
Why do you see so many cops in clubs?

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 8:56 AM
The clubs I go to regularly have uniformed cops dropping in all the time, and they seem to know everyone. Are they there just for fun? Or to collect money? Do the clubs pay them to drop by? Or to look the other way on certain things? Are they supposed to be doing this? Does anyone care?


  • tropicalH2O
    18 years ago
    Cops are, in theory, not supposed to touch the dancers. When a guy I'm dancing for touches me on my ass or moves towards my breasts I figure that he's probably not a cop. It's good to start rubbing the thigh or somewhere else first, then progress. Yoda: there is one extremely sensual dancer, S****a, who is very good I'm told. Wear the nice shoes if you want to (sorry I forgot your name). Clean man, nice clothes & shoes = better chance of dirty dancin'.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I've been told my preference for black oxfords or work shoes doesn't help me with dancers, but I can't say it's been a problem. You would think an undercover cop would wear different shoes if they're such a tipoff. Still, I usually switch to sneakers when I go to a new club.
  • Doverman
    18 years ago
    Now see... I thought I should ditch the sneakers in lieu of some nicer shoes when going to a club. Maybe not "dressy" shoes, but casual shoes. I guess I'm missing the boat on that one. Maybe the dancers think I'm an undercover cop?????
    19 years ago
    Just one more advantage of being an old fart - nobody ever wonders if I'm a cop.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    TH20: I'm curious about how girls figure it out as well. I was in your club last summer and got some dances from a beautiful mexican girl. I agreed to the four dance min. and went back to the VIP room with her. She did 2 dances for me which where pretty tame. As the third song was starting she said "OK, you're not a cop" and things got a lot more interesting-interesting enough for me to do 10 dances....
  • tropicalH2O
    19 years ago
    I don't really know how to spot a cop. I usually feel around their waistline while acting like I'm just hugging them and I feel down their legs for a gun. Off duty cops carry guns. I've talked with lots of girls who have been cited for dirty dancin' and they all tell me that they couldn't tell the dude was a cop. The lady cops almost always have bangs and they wear their hair pulled back.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    A dancer I used to know got fired for offering an off-duty cop a blowjob one night in the VIP room. He was attending a bachelor party at the club. Doh!
    19 years ago
    If they're undercover, how do you look out for them? What do I look for, Miami Vice types in hot cars? In Baltimore? If I can spot them they must be terrible at their job. The place I used to go to most recently shared a parking lot with a bar-b-que joint next door, and cops eat there all the time so there's always a cop car in the lot. I kinda liked that, made me feel good about the safety of my car.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    The answer is simple, they would rather see some titties for free than actually do the job they have been paid for.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    At one of the clubs I used to go to all the time, if you were there long enough, you'd eventually see one. And the only reason he was there was to see naked chicks. They probably do shoot the breeze for a while, and strip clubs offer far better looking ladies than your local 7-11.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    And everyone else thinks they hang out in doughnut shops.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    It made me nervous the first few times I saw them. I'm still not inclined to start a lapdance while they're nearby, but to leave the club would be a crazy overreaction.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Except for the one club I mentioned it doesn't really bother me. The cops come in, shoot the breeze with the bouncers for a few minutes, shake hands with the manager, watch the girls go by for a few minutes, whatever. For the most part they don't care what the girls are doing-at least not in my part of the country. LE is much more interested in drug dealers in SC's than they are in hand jobs.
  • Doverman
    19 years ago
    It would make me nervous... whether I was doing anything illegal (or having anything illegal done to me). The whole atmosphere would be ruined, and I likely wouldn't stay too long. Now, if they were outside making sure my car didn't get broken into, I'd probably buy them a cup of coffee or two.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I see uniformed cops in the clubs all the time. They are on patrol and they are in the neighborhood. If I was a cop on a beat with an SC I'd stop by regularly as well. Some clubs I go to pay for a police detail on busy nights just to keep control. One club I go to in no-contact Mass has a detail cop on Friday and Saturday nights who spends the night watching the dance area to make sure the guys behave themselves. Guess witch nights I don't go in?
    19 years ago
    Chandler, I agree with your last statement. I've never seen a cop glance into the VIP room nor have I ever noticed any of the girls modify their behavior either onstage or with customers or any girl with a customer pay any attention to the cops. It always seems social for the most part.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    At a lot of clubs, cops seem to stop by as part of a daily routine. They'll just chat with the manager around the door for a few minutes and then move on. It appears more social than anything, although it may have started as a daily stop along their beat to share info about trouble in the area, etc. You see the same thing in regular bars. I've been in small neighborhood-type strip clubs where cops hang out a LONG time, drinking coffee, joking with strippers. Strippers at the bar can get pretty explicit about how they could make the cop's visit worthwhile, if he'd only loosen his holster and relax for a few minutes. Once, I was in the middle of a lapdance when cops came in and had the manager call my dancer and a few others over. She had to go to her locker room for something. When she came back to me, she told me the cops had asked all the younger strippers to produce their I.D. Some woman in the area had called the cops, claiming she saw a girl who couldn't possibly be of age entering the club. It turned out to be a false alarm. By the way, the cops you see drop by probably have no interest in policing any sexual activity within the club. That's left to the vice cops.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I've known a few cops in my time. Most of them used to get into a lot of trouble as kids and teens, probably has something to do with the adreneline junkie aspect of the job. Most of them liked to hang out in strip clubs in general. But my guess is that just as you often see cops in the seedier parts of town more often they are in the clubs because someone (customer, stripper, boyfriend) came up in a case.
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