
The 49ers Smith

Avatar for Alucard

I cannot understand why professional athletes engage in the kind of behavior he did. WHY put your VERY high paying job & contract at risk with drinking & drug use? [& gun use] I guess it may be the seemingly almost universal feeling among young men that they are "UNTOUCHABLE" and "INDESTRUCTIBLE"!!

Message to these young men - YOU are NOT untouchable & indestructible. Wake up guys.

This applies to members here who have the same misconceptions about themselves.


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Avatar for Alucard

^^^ Based on your so "ELOQUENT" reply, I am betting that you have this misconception regarding yourself tumblingdice. Hmm...!

Avatar for gawker

You forgot that they are risk takers. When one is confident in their abilities risk taking is almost an aphrodisiac. And most successful people are risk takers.

Avatar for staxwell

Damn, gawker, I never looked at it like that before.

Are you straight edge, Alucard?

Avatar for Alucard

There are SMART risks to take & dumb/stupid risks to take. Is alcohol misuse & drug misuse a "SMART" risk when you can lose your means of employment & income. Does Mr Smith have a college degree that can get him a income near what he earns as an NFL player? Would a company hire him with a known history of alcohol misuse & drug misuse?

Successful people do take some risk - SMART, well thought out risks that have a good chance of success. Misusing alcohol & drugs & running afoul of the Law has VERY little upside IMHO.

He's going to most likely get suspended by the NFL office & possibly incarcerated.

Avatar for rockie

While I'm sure this isn't Aldon Smith's second time screwing up, many people don't try to face up to their problem after their 2nd DUI either. How many of us haven't thought ourselves indestructible even through our twenties

Avatar for Alucard

"How many of us haven't thought ourselves indestructible even through our twenties"

I didn't.

And that's why I said it is an almost universal feeling among young men. Some get away with it & many don't.

Avatar for davejones1978

Later we found out that Mr Smith did not have chronic in tje car. But yes we all do stupid things from timt to time. The only difference is that we all here about it when rhey screw up.

Avatar for ime

you should post this on an NFL message board so the players who need it might be able to save themselves before its too late

Avatar for sharkhunter

I think most people go through an invincible phase. I prefer not to tempt fate. Makes me wonder if I already died by random chance in an alternate reality and switched bodies and woke up in a very similar alternate reality. That would explain a number of dancers and other things suddenly changing. If Alucard says he has a gun, I'll know I went through a major reality shift. No one here probably believes in the possibility but I was wondering if the occassional super speed I sometimes experience could be related. Super speed is cool. You can play arcade games in bars and go through all the levels super easy on a single coin and keep on playing. The longest I remember it lasting was about an hour or 1.5 hours. Beer probably wore off. Beer >>> super speed on occassion. Beer must inhibit whatever is holding back our super powers, lol. :)

Avatar for clevelandbrowns69

The only people who mismanage their money worse than NFL players are the strippers.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Why ask why...drink bud dry

Avatar for crazyjoe

Just smoke a bowl and relax alucard. Their actions are not your problem or your business

Avatar for Estafador

Well Eli was one smart risk taker. Plus he was used to having money since young. Kids today are not (that includes me but I still hold onto my money for important futures)

Avatar for HowdyPilgrims

Stupid people do stupid things and sometimes they get caught. I'm not seeing why that is so hard to understand?

Avatar for Alucard

So HowdyPilgrims if you had a multi-million dollar income would you behave in a way to protect it? Or would you do things that are dumb and put the income at extreme risk or even destroy the income flow?

I personally would NEVER put the income at ANY risk. I don't see why anyone would risk that sort of income. BUT if they are SO stupid that they don't care - well then they deserve what happens that destroys their income flow IMO.

But it IMO goes back to my view that these persons consider themselves untouchable & indestructible. It can be a VERY RUDE awakening to find out that they truly are NOT untouchable & indestructible.

Avatar for gawker

Alucard, I think your analysis is overly simplistic. Most professional athletes have an over abundance of testosterone. Take a look at the characteristics of this ( you are a nurse aren't you?). Another factor may very well be steroid or HGH use. The medical community has some uncertainties regarding these substances. Others may be just plain stupid. What about living one's life in a culture of permissiveness? Has anyone ever said "no" to them?

My point is that this is a very complex issue which goes far beyond "untouchable & indestructible".

Avatar for Alucard

The feelings of being "untouchable & indestructible" more than likely do flow from an over abundance of testosterone. Being in a permissive environment. Being catered to. And substance abuse.

I'm asking, WHY risk your extremely high income when these persons are HIGHLY unlikely to have another opportunity or way to earn money at that level by engaging in such risky behaviors. It IMO, flows from their youthful and misplaced feelings of being "untouchable & indestructible". And perhaps a feeling of being "entitled".

If you can get away with the HIGH risk behaviors & maintain your income flow - MORE power to you. I just myself wouldn't risk the income flow with thinking I'm untouchable & indestructible & entitled.

Life has a way of bringing us back to hard cold reality. BUT i'm looking at this thru a lifetime of experience where I never felt untouchable & indestructible & entitled.

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

Keep in mind that these "exceptional athletes" are pampered, protected, and live a consequence free life until they turn pro. They have never learned to behave like civilized humans. The ones that do behave off the field are the ones who had parents that taught them how to behave. College coaches used to make player behave but now they are just pro trainers out for the money. I do not know how to make thing change but behavior like Ben Rothsenberger's while he was in college (accused of date rape several times so the rumors at Miami of Oxford say) and after needs to stop.

Avatar for tumblingdice

Jeez Alucunt! Winston Churchill drank a 5th of whiskey per day.

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