Miss South Carolina Answers a Question and Raises a Question for Me

avatar for jackslash
Miss South Carolina answers a question:


This beauty contestant's answer is funny in itself, but it raised a question for me. This girl is a dead ringer for my new ATF. Should I be scared?


last comment
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Holy shit! Who taught this moron how to breathe?
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
She's hot. As long as she can fuck and suck, who cares if she is dumb.

You have great taste in women my friend.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Once again, Moto is 100%, absolutely correct. You should start an advice column-Dear Moto...
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
txtittyfan is just as bad when he discusses financial matters here, as is jestie214 on the subject of history, and RickyBoyDugan when he explains TheSystem.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
One more argument against South Carolina's long standing underfunding of public education.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I think that she would do well at the Columbia Platinum Plus. :)
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Miss Utah didn't do much better. :)

avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
You'd think these chicks would learn about the past mistakes made at previous pageants and come up with some kind of game plan.
avatar for 10inches
12 years ago
don't care how stupid she might be. I've got something to stuff in her mouth and keep her from talking !!!!
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
When I was in school a bunch of guys made an algorithm that calculate a girls inversely taking into account hair color and tit size. glad to see it still holds true.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Well, it *is* a "scholarship program" after all, so they're just looking for the most qualified, i.e. those who need it the most, applicants.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“Intelligent” women may turn me on intellectually but not necessarily sex-wise.

I’ve had way more fun with “dumb” women than I have with “smart” women (as long as they know what they are doing in the sack).
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
I havent thought about relating how smart a girl is to how she performs in bed. I always go for a girl who can hold a conversation. Im going to search out the dumbest girl I can find on a visit and see what happens. Then ill find the smartest and do the same. Ill report bavk on my experiment.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Why do blondes wear panties?

To keep their ankles warm
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
South Carolina should havr been standing up there with a shirt that says "I wish these were brains"...lol
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Threatened by an intelligent woman guys? Easier to keep an unintelligent one in her place.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
I'm with Alucard. I like a smart woman. But I live a smart-ass woman. I love sarcasm.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Given that alutard is himself a retard, I suspect his bar for "intelligent woman" is somewhat lower bar than it would for the rest of us. For example, compared to alutard, a woman with an IQ of even 85 would be a total genius.

alutard - "Although she rode a short bus like me, it was two rows longer than mine, and she also completed two more years of K-12!"
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
This is from 2007 or about 6 years ago. She botched it big time. I guess she did a good job of perpetuating blonde jokes.
Some contestants in this years pageant botched their answers too but 2007 had to be the number one botch job. I even heard Miss Utah or one contestant say something about improving education. I was thinking, oh no, she studied YouTube film clips from 6 years ago.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I never went to school in South Carolina except for a class associated with work at a nearby college but I do believe they spend plenty of money on the schools where I live. They built all new schools for all the elementary schools and did some remodeling at the High School all in the last 6 years.
avatar for Experimental
12 years ago
I think this girl is more in the unable to perform under pressure group than dumb. There are tons of women, and men, who when under pressure and something unexpected happens just fall apart. That video is what it looks like. It doesn't mean they are dumb though.
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