Since Lionshare has already asked what's the most days we've clubbed in a row, how long have you've gone without going to the club. I've gone a year without clubbing but I spent most if that year learning and experiencing the escort game.
From the first day I went to a strip club, I don't know exactly how long I went without clubbing, but I went a large chunk of 2002 without clubbing. All the clubs near me were not only terrible, but were going downhill quickly. Up to November that year, I think I went 4 times, 3 of those being on vacation out of town. At the end of November, I discovered my favorite club, which has more or less held that spot since, sometimes in spite of itself. That was about the only time during my time at my current job when I regularly hung out with people from work weekly, and they did not go to titty bars. The one time I went when I wasn't on vacation was for a coworker's bachelor party. Too bad all those people are gone, except for the bachelor, who eventually ended up in management at work, in spite of himself.
In the last 5 years, the longest I went was 4 months, which can be explained entirely by the fact I had serious health issues.
When I relocated to NV it didn't take long for me to lose interest in the LV clubs so I took a voluntary sabbatical for about a year. Fortunately I eventually needed to travel back to my beloved Cali and I soon learned the joys of the COI clubs, which is where I continue to club now.
Since I do not live close to any clubs and the closest clubs are not worth the cover it can be months between. I club when I travel for business or have time to go to a good clubbing town for fun.
I think one time I was thinking about forgetting going to strip clubs. Then I suddenly started seeing strip clubs on the news with the city talking about shutting down one club or another. It was kind of hard to forget when you keep hearing about it in the news. It was probably anywhere from a month to a few months that I did not visit.
One time a number of years ago, I had a head injury and did not visit for 5 or 6 weeks. My doctor said to avoid alcohol and smoke. Then within weeks I also got stung by a wasp and found out I was slightly allergic. It was a rough time for me.
When I first started I only went with others and it was at least a few months between visits.
last commentIn the last 5 years, the longest I went was 4 months, which can be explained entirely by the fact I had serious health issues.
One time a number of years ago, I had a head injury and did not visit for 5 or 6 weeks. My doctor said to avoid alcohol and smoke. Then within weeks I also got stung by a wasp and found out I was slightly allergic. It was a rough time for me.
When I first started I only went with others and it was at least a few months between visits.