
Strip Clubs with very limited money

Monday, August 12, 2013 5:29 PM
So I'm struggling through a bit of a financial down period and have not been able to hit the clubs for awhile. I'm thinking of starting to go to some of my favorite joints again, but only plan on spending a few dollars. For the most part, this will mean having a few beers, maybe tipping a few girls on stage, and perhaps getting one lap dance or so. My problem is that I'm used to having more money to spend on high-mileage dances. So, my question to you all is this: If you knew you could only spend a very limited amount of money at the club, would you even bother to go? On the positive side, I'll still be able to look at naked women and enjoy a few drinks, and perhaps even touch a few breasts when tipping. On the negative side, I imagine it's going to be pretty frustrating to see girls giving good dances and not being able to partake. Similarly, there's always the chance I could put a few drinks away and then stupidly throw caution to the wind and spend money that I really should be using elsewhere. What do you guys think? Worth it?


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Save & splurge once in awhile, rather than regular low cost visits.
  • slick316
    11 years ago
    Agreed, save and splurge. No need to ball out of control, but not having to worry about the number of drinks you had is a good feeling. Personally, I would hate to get one dance and it turns out to be crappy. I think I normally have more misses than hits.
  • CB42DDD
    11 years ago
    I say save a bit and enjoy a good time.. I havent been one for "high mileage" but its no fun constantly worrying just set a limit and enjoy to the fullest with in it
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I only spend the cash in my wallet but I don't like wondering if I have enough cash to buy a beer or a lap dance. If I forgot, I can look. I don't want to be in a situation where I spent almost all my money and one hot sexy girl comes over and wants to do a lap dance and I'm all out of money and she offers a great price on top. I would save and not worry as much. Maybe see if I could limit my spending when I do have extra cash and make more visits if I succeed at limiting my spending. I spent a lot less last week and I wasn't even trying. That's not as much fun though. One retirement specialist at work suggesting predrinking a couple of drinks to avoid drinking more expensive club drinks. Of course if you drink too much, just stay home and don't risk any possible DUI.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Go but no making it rain
  • SnackBox69
    11 years ago
    If you can find happiness in this then do so but if not...save and splurge
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I generally prefer clubs where the dancers have flexible work hours. But in your situation, there's an advantage with the clubs that twist the girls arms to come in early when the club is still dead. If you come in while it's dead, you'll have some chance of the top dancers bothering to give you your one dance. If you come in when it's busy, once it's known your only getting one song, you won't be first choice.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    BTW hope you get some good breaks soon.
  • LordxBetty
    11 years ago
    Mnnn Start Slangin' you Pl......mmmmnnnnnnnn
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I'm with Alucard-Save and Splurge. I save to go to a fine restaurant rather than eat everyday at a shit shop. Also, use coupons for entry-many times free. I also save my $1's for future tipping. I've bought VIP bracelets that give discounts on 2-4-1 and 3-4-1 dances.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    The majority of my visits are low cost and relatively short, and hour or less. Why, I rarely plan a visit unless out of town. Those local are just when I am in the area and have a little extra time.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    I prefer to have money so I can spend time with my ATF. We're friends and have met OTC but I would never think to see her at work without paying my way. If I can't afford some dances I won't go (unless she asks me to at least).
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    It all depends on what you mean by very limited money, but I would just save money for one big trip later. Alternately, you could just decide to hit the cheapest club you can think of, and possibly put up with some crappy dancers.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Maybe he doesn't want to "slum". BUT some Dives are better than others.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Clubbing ain't cheap. It is as simple as that. I own a business, so my liquid cash on hand can vary dramatically from one month to the next. When those times roll around when I am less liquid, for whatever reason, I just wait it out.
  • bvino
    11 years ago
    I always wait until i can take 2-300 dollars so i can tip without worrying and still have persuasive cash. The only time i will low ball a club is my first time there for exploratory reasons. One drink and out and will return armed with dough if I like it. I have learned not to go to a new club with lots of money. Spend too much for too little and end up pssed at myself. Wiat until you can afford a good time at some palce you like.
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