OTC are much easier if you have drugs...

avatar for dalex
it's fucking crazy...


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avatar for gawker
12 years ago
I've been doing OTC for four years with a heroin addict. Frankly, I like her better when she's using smack than crack. I won't see her anymore when she's using crack. She gets paranoid, non-responsive, distracted and distant. When she's on mollies or Ecstacy she's loving and responsive. On heroin she's mellow and easy going. When she brings powder I get a bad case of dope dick - limp as a wet noodle
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
As an old Deadhead I hate myself for saying this... "Just say no"

Weed is cool and will hopefully be legal at some point. Just don't get all stoned and run your car into somebody else. Psychedelics can be coo-el if used with care. I had many an entertaining time watching the walls melt. Hell, once when dropping acid while camping my dog transformed herself into a bear and my friend's dog transformed himself into a bat. Then two space aliens driving a Ford Econoline were buzzed by a black helicopter that locked its hippie seeking missiles on us.

But it was all good. Know that if the Evil Spirit arms the Tiger with claws, Brahman provideth wings for the Dove. Do you dig that? Thus spake the super-guru.

But stear clear of coke and heroine my brother. They are the Tiger's claws. Stear clear of those who use
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Weed is a organic fuck bud....use it my friend...and sell it if you wish...but you must use it to fuck with...weed passes greed when my sister is in need smoke Da' weed
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
Testify Juicebro...TESTIFY!!!

And God said, let the earth bring forth GRASS, the HERB yielding seed

The creator of the whole fucking universe wants us to smoke herb my brothers. But DON'T MESS AROUN WITH MR. BROWNSTONE!!! That shit ain't coo-el.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
I drink freely from the heresy highway my righteous brotha zip
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I'll stick to alcohol. I don't want to remember my paid sex adventures
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
Not heresy my bro...TRUTH. Says that stuff right there in first chapter of the fucking Bible. If you can't trust God, who can you trust?

And remember this my friend...Mr.Crowley also dug weed. When the good LORD and the BEAST agree it HAS to be coo-el!
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
I like fuckin cows.....it helps me air out my ass.....it also helps my penis cry a little
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
Esta my brother. Use enough acid and you won't know what happened.

You'll ask yourself "what happened last night? I don't think I paid for a hooker...no, I gave this hot space alien $500 and she let me do the anal probing...she was hot, like Kate Upton but with these really big, all black eyes... wait, was I even on the planet earth? I think there was some kind of hole that took me somewhere...wormhole, bunghole, asshole...who the fuck knows. "

Stear clear of alcohol though. Bad for you.
avatar for rell
12 years ago
i have been sucessful in many otc attempts and i have never used drugs as bait
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Juice! I think you meant,"Hersey Highway".
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
dalex: "OTC are much easier if you have drugs..."

What would alutard do? LMFAO!
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
@ Juice..."I like fucking cows"

One night I was out cow tipping and after topping one over there was a big dude standing behind where the cow was on a 5 gallon bucket with his pants down and a cucumber in his hand. Was that you juice?
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
@ Juice..."I like fucking cows"

One night I was out cow tipping and after topping one over there was a big dude standing behind where the cow was on a 5 gallon bucket with his pants down and a cucumber in his hand. Was that you juice?
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
I fucked a zebra once...oh wait that was tjat chick from a halloween party
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
You want to go to prison as a dealer dalex?
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Dalex! You're making friends where ever you go.
avatar for BigTuna1
12 years ago
Maybee Joe just maybee lol
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