The 49ers Smith

I cannot understand why professional athletes engage in the kind of behavior he did. WHY put your VERY high paying job & contract at risk with drinking & drug use? [& gun use] I guess it may be the seemingly almost universal feeling among young men that they are "UNTOUCHABLE" and "INDESTRUCTIBLE"!!
Message to these young men - YOU are NOT untouchable & indestructible. Wake up guys.
This applies to members here who have the same misconceptions about themselves.
Message to these young men - YOU are NOT untouchable & indestructible. Wake up guys.
This applies to members here who have the same misconceptions about themselves.
Are you straight edge, Alucard?
Successful people do take some risk - SMART, well thought out risks that have a good chance of success. Misusing alcohol & drugs & running afoul of the Law has VERY little upside IMHO.
He's going to most likely get suspended by the NFL office & possibly incarcerated.
I didn't.
And that's why I said it is an almost universal feeling among young men. Some get away with it & many don't.
I personally would NEVER put the income at ANY risk. I don't see why anyone would risk that sort of income. BUT if they are SO stupid that they don't care - well then they deserve what happens that destroys their income flow IMO.
But it IMO goes back to my view that these persons consider themselves untouchable & indestructible. It can be a VERY RUDE awakening to find out that they truly are NOT untouchable & indestructible.
Alucard, I think your analysis is overly simplistic. Most professional athletes have an over abundance of testosterone. Take a look at the characteristics of this ( you are a nurse aren't you?). Another factor may very well be steroid or HGH use. The medical community has some uncertainties regarding these substances. Others may be just plain stupid. What about living one's life in a culture of permissiveness? Has anyone ever said "no" to them?
My point is that this is a very complex issue which goes far beyond "untouchable & indestructible".
I'm asking, WHY risk your extremely high income when these persons are HIGHLY unlikely to have another opportunity or way to earn money at that level by engaging in such risky behaviors. It IMO, flows from their youthful and misplaced feelings of being "untouchable & indestructible". And perhaps a feeling of being "entitled".
If you can get away with the HIGH risk behaviors & maintain your income flow - MORE power to you. I just myself wouldn't risk the income flow with thinking I'm untouchable & indestructible & entitled.
Life has a way of bringing us back to hard cold reality. BUT i'm looking at this thru a lifetime of experience where I never felt untouchable & indestructible & entitled.