
Dallas signs Romo

Avatar for tumblingdice
tumblingdiceSouth Carolina

Thank God for small miracles.Go Big Blue.


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Avatar for gawker

Romo is a small miracle? Are you in an alternate universe? Maybe a very small miracle. I've always viewed him as a rather pedestrian QB.

Avatar for tumblingdice

Gawker! Your dumb as dirt.I'm a Giant fan if you didn't catch my drift.This is nothing but a plus for me.

Avatar for gawker

It all makes sense to me now. A typical New Yawker. Boost yourself up by putting the other guy down.

Avatar for tumblingdice

Okay sunshine,I got nothing but rings to talk about.At least your not that Vikings faggot.

Avatar for SlickSpic

Cowboys do have the hottest cheerleaders.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I’m a lifelong Cowboys fan – but gotta admit I’ve been more impressed by the Raiders’ cheerleaders over the years.

Avatar for SlickSpic

The Raiderettes will Suprise you-some are nurses, some are in law school, etc. And they're hot.

Avatar for SlickSpic

The Autumn Wind

By Steve Sabol

The autumn wind is a pirate

Blustering in from sea

With a rollicking song

He sweeps along

Swaggering boisterously

His face is weather-beaten

He wears a hooded sash

With a silver hat about his head

And a bristling black moustache

He growl as he storms the country

A villain big and bold

And the trees all shake

And quiver and quake

As he robs them of their gold

The autumn wind is a Raider

Pillaging just for fun

He’ll knock you ‘round

And upside down

And laugh when he’s conquered and won.

Avatar for ime

"just win baby"

I don't think thats the motto there anymore

Avatar for GoVikings

Lol you're a bit late, they resigned Romo weeks ago and he's a good QB

Avatar for Alucard

"I've always viewed him as a rather pedestrian QB"

I agree. He MAY get Dallas into the playoffs. He'll NOT win them the Super Bowl! LMAO!!

Avatar for stephanmatoe

Dear Cowboys, please send Romo over soon. Thanks. Love , Rex Ryan

Avatar for JayJay15

If God cared about the Cowboys, they would sign someone named "Staubach."

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