
Woman has No Problem with Neighboring Strip Clubs

Detroit strip clubs
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 6:04 AM
This woman has a refreshing attitude toward strip clubs. [view link]


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I like her attitude.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Nice change of pace from what is usually said by neighboring residents.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I wish some of my neighbors were as cool as her.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    Quite refreshing to read, for a change! But, I wonder by the time her eleven-year old child is old enough to know what a strip club is, if she'll change her position.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    the strip club looks like a fire house
  • snowtime
    11 years ago
    Based on the poll results along with the article, she is not the only one who approves of the clubs. 57% were in favor of leaving the adult establishments. I think that the poll just shows that more and more people (especially younger ones) want the government out of people's private lives. If the Republican Party would just take note of this shift, they might have a chance of winning another National election. Otherwise, they will continue to lose by incresing margins every 4 years.
  • snowtime
    11 years ago
    Second sentance should have read "leaving the adult establishments alone".
  • yndy
    11 years ago
    May not be the best venue for a future TUSCL convention...Excerpt from a review of The Cabin: Major complaint #2: the roof (or something) was leaking water (I hope) onto the stage. The dancers were getting wet and slipping on the stage. Major complaint #3: has anyone noticed the half-ass wiring job on the ceiling? It looks like a bunch of extension cords spliced together for connecting things. How the f*** did this pass building code inspection? Water leaking from the ceiling plus questionable electric work stapled to the ceiling and this place screams fire hazard to me. Also, FYI, ‘business casual’ is way over dressed for this place. It is Duncannon, so you can’t expect great talent here. Still I did not like what I saw. There were about 7 dancer huddled around one of the tables by the stage. Nothing appealing IMO. One surprisingly cute slender girl came out of the dressing room, did here stage set and then ran back into the dressing room. I was willing to see what she wanted for LDs, but didn’t see her again. WTF? That cute girl would at best be a 6 on Jackson’s RTH scale. All the other options were less than 5’s based on RTH. This place was starting to give me the 2’am vibe, so I decided to split. I will not be back.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    @club_goer - Granted, I am a stripper now, but when I was growing up I'd see "XXX live nude girls" signs all over Floroda and I never gave them a second thought. I think once I asked my parents, "Why do they have to say they're alive? Why would they be dead?" And that's about it.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I prefer live girls. I'm just not into Zombies. I try to avoid being eaten. I once had one dancer tell me I smelled good. Then she licked my arm and said I tasted good too. Zombie Alert Red Flag. One dancer dressed all in black reminded me of vampires for some reason. When I went to tip her on stage, she bit me. Undead alert, vampire? zombie? Weird dancer? yes. Maybe she thought I was a vampire too and wanted to bite out with me. She watched me a lot. Biting me on the neck or nose doesn't turn me on. Maybe she was a zombie.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I'm left wondering why does the ice cream truck stop at the strip club? I like byob and nude clubs. I lost all that in my area even though it is legal.
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