big booty puerto rican strip club?

avatar for bigtimer23
Anyone know strip clubs where thick puerto ricans work? Any area or location. I mean thick like "scarlett"


last comment
avatar for grand1511
12 years ago
I would think Puerto Rico would be a good place to start looking.
avatar for bigtimer23
12 years ago
Yep yep, now why didnt i think of that
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
Big booty Puerto Ricans?

You really need to take me along with you :)
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Maybe we can have a TUSCL meet in PR. I'm down.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Ask Papi!!!
avatar for bigtimer23
12 years ago
Govickings and slick your both more than welcome too come, and who's papi
avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
"I would think Puerto Rico would be a good place to start looking."

Ha! Not necessarily. Decades ago I was at the air base in PR. A few of my buddies and I nervously walked several miles to the small dive SC. The entire hike I was imagining all the dark haired dark eyed beauties I was about to see.

Upon arrival, there was only one, rail skinny, mid 40's blonde dancer that was far past her prime years dancing for the all the horny service guys. She was able to pick up dollars with her butt cheeks which I thought was impressive.
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
Why is this thread okay. Yet thread:…

is considered the most objectionable thread in the history of tusl?
avatar for bigtimer23
12 years ago
@nickifree, because i did not include the word "only". The club can have as many diffirent kind of women as they want, as long as it also has a big booty puerto rican dancer :)
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
Study demographics, my guess would be New York.

If other type of Latinas are your interest then South Florida.

avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I know one that claims to be Japanese/Puerto Rican. From the waist up she is Japanese. No tits to speak of. From the waist down she is a BIG booty Puerto Rican. She gives excellent dances and VIP trips.
avatar for bigtimer23
12 years ago
Shadowcat; the name of the dancer would be good, the name of the club would be better
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
bigtimer23 - a review would be good, several reviews would be better.
avatar for bigtimer23
12 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
NYC has the largest population of Puerto Ricans (outside of Puerto Rico of course) to the best of my knowledge.

You would need to get intel from the NYC guys.

I imagine you may gleam some info from the reviews of clubs in the Bronx; Queens; Brooklyn; etc. Also perhaps some clubs in Connecticut.

And yeah – if you’ve been a member for 2.5+ years; you should have contributed some info (reviews) if you want to ask for info yourself.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
How I'd thay white only tgread objectional?
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I called out the "whites only" thread as most objectionable and I'll repeat what I said again. The poster wanted a strip club with white dancers only.
"Strip club with Dancers of only white Ethnicity"

This moron doesn't understand that the days of segregation are over. You can't have whites only restrooms, drinking fountains, restaurants, public schools, bus stations, or strip clubs. If he can't stand the sight of black, hispanic or Asian dancers, he should crawl back under his rock and dream of watching Klan rallies.

There is nothing wrong with preferring a certain ethnicity. I prefer blonde white girls like Kate Upton. But if you want a club that excludes any dancers except whites, you should move to Butthole, Mississippi, circa 1955.
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
Shadowcat- HAHAHA
avatar for rell
12 years ago
yeah if we ever do a tuscl in puerto rico or brazil im down
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
I'm down for this. Who's with me?
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