How many of you have gone to a feature act. I was in Cadillac lounge in Providence a few days after Terri Wiegle performed there. The girls were telling me that she would take a patron from the audience and give him a CBJ on stage. Several girls confirmed the act. One girl who worked there the last time she came to town said she did the same thing. I have never been to a feature show with one exception and that was years ago at Diamonds in Miamisburg OH a limited touching high end club and the feature dancer who claimed to be a former Playboy model (a has been) tried to get me to go for a private room and offered FS for $500 (plus cost of the room). I did not take her up on it as she had more plastic parts than a fleshlight. What have you witnessed and/or participated in?
I saw one a few years ago. I don't even remember her name, but she had a squeeze bottle filled with a white substance which she said was cum that she'd collected at her last show. She was an energetic dancer and of course ended up with "cum" all over her. She was offering VIP for $500.
I usually avoid any kind of special SC events b/c the larger crowds are often inversely proportional to the quality of my visit.
Only time I saw a feature was Cherokee D`ass at a black dive down here in Miami (about 6 months ago).
Total waste of time – she did not show up till after 2:00 a.m. on a Th night – she was dressed in jeans and a blouse and just sat in a corner where one could go up and say hello. To the best of my knowledge she did not take the stage or anything and that club was a hole in the wall w/ no VIP room(s). I left the club around 3:00 a.m. so not sure if she did anything after I left.
Been to a few feature dance shows and the best was years ago by Lene' Hefner who pulled a girl from the tipping rail and went down on her. I know it wasn't a plant because I was sitting next to the group the girl was with and afterwards she was still in shock by the whole experience.
Never been, I considered stopping by to see Daisy Marie locally last week - but I got distracted. She not really my type, but she's reasonably hot. I've heard mostly negative reviews, but I figure there has to be something to it as pretty much all the clubs do it periodically and people obviously show up. I've had some good times with porn starlets as regular house strippers, I'm curious about features so I wanted to check it out.
I've seen and met a lot of features entertainers in clubs. I usually did not make any special effort to see them. I prefer not to become involved in their stage show when I'm merely attempting to tip. I don't want my clothes messed up or go up on stage. A few entertainers were very entertaining. Some were not. If the feature is boring or not your taste, it usually is a great time to get dances from one of your favorites in the VIP room or lap dance area, longer songs and more privacy unless a lot of other guys had the same idea.
Bc I was quite fond of them from their videos, ~1990 went to see Christy Canyon and Victoria Paris. They did some kind of stage show. I think I paid $50 for a dance w/both of them. LOTS of money, esp. 20+ years ago, but it came w/a Polaroid of me w/them which I still have. Had a bit of regular conversation w/them. Victoria seemed much sweeter in person than on camera. Hey, her website says she's currently on tour, so maybe I'll get to see her again?
While I try to avoid features, I once saw Lotta Topp at a DV in Saginaw, MI. Look her up on Google and you will find that she is known for having an enormous clit. During the show she came around the rail and showed it off.
I went to see Jenna Haze once. She kept pulling some girl's tits out that was sitting by the railing and then played with them for probably 1/2 a minute. In return, the chick groped Jenna, who then moved right over to a bouncer and had her kicked out for that. She was on stage for about 10 minutes, most of which were spent throwing out posters. Seemed pretty pointless to me.
Oh and I recall one if Key West, witnessed but no participation. I don't recall her name now, but I think she actually ran for governor in CA some time ago.
The gubernatorial candidate was probably Mary Carey. I saw her once and have to say she hasn't aged too well.
I think most reach pornstars reach their expiration date around their 25th birthday. On the other hand, they truly are some of the best in bed. I am sure those of you who have been lucky enough would agree.
Terri Weigel performed like 3 weeks ago at the Cadillac Lounge in Providence. I knew she was older but never actually looked her up to see. I did not see her but was in the club a few days later and the girls were still talking about her act. Like I have stated before I do not like plastic so why would I pay a $20 cover to see a plastic replica of a girl.
That's her. Soon as you posted her name it rang the proverbial bell. I didn't think she was that hot when I saw her. Had to be over 10 years ago I saw her.
It's interesting that most of us don't care for feature dancers. I'm with you on that. I went several times, in my early years clubbing, but that's because I knew who the features were. I don't keep up on today's "talent."
last commentI get the feeling the patron was somebody she knew that was part of her act and not some random PL from the audience – but one never knows.
Only time I saw a feature was Cherokee D`ass at a black dive down here in Miami (about 6 months ago).
Total waste of time – she did not show up till after 2:00 a.m. on a Th night – she was dressed in jeans and a blouse and just sat in a corner where one could go up and say hello. To the best of my knowledge she did not take the stage or anything and that club was a hole in the wall w/ no VIP room(s). I left the club around 3:00 a.m. so not sure if she did anything after I left.
Bc I was quite fond of them from their videos, ~1990 went to see Christy Canyon and Victoria Paris. They did some kind of stage show. I think I paid $50 for a dance w/both of them. LOTS of money, esp. 20+ years ago, but it came w/a Polaroid of me w/them which I still have. Had a bit of regular conversation w/them. Victoria seemed much sweeter in person than on camera. Hey, her website says she's currently on tour, so maybe I'll get to see her again?…
@Papi hmm well business must suck because she seems to be a cam model now
I think most reach pornstars reach their expiration date around their 25th birthday. On the other hand, they truly are some of the best in bed. I am sure those of you who have been lucky enough would agree.
That's her. Soon as you posted her name it rang the proverbial bell. I didn't think she was that hot when I saw her. Had to be over 10 years ago I saw her.
@ Others: For details on Mary Carey, including her 2003 California gubernatorial race, see:…
It's interesting that most of us don't care for feature dancers. I'm with you on that. I went several times, in my early years clubbing, but that's because I knew who the features were. I don't keep up on today's "talent."
Let Asa Akira be a feature and see how quick my ass gets there!