I know many of you run a business or are apart of a business and business attracts all kinds of employees. Do you guys think business will be effected with the upcoming pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia with a buunch of missing muslims for an entire week. Do any of you even work with Muslims? For my job, quite a few people will be gone for the week of Hajj and that's gonna put a lot of work upon those that are staying in America.
Only one of the guy's a work with, that I know of, is Muslim. He's actually a really good guy. Very dignified, excellent manners. Think he comes from a rather rich family.
i've never worked for a company that has been affected by it. larger companies I doubt would have much of an issue, I would think maybe only very small or family owned companies would be affected.
Dear goodness slick. Let's all hope with hands held high, Cinco de Mayo doesn't turn into semana de Mayo and it becomes a religious event. The grass definitely will not be greener on the other side.
I have a devout Muslim I work with. He's a gentle man who has had a hard way to go here for many reasons, but always has a smile on his face. I can always count on him to work with me when I need him, and enjoy his company. All I can do is wish him well if he chooses to go for a while.
My religion has 8 holidays: the four solstices, plus Feb 2, May 1st, Aug 2nd and Oct 31st. I work on all 8. I could take vacation days if I wanted to but we can't just give people a day off unless it's a national holiday.
We're pretty diverse, and we do have a few who go on Hajj every year. It really couldn't be less of a big deal though. People take off around their religious holidays all the time. It actually works better having some of them around since they generally couldn't give two shits about my holidays and someone has to watch the shop while I'm out.
It also works well for getting shit done on smaller holidays, again with them not giving a shit about even the quasi religious/secular holidays having a couple Hindus, Jews, and Muslims around to do some work on Easter Sunday saves me from having to tell some Jr. employee's they drew the short straw and had to work or even be on call.
We don't "give" anyone off any days. Direct employees get a pool of paid time off proportional to their pay grade and time in grade with another pool of unpaid days they can use without specifically asking for time off. Contract employee's either have to stipulate time off in their contract or negotiate with their sponsor. Doesn't really matter what country you are in or what fairy tales you read to your kids.
I've never once heard any of my guys bitch other guys taking off for shit like that. Before we got this big people used to bitch about the Sr. guys getting all the "good" holidays off - but a little national/religious/geographical diversity cleared the problem right up.
There are about 1.5 billion Muslims and only a few million take the trip to Mecca every year, a lot of the ones that go are from Saudia Arabia. So nobody should really notice that much, especially in this country.
"There are about 1.5 billion Muslims and only a few million take the trip to Mecca every year, a lot of the ones that go are from Saudia Arabia. So nobody should really notice that much, especially in this country."
Exactly, you only NEED to make the Hajj once in your life.
I work with some in my current job, but being they're originally from Bosnia, I don't think they are exactly the most devout Muslims. They're more likely to go back to their old hometown than to the Hajj. But that's all covered under my employer's vacation policy.
last commentYou religious types are all alike.
It also works well for getting shit done on smaller holidays, again with them not giving a shit about even the quasi religious/secular holidays having a couple Hindus, Jews, and Muslims around to do some work on Easter Sunday saves me from having to tell some Jr. employee's they drew the short straw and had to work or even be on call.
We don't "give" anyone off any days. Direct employees get a pool of paid time off proportional to their pay grade and time in grade with another pool of unpaid days they can use without specifically asking for time off. Contract employee's either have to stipulate time off in their contract or negotiate with their sponsor. Doesn't really matter what country you are in or what fairy tales you read to your kids.
I've never once heard any of my guys bitch other guys taking off for shit like that. Before we got this big people used to bitch about the Sr. guys getting all the "good" holidays off - but a little national/religious/geographical diversity cleared the problem right up.
Exactly, you only NEED to make the Hajj once in your life.
No respect