making it rain?

Breathe, breathe in the air
How many dollar bills are usually thrown (or whatever) to be classified as 'rain'?
I've not done it yet, how many of you guys participate in this activity?
I've not done it yet, how many of you guys participate in this activity?
I would think it varies w/ perhaps a common amount being $20 so it is a shower and not a tip.
But for the ones that “really want to make a statement†– would not surprise me if they make it storm with 100 singles?
...But since that was NukeyBoy's discretionary income for an entire month, he decided to try and seem like sophisticated man of the world after that, and save a little money at the same time, by tossing 20 Yen in the future instead.
I personally would never make it rain. I also would never shout, "Everyone look at me," which is kinda the same thing.
I think that would actually go over very well especially in a black club.
The girl I was sitting with (we were about to go to viP) said "its a couple of whales who come in here and party with 2 or 3 girls they pick out and it can go on awhile or they take the girls home with them."
The Ritz upstairs VIP is a very plush area with a bar, gaming machines, and all kind of couches where a girl can make a couch fort. The VIP membership is lifetime and approximately $850-900 I believe. It entitles the member to free entry to the club, VIP (otherwise 120), and CR. The club also has a state of the art sportsbar (mancave) area and an outdoor patio where girls will be sunbathing and available. The downstairs CR has several individual rooms with a love seat, end table, adjustable lighting, and a real door (for privacy). You can befriend them on FB and c all kinda photos of hot girls and specials. Even the waitresses are hot.
When I am out of town and some ROB stripper tries to sell me "$500 half hour in VIP deal" I just LMAO. I know what a real VIP deal really is.…
Fuck making it rain. I'll take a good nut over attention whoring every damn day of the week.
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