unknown is always a bit scary.
Did you really mean two *months* away for your audition? If so, that's very unusual in stripclubdom. Even if it's only a short period of time, away, practice dancing (with pole tricks) and lap dancing, daily, wherever you can. Even have friends sit in front of you as an audience. It will help break the ice for the actual audition. And,like Alucard recommended, do bring friends to your audition.
When you go to the beach, do you show lots of skin or do you wear a more modest bathing suit? Are you good at flirting with strangers? Are you comfortable being looked at as a piece of meat, even if that's insulting? Does your B/F, husband or significant other, not to mention family have a problem with you working in the sex trade (even in a no extras club, it's still the sex trade. Don't be fooled about this!)
These are the types of core issues that all veteran dancers deal with successfully. You will need to as well.
The most important thing though is for YOU to feel sexy and confident. Try not to focus on what would happen if you fail or the other girls that will also be auditioning. Instead imagine what it'll be like once you have the job.
I'd get an outfit that's easy to take off and makes you feel really hot. I used to practice in the shower and right when I got out. In addition to skill on the pole, work on moving your body in a slow, seductive manner. When you're on stage, SMILE and make eye contact.
For me I was really apprehensive about auditioning. Then on my birthday I felt really sexy and confident and was just like 'I'm gonna do it' and it worked out. So prepare yourself, but don't overthink it. There's another site, stripperweb, that I don't have an account on but I'm sure would have a lot of insightful advice for you. I hope this helps! :)
As I mentioned in a previous thread of yours; if you want tips w.r.t. dancing; you should go over to stripperweb.com and ask them; they should know better than us.
Stripperweb.com has different sections including a newbie section. Each section including the newbie section has some folders at the top labeled “Important†which seem to offer some good basic info on stripping – one of those folders is called “the instructional video thread†and seems to have links of vids a newbie can watch w.r.t. dancing:
If anyone is aware of a dancer's audition including lap dancing talents, please correct me.
Does not compute.
WTF? what kind of upside down club has a two moth lead time just to audition? Seriously WTF? I'm pretty sure every club I frequent you could get an audition at least once a week if not pretty much any time the owner/manager is too distracted. WTF? WTF? WTF?
Of man's bedevilment and God's?
I, a stranger and afraid,
In a world I never made."
This is true, but I consider myself as having some insight playing in a rock band. When I was young, I'd get very nervous before a show, especially when we had an opening act that had a significant following. I was like, "Shit how can we compete with THAT??"
But now I'm just happy to play our tunes for people, and there's always going to be someone who hates you, but we get good reactions because we have good songs and know how to play them.
As I advised the OP, think of it as an opportunity to show off! I LOVE playing gigs! It's who I am and what I do. If you're a "Dancer" then have fun and dance! It's when you're not sure what you are that the lack of confidence shows through and you fail when you're in the entertainment business. Any audience or SC custie knows when you're faking it.
1. To keep you alive.
2. To be conquered.
Marinate on both.
Though, if they *do* "cum", that probably means you're doing a pretty good job.
To me is how a dancer looks and carries herself; I don’t ever recall turning down a dancer b/c she wasn’t killing it on stage – eye contact and a smile from stage would sell me more on a dancer than an Olympic routine on the pole (although there are some custies that really enjoy pole work).
If you want to keep it totally simple just walk around on stage in your stripper shoes with your hands on your hips, and as much as you can, put one foot directly in front of the other. Do some butt-pops and twerking. Play with your boobs, put your head back, and close your eyes. Over time, and with practice at home in front of a mirror, you will get better, and pick up other girl's moves that you like. But better dancing will maybe increase your $$$ by 20% at most.
Have you ever walked around a shopping mall in short-shorts and a knit top? If zero guys looked at you, you probably shouldn't be a stripper. If most guys looked at you, and some almost got whiplash, you can make a lot of money in a good club. If it was somewhere in between, it will depend on you much money you personally want to get out of it whether dancing is for you.
If you get turned down at your audition, that's just one person's opinion, try another club.
Good luck wise one.