Another religious event coming up. say goodbye to all your Muslim employees.
I know many of you run a business or are apart of a business and business attracts all kinds of employees. Do you guys think business will be effected with the upcoming pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia with a buunch of missing muslims for an entire week. Do any of you even work with Muslims? For my job, quite a few people will be gone for the week of Hajj and that's gonna put a lot of work upon those that are staying in America.
You religious types are all alike.
It also works well for getting shit done on smaller holidays, again with them not giving a shit about even the quasi religious/secular holidays having a couple Hindus, Jews, and Muslims around to do some work on Easter Sunday saves me from having to tell some Jr. employee's they drew the short straw and had to work or even be on call.
We don't "give" anyone off any days. Direct employees get a pool of paid time off proportional to their pay grade and time in grade with another pool of unpaid days they can use without specifically asking for time off. Contract employee's either have to stipulate time off in their contract or negotiate with their sponsor. Doesn't really matter what country you are in or what fairy tales you read to your kids.
I've never once heard any of my guys bitch other guys taking off for shit like that. Before we got this big people used to bitch about the Sr. guys getting all the "good" holidays off - but a little national/religious/geographical diversity cleared the problem right up.
Exactly, you only NEED to make the Hajj once in your life.
No respect