Seriously Al, you bring all the flaming on yourself with your rants, illogical tirades, and cryptic crap like this. The simple definition of insanity is said to be doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
@Alucard: I'm in the top three people you hate? I must be doing something right. What elevated me, the "gun nut" article that contains things you can't counter logically?
But honestly drac bro what kind of shit posting is this supposed to be or do you have a motive to post shit like thus like blankspace did to get foundee to make corrections and then make a mobster monster monater
Two motives: the usual alutard playing the victim suffering for his righteousness. Goes back to his days as a young retard when the kids would pick on him and his mother would tell him it was alright because he was better then them.
Second motive is also to feel superior. He invents a code that nobody cracks because they just don't give a fuck but he tells himself the real reason is because of his superior intellect. In this case he was pointing out people who started "attack threads" against him.
Our responses, of course, gave him the persecution he begged for and desired all along and gave us some mildly sadistic laughter, so I guess everybody wins.
@ alicard...since you are a medical professional I have a question for you. If I eat my food way too fast and I swallow a lot of air with it and that makes me fart a lot, does that mean I'm an air pump or a fart machine?
Third wheel. Three's a crowd. It also psychologically represents a person with an Oedipus complex. So my serious take on Turd's 3 is telling us he feels like a third wheel, he is always a third wheel, and he has sexual feelings for his mother on which he may or may not take action. My guess is that he doesn't/didn't get it on with mommy and this causes a lot of frustration which manifests itself in his TUSCL rants.
last commentFounder should erease this shit....what you trying to get free VIP faggot.......go fuck yourself and die
You just got banned
Babe Ruth
Dale Earnhardt
Joe Montana (college)
Daryle Lamonica
D. Wade
gmd = the father
BigTuna = the son
deogol = the holy ghost
3more post from you like this and I'm going to punch you back up your dead mothers pussy !
And before you pull that my mommy is dead bullshit mom and dad has been dead for 10 years now so take that and fuck yourself !
@Alucard: I'm in the top three people you hate? I must be doing something right. What elevated me, the "gun nut" article that contains things you can't counter logically?
Second motive is also to feel superior. He invents a code that nobody cracks because they just don't give a fuck but he tells himself the real reason is because of his superior intellect. In this case he was pointing out people who started "attack threads" against him.
Our responses, of course, gave him the persecution he begged for and desired all along and gave us some mildly sadistic laughter, so I guess everybody wins.
If I eat my food really fast and I swallow lots of air with it and that males me fart a lot...does that make me an air pump or a fart machine?
2. BigTuna1
3. jabthehut
4. crazyjoe
5. TheFuture
6. staxwell
7. ShadowKat
8. georgmicrodong
Oh there are many reasons for this, nicely to the point, cryptic original post of mine - that my "Loving Attack Dogs" can't manage to figure out.
Luke, Dragline, and Koko are The Terrible Trio.
Truer words have not been sung.
3-piece suit
3 wise men
3 point play
3 lane highway
3's Company
3-way with a stripper and her dog
3 Days of the Condor
You know what that means you VILE ATTACK DOG