"And Now For Something Completely Different"

avatar for joker44
Taking a break from the endless “troll” discussions.

Just a note to newer members about two other strip club related resources. Older members have seen these sites mentioned here in the past.

http://petertips.blogspot.com/ “Peter” reviews clubs across the US and occasionally on other continents. Recent eastern European club reviews. One reviewer insures more consistency but you may not always agree with his evaluation. Nearly all reviews follow the same format:

Quality of Dances
Quality of Dancers
Number of Dancers (at time of visit)
Variety of Dancers (ethnicity)
Attitudes (of dancers) - friendly, willing to chat, brusque “do you want a dance” only, ignore new visitors etc.
Value - $ for cover, drinks, various lap dance options
Club Setup - physical description of club layout
Dance Setup - specific physical description of lap dance setup with focus on comfort and relative privacy
Atmosphere - music played and general “feel” of being in club, depressing, enjoyable, raucous, comfortable etc.
Location - physical location of club, ease of getting there and finding it (visibility from nearest main road)
Overall Value

http://stripclubhound.blogspot… Best described in his own words:

“The rambling thoughts of a guy who hangs out at them, used to manage one and thinks he's learned a few things about how not to be a total asshole around nude women”

Free, no donation asked, no annoying sex ads which he deems mostly “utter bullshit”.
Began posting in August, 2010. Located in SoCal. Good place for newbies to get some SC questions answered that would invite mockery on TUSCL. Invites you to email him your questions or thoughts. Posts have included a wide range of topics:

interviews with current and former dancers
stories about management days
stories about club visits including description of extras received
opinions about how to run a club, treat dancers, club pricing
mistakes clubs make that ultimately loose customers and cause dancers to leave
security cameras and what his club used them for (not what you think)
unrealistic customer expectations

Recent post on July 2, 2013 -- Top eleven complaints customers in strip clubs have about dancers.


Hates loud music and intrusive, obnoxious DJs, special effects (smoke machines) and poor stage lighting. “Customers are not there for these but for one reason only -- to see nude women”!


last comment
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
I've read both of those sites and I concur. Great information and entertaining stories.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
I hadn't heard of Peter Tips before, but I well know of the Strip Club Hound. He has great insight into the industry. I've been reading his blog since it started.
avatar for VeryBigDawg
12 years ago
Nice sites!
avatar for emmett
12 years ago
Peter's Tips hasn't been updated since July, and even before that, updates were few and far between. But when he posts, he has good information -- really thorough reviews, more informative than most posted here on tuscl.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
While doing research on gentlemen's clubs, escorts, and affiliated activity, I came across this site ran by a dude named Cuba Dave. He has explicit advice, stories, tips, you name it about overseas clubbing & mongering. Cubadave.com
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Peter sent me PMs before and after visiting the Columbia Platinum Plus. He does a great job of reviewing. It's just a shame that he doesn't post his reviews on here.
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
SHC is pretty awesome.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
Clubgoer, while I don't exactly feel your pain, I once did know a guy who was so fat that he had not seen HIS peter's tip in years. lol.
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